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Leather Peeling


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Hi, my wife has 05 LS430 which is less than 6 months old.

Leather around/near piping in one area of the driver's seat is peeling.

Anyone experienced this issue? Any quick remedy?

How can this be fixed? Should it be covered under warranty?

This is our 4th Lexus after some hiatus and we are satisfied, but things such as paint (got pinky nail size rock chip) and leather seem to be too easily damaged.

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!

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Hi, my wife has 05 LS430 which is less than 6 months old.

Leather around/near piping in one area of the driver's seat is peeling.

Anyone experienced this issue? Any quick remedy?

How can this be fixed? Should it be covered under warranty?

This is our 4th Lexus after some hiatus and we are satisfied, but things such as paint (got pinky nail size rock chip) and leather seem to be too easily damaged.

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!

Less than 6 months? hell yess the warranty will cover it. its bumper to bumper!. if i just paid around 70K for a car, it woudl be under warranty.

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Hi, my wife has 05 LS430 which is less than 6 months old.

Leather around/near piping in one area of the driver's seat is peeling.

Anyone experienced this issue? Any quick remedy?

How can this be fixed? Should it be covered under warranty?

This is our 4th Lexus after some hiatus and we are satisfied, but things such as paint (got pinky nail size rock chip) and leather seem to be too easily damaged.

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!

Less than 6 months? hell yess the warranty will cover it. its bumper to bumper!. if i just paid around 70K for a car, it woudl be under warranty.

Do not pass go, Go directly to your dealer and have them replace the leather. Don't let them just fix it REPLACE IT. I wouldn't have it any other way. And don't forget to get a LS as a loaner. Don't settle for less.

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I agree, they will definately replace it. It was probably just some freak thing pertaining to the tanning of the leather.

As for demanding an LS as a loaner, thats a little extreme. First of all no dealers have LS' as loaners, so they'd have to give you a lot car to use. You can drive whatever they give you for a day...

Everybody would be a lot happier with the service they get from people if they didn't expect unreasonable things.

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I agree, they will definately replace it. It was probably just some freak thing pertaining to the tanning of the leather.

As for demanding an LS as a loaner, thats a little extreme. First of all no dealers have LS' as loaners, so they'd have to give you a lot car to use. You can drive whatever they give you for a day...

Everybody would be a lot happier with the service they get from people if they didn't expect unreasonable things.

A LS for a loaner is probably out of the question, But I like to stick it to the stealer when I can So I am very demanding just like they are when it comes to paying the bill. Push your dealer for the best/most that they offer. You will be surprised how they react when you start telling them what you expect from them. Good Luck and keep us informed on what happens.

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Why? What purpose does that serve for you? Why stick to to the dealer when they're simply a business providing a service for a profit? If you don't like them, don't use em but don't "stick it to them" or you're no better than mechanics that "stick it to us".

Being around car dealerships for as long as I have I'm a firm believer that a lot of times its the customers fault they have a bad experience because they expect things that aren't reasonable.

Good service is very important to me, and I DEMAND it and everyone who does business with me knows that. They either give me good service or they give me no service at all. Demanding good service does not include insisting on things that are unreasonable or impossible to accomplish. Demanding an LS loaner is unreasonable. For one thing, they don't HAVE to give you a loaner at all. Lexus states that the dealer must give you a loaner for warranty work over 8 hours. It won't take 8 hours to replace that leather or that seat. Dealers give loaners for everything (I get a loaner for an oil change) as an added service. They don't have to do that.

Being in a commission, customer service oriented field myself and having worked with so many dealers maybe I just have a better understanding for their positon than most. When I come across a client or customer that demands unreasonable things I lay out the scope of what I can do for them and what I can't. If they don't feel thats okay I terminate our relationship and I'm a lot better off. If I were the service manager of a dealership and someone beligerantly demanded an LS loaner I would politely explain that these are the loaners we have availiable, he's welcome to choose any of them he likes and he may even inspect them first and if that didn't do it for him I'd give him his keys back and wish him good luck.

Lexus dealers do that too, I've seen them do it and they should.

Us commissioned people do need your business, but there are plenty of reasonable customers out there. Unreasonable customers can go find someone hungry enough to put up with their BS. My philosophy is the time spent catering to some unreasonable person is better spent finding 3 reasonable customers. Thats the business philosophy of most successful businesses.

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Why? What purpose does that serve for you? Why stick to to the dealer when they're simply a business providing a service for a profit? If you don't like them, don't use em but don't "stick it to them" or you're no better than mechanics that "stick it to us".

Being around car dealerships for as long as I have I'm a firm believer that a lot of times its the customers fault they have a bad experience because they expect things that aren't reasonable.

Good service is very important to me, and I DEMAND it and everyone who does business with me knows that. They either give me good service or they give me no service at all. Demanding good service does not include insisting on things that are unreasonable or impossible to accomplish. Demanding an LS loaner is unreasonable. For one thing, they don't HAVE to give you a loaner at all. Lexus states that the dealer must give you a loaner for warranty work over 8 hours. It won't take 8 hours to replace that leather or that seat. Dealers give loaners for everything (I get a loaner for an oil change) as an added service. They don't have to do that.

Being in a commission, customer service oriented field myself and having worked with so many dealers maybe I just have a better understanding for their positon than most. When I come across a client or customer that demands unreasonable things I lay out the scope of what I can do for them and what I can't. If they don't feel thats okay I terminate our relationship and I'm a lot better off. If I were the service manager of a dealership and someone beligerantly demanded an LS loaner I would politely explain that these are the loaners we have availiable, he's welcome to choose any of them he likes and he may even inspect them first and if that didn't do it for him I'd give him his keys back and wish him good luck.

Lexus dealers do that too, I've seen them do it and they should.

Us commissioned people do need your business, but there are plenty of reasonable customers out there. Unreasonable customers can go find someone hungry enough to put up with their BS.

I certainly didn't want to come across as a overly demanding customer, What I am saying is one should always hold there ground and never let the stealer push you around. The customer is usually always right after all it $$$ we are talking about and service is never first .They are in business to make $$$ and we as customers pay there way. As a paying customer I want the best service/treatment just like the guy next to me. As far as understanding a commision based business well that is what you chose to do for your livelyhood, No problem there But you also have to take in to consideration how the rest of us feel. Who take home a salary or hourly wage, So your understanding is one sided on this topic. All is good but there are different strokes for different folks. No offense given and none taken. I have been taken advantage of in the past and am very firm in my convictions. That's all.

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Hi Everyone,

I share dcfish's sentiments. I have found that Lexus dealers have earned their reputation as "Stealers" on this board. I have had numerous run-ins with the dealership over the poor quality of repairs and outright attempts to rip me off. In my experience with Boston-area Lexus dealerships, I see no difference between them and any other make. They are simply more "polished" than others. (i.e. Cheat you with a smile or diplomatically dismiss your concerns when you question their judgement..)

The Service Manager at the local dealership doesn't even trust his other mechanics with my car. He only allows the Shop Foreman to work on it. I can go in depth on how their "other" mechanics have botched repairs for hours. He's apologized to me on several occasions for the acts of his overzealous Service Writers. Nice guy, too bad the ownership won't give him the power he needs to clean house. The only reason they take me seriously is because of my ownership history and the fact I have a track record of successfully prosecuting both area Lexus dealers when they tried to cheat me in the past.

When I pay $100/hr I expect a) A quality repair B) Not to be fleeced c) People who tell me the truth d) No

bush league used car repair tactics. I'm not very sympathetic with the dealers at all. I was just at one of their recommended Body Shops and saw them painting a brand new ES330 (Price Sticker and Plastic wrappings and all)..Think they are going to tell the owner? No...This wasn't a one time event either. I've seen them painting brand new cars on a regular basis.

I'm a Management Consultant and my clients demand an A+ job every time. That's what they pay for. I would never treat my client as the Lexus dealers around here do. There is no excuse for this sort of behavior!


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The issue is not whether you can change the global reputation of Lexus dealers, and certainly characterizing them all as "stealers" is misplaced. I am with Steve on this one. My intention is for the dealer service rep, the mechanic, and the parts rep, to see me, just me, as a reasonable person, who makes requests politely and when needed, firmly, to achieve my goals. I do much of my own work, and they know that, and thereby also know that I will judge their own work as a very informed consumer. Maybe they don't do that with other customers, and I don't care. What happens to me is all that matters, and I will do my best to establish goodwill on their part, and demonstrate it on my part.

At this point, because I have a company account with them for parts ( I have a small repair business), I get all my parts at 15% off when I buy for myself, and 10% off parts and labour when they do the work, and I get to select the mechanic who works on my car, and visit him during the work and pick up my car directly from the repair bay, rather than have it parked in the Toyota lot (it is a dual dealership) after the teenage lot boys have attempted to clean it, which they don't as a result. So for me it works, the repairs are always done to a very high standard, and I get treated well, without any obsequious fawning in an attempt to take more of my money.

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Hi all,

Maybe they don't do that with other customers, and I don't care. What happens to me is all that matters, and I will do my best to establish goodwill on their part, and demonstrate it on my part.

You've just illustrated my point. You shouldn't have to do any of those things to insure you have a good service experience. That is no way to run a company of any sort. I, too am an informed customer and have to take similar steps to ensure the job is done properly.

My point is that this shouldn't happen to begin with..This isn't some backstreet repair shop, it's a Lexus dealer charging you top dollar. If someone wants to charge me top dollar, then I expect my experience to reflect what I paid for. They routinely give me a 10% discount on parts and labor. This past time the Asst Service Manager reduced the Fan Clutch and Thermostat repair from $600 to $375 in light of the thousands I've spent in Service over the past year. That is called Service, and he's the only reason I continue to go to that dealership and let them off easy for what they messed up last time.

While I don't advocate being unreasonable, I do think they need to reminded who they are working for from time to time. While I'm not hostile with them, they know I have high expectations given what I pay. That isn't backed up by any "goodwill" but the threat of action if things are not done properly. It's become an adversarial relationship solely due to their own actions in the past.

I shouldn't have to deal with Service Writer pushing for $4,000 in unneeded suspension work, charging me $2,250 and NOT fixing the problem, giving me a car with Trim pieces shoved underneath the hood? Repairs done of such poor quality I had to return to the dealer 7 times to get it done right? Body work done by their contractor that peels within a year? Or should I have to deal with Service Managers who claim they will continue to change parts at will and charge me $$$ for it. (This is after collecting $3,000!!)

Fool me once Shame on You, Fool me Twice, Shame on Me!


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I certainly didn't want to come across as a overly demanding customer, What I am saying is one should always hold there ground and never let the stealer push you around. The customer is usually always right after all it $$$ we are talking about and service is never first .They are in business to make $$$ and we as customers pay there way. As a paying customer I want the best service/treatment just like the guy next to me. As far as understanding a commision based business well that is what you chose to do for your livelyhood, No problem there But you also have to take in to consideration how the rest of us feel. Who take home a salary or hourly wage, So your understanding is one sided on this topic. All is good but there are different strokes for different folks. No offense given and none taken. I have been taken advantage of in the past and am very firm in my convictions. That's all.

I agree, but this is a two way street. If you demand good service and honest and fair dealing from the dealership than you have to be honest and fair with them back. Being fair includes agreeing to pay a fair price for the services rendered, and also not demanding things of the dealership that are unreasonable or that would be impossible or needlessly difficult to do. Asking for an LS loaner when they don't even have any LS loaners is an unreasonable request and it is impossible for the dealer to do. Hence, demanding it from them is unfair.

I'm not saying anything wrong about commission work, I would never be interested in working for a salary that wasn't $150k+, and probably not even that until I wanted to slow down. Its my choice and I prefer it. It is however uniquely difficult and there is a very incorrect assumption that people who work on commission are rich. Thats not the case, most people are very poor indeed. This includes service writers, car salespeople, Realtors, Insurance salespeople, etc. The majority never make a decent living at it and give it up. It is very hard, just something to remember when you deal with them.

Sam, I agree and you should communicate with Lexus corporate to let them know about your concerns as well as talking with your feet and not patronizing dealerships whose service you're not happy with. Still doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't be unreasonable with your demands to car dealerships.

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Hi all,

Maybe they don't do that with other customers, and I don't care. What happens to me is all that matters, and I will do my best to establish goodwill on their part, and demonstrate it on my part.

You've just illustrated my point. You shouldn't have to do any of those things to insure you have a good service experience. That is no way to run a company of any sort. I, too am an informed customer and have to take similar steps to ensure the job is done properly.

My point is that this shouldn't happen to begin with..This isn't some backstreet repair shop, it's a Lexus dealer charging you top dollar. If someone wants to charge me top dollar, then I expect my experience to reflect what I paid for. They routinely give me a 10% discount on parts and labor. This past time the Asst Service Manager reduced the Fan Clutch and Thermostat repair from $600 to $375 in light of the thousands I've spent in Service over the past year. That is called Service, and he's the only reason I continue to go to that dealership and let them off easy for what they messed up last time.

While I don't advocate being unreasonable, I do think they need to reminded who they are working for from time to time. While I'm not hostile with them, they know I have high expectations given what I pay. That isn't backed up by any "goodwill" but the threat of action if things are not done properly. It's become an adversarial relationship solely due to their own actions in the past.

I shouldn't have to deal with Service Writer pushing for $4,000 in unneeded suspension work, charging me $2,250 and NOT fixing the problem, giving me a car with Trim pieces shoved underneath the hood? Repairs done of such poor quality I had to return to the dealer 7 times to get it done right? Body work done by their contractor that peels within a year? Or should I have to deal with Service Managers who claim they will continue to change parts at will and charge me $$$ for it. (This is after collecting $3,000!!)

Fool me once Shame on You, Fool me Twice, Shame on Me!


Thanx for all the support, I for one will NEVER back down from any institution that deems themselves right over the consumer, That would simply prove my point, I, As a paying consumer literally run there business, Those of you who condone there wills and ways to rip off the consumer will ultimately become a rip off yourself [ or at least condone the negative activity of bad business ], There are unfortunately two sides of the fence [ man made ] but you know that the grass on both sides is the same. So take your "I am in favor of the stealer/big business attitude" And rethink it. After all We the people have the ultimate power. I will stand my ground to the end, So go pay and patronise the stealer and eat there doughnuts and expensive coffee but when all is said and done remember this, You are the one that chose to drive what you drive and you are in control of your own future. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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what happenened to the original topic?

Unfortunatly, Threads go awray, It happens all the time. If threads stayed on topic boredom would probably set in. It is all in good conversation/fun/and really keeping the boards on the web alive. So join in and have fun, Just don't cuss and be understanding of others. Have a good time :cheers:

FK, I think my new hip has something to do with my posts, Damn, I guess you just have to go through it to understand. It is truly the best tranportation that is on this earth. [ Walking ] God, We are so fortunate to be able to move forward in a physical way, Much less drive through it. God Bless!!!!!!!!

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Thanx for all the support, I for one will NEVER back down from any institution that deems themselves right over the consumer, That would simply prove my point, I, As a paying consumer literally run there business, Those of you who condone there wills and ways to rip off the consumer will ultimately become a rip off yourself [ or at least condone the negative activity of bad business ], There are unfortunately two sides of the fence [ man made ] but you know that the grass on both sides is the same. So take your "I am in favor of the stealer/big business attitude" And rethink it. After all We the people have the ultimate power. I will stand my ground to the end, So go pay and patronise the stealer and eat there doughnuts and expensive coffee but when all is said and done remember this, You are the one that chose to drive what you drive and you are in control of your own future. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one is "condoning the big business stealer attitude" as you put it. We're simply saying that a dealership is simply a business run by people, if you treat them with respect and understand the limitations of what they can do for you and not demand that they go outside of those limitations then there is no reason to not expect wonderful service coming back at you. They're just people, and if you have good people they're not going to try and rip you off. If you go around expecting everyone to be trying to rip you off, then everybody's going to try and rip you off.

It sounds to me like you feel entitled to have everyone around you move heaven and earth for you and haven't figured out that you're not worth it. No customer is deserving of the right to be disrespectful or unreasonable towards a business they patronize and customers like that aren't worth trying to keep for these reasons:

1. They reduce the business' ability to efficiently transact business because they always find problems or create problems when there are none, they take up time of many different officials in the business such as supervisors etc.

2. They will never be pleasable because they don't want to be satisfied with the service the dealership can reasonably deliver.

3. They will never be loyal customers and you will never recicve any referrals.

In short, the business' resources are wasted on customers like that so its best to cut them loose and concentrate on your better customers.

Honestly I don't think theres anything the dealership could do to make you happy because of your attitude, you are the quintissential example of a customer that creates their own poor and stressful car dealership experience IMHO.

As for the original topic, best thing to do is just to take it back to the dealer you bought it from and give them the opportunity to fix it. I'm sure they will.

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Thanx for all the support, I for one will NEVER back down from any institution that deems themselves right over the consumer, That would simply prove my point, I, As a paying consumer literally run there business, Those of you who condone there wills and ways to rip off the consumer will ultimately become a rip off yourself [ or at least condone the negative activity of bad business ], There are unfortunately two sides of the fence [ man made ] but you know that the grass on both sides is the same. So take your "I am in favor of the stealer/big business attitude" And rethink it. After all We the people have the ultimate power. I will stand my ground to the end, So go pay and patronise the stealer and eat there doughnuts and expensive coffee but when all is said and done remember this, You are the one that chose to drive what you drive and you are in control of your own future. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one is "condoning the big business stealer attitude" as you put it. We're simply saying that a dealership is simply a business run by people, if you treat them with respect and understand the limitations of what they can do for you and not demand that they go outside of those limitations then there is no reason to not expect wonderful service coming back at you. They're just people, and if you have good people they're not going to try and rip you off. If you go around expecting everyone to be trying to rip you off, then everybody's going to try and rip you off.

It sounds to me like you feel entitled to have everyone around you move heaven and earth for you and haven't figured out that you're not worth it. No customer is deserving of the right to be disrespectful or unreasonable towards a business they patronize and customers like that aren't worth trying to keep for these reasons:

1. They reduce the business' ability to efficiently transact business because they always find problems or create problems when there are none, they take up time of many different officials in the business such as supervisors etc.

2. They will never be pleasable because they don't want to be satisfied with the service the dealership can reasonably deliver.

3. They will never be loyal customers and you will never recicve any referrals.

In short, the business' resources are wasted on customers like that so its best to cut them loose and concentrate on your better customers.

Honestly I don't think theres anything the dealership could do to make you happy because of your attitude, you are the quintissential example of a customer that creates their own poor and stressful car dealership experience IMHO.

As for the original topic, best thing to do is just to take it back to the dealer you bought it from and give them the opportunity to fix it. I'm sure they will.

It sounds to me like you feel entitled to have everyone around you move heaven and earth for you and haven't figured out that you're not worth it.

Who are you to pass judjment on me? If you feel that I am not worth it, Then you must be in the same boat. I am thouroughy disgusted with your opinions and high handed attitude. Ban me, I have all the time in the world and am very popular on many other forums, I have contributed to these forums more so than 99% of the members. Take a look at your position and reconsider your last post. My feelings will never be hurt nor will they ever change. It's been a nice ride. Love my LEX See Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not too sure if I'm replying to the right post, but here goes.

I'm in the car business as a broker and the customer is definately NOT "always right." I actually wish more dealers would stand up to pushy, obnoxious, uneducated customers who think that just because they're dropping a few green backs here and there can demand the world! I always try my best to do what's right, but I'm telling you, people are getting more and more ridiculous to work with. If an individual decides to use the service dept. at a Lexus dealer, they dang well better be prepared to pay top dollar for that service. These are not "non-profit" organizations and no one holds a gun to your head forcing you into their service bays!


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I'm not too sure if I'm replying to the right post, but here goes.

I'm in the car business as a broker and the customer is definately NOT "always right." I actually wish more dealers would stand up to pushy, obnoxious, uneducated customers who think that just because they're dropping a few green backs here and there can demand the world! I always try my best to do what's right, but I'm telling you, people are getting more and more ridiculous to work with. If an individual decides to use the service dept. at a Lexus dealer, they dang well better be prepared to pay top dollar for that service. These are not "non-profit" organizations and no one holds a gun to your head forcing you into their service bays!


you have to understand where the customer is coming from too tho...but at the same token...even if i just paid $80,000 or MORE for a 2006 LS430, i would demand the best service possible...nothing more.

compromises have to be made in life, and the sooner some of these unruly unsatisfyable customers realize that, then the better off the world will be.

Edited by ArmyofOne
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Damn DC,

Think about your replies and see if they "don't" fit into your "heartfelt" feelings. You are a great and often admired contributor to this forum and I would hate to see you go away and know in your heart of hearts that you were lashing out at something "else" and did not really mean what you said. SWO3 and the others have very valid points. Please don't get *BLEEP*ed and go away. You are truly a great "contributer" to the forum and I, for one would stick with you if you were right, but in this instance I think that apologies are in order as you labored your point. Hell, we all get emotional once in a while but would be amiss if we could not appreciate the other point of view. "Fair and Balanced" For your luck and 2006 let's start anew, don't go away DC... let this one ride........... your friend , Ralph. :cheers:

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Double Damn Army!! I am starting to worry about you too!!!! Love you guys, Ralph :cries:

OK, Chalk it up to a bad day. Army let's go have a :cheers: and forget about it. Better days coming. Blah Blah Blah.

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Double Damn Army!! I am starting to worry about you too!!!! Love you guys, Ralph :cries:

OK, Chalk it up to a bad day. Army let's go have a :cheers: and forget about it. Better days coming. Blah Blah Blah.

sure thing mangh. :D

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Double Damn Army!! I am starting to worry about you too!!!! Love you guys, Ralph :cries:

OK, Chalk it up to a bad day. Army let's go have a :cheers: and forget about it. Better days coming. Blah Blah Blah.

sure thing mangh. :D

:cheers: ;)

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Yeah, that is one thing that really suprised me about my old 90' LS400. I bought it when it was 13 years old and the leather interior was still in very good shape, despite being a Florida car, but it was garaged a lot. I also kept Lexol on it, as well as towels over the tops of the back seats. The tops of the rear headrests and back seat was not very soft however. Probably cracked by now, as that was about 2 years ago. In that one front seat photo, it looks like a hole on the Lexus, but that is just a glare.

Here are some photos of the leather seats on my 90' LS400. Obviously was taken care of.

After is a rear seat photo of my 85' Mercedes, as well as a instrument panel photo. In 85' leather was optional on all save for the 500SEL and 500SEC, where leather was standard, but the standard material on the other models was the "MB-Tex", which was like leather, but was much mroe durable. It is virtually impossible to wear this out. As you can see, the interior is still like new- the front seats are also in the same condition. What I do dislike however is that the headliner on these older Mercedes are prone to discolor, and the dash pads are known for cracking. Also, the material on the "B" pillars are well known for coming loose, as is the case on most all 70s early 90s Mercedes.

As you can see on mine, the PO installed a custom dash cover, as mine has a couple of cracks. It fits good, so I just left it installed. Also photos of the front seats on the Benz, as you can see, I put covers on them as well, just for extra protection.







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