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Ink On Wheel

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Hi all,

Didn't know a pen had exploded in my hand until I saw it after I got out of the car There are large ink spots on the wooden part of my wheel. (And, sigh, seat belt). :blink: How should I clean this off my 2005? I've yet to clean the wheel since I got car.

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Getting the ink off the wood should be a breeze ;) just use a simple cleaner (make sure it's not something with a citric smell; it's most likely to take off the acrylic coat on the wheel (makes it shine). First try a damp cloth and move up from there. B)

If the ink got on the leather part of the wheel forget it! It bleeds in and is a pain to remove, especially if it's a dark color. My wife got nail polish on my rx330 and i can't get it off!! It's just a small stain; like the size of a penny :o ...I've tried everything. Nothing will get that red off the tan leather....Nail polish remover :huh: dah. but didn't come off totally. I tried pure acetone, only stained the leather darker, even bleach; yeah don't do that it makes the leather whitish. ERRRRR

Good luck getting it off :P

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Getting the ink off the wood should be a breeze ;)  just use a simple cleaner (make sure it's not something with a citric smell; it's most likely to take off the acrylic coat on the wheel (makes it shine). First try a damp cloth and move up from there. B)

If the ink got on the leather part of the wheel forget it! It bleeds in and is a pain to remove, especially if it's a dark color. My wife got nail polish on my rx330 and i can't get it off!! It's just a small stain; like the size of a penny :o  ...I've tried everything. Nothing will get that red off the tan leather....Nail polish remover  :huh: dah. but didn't come off totally. I tried pure acetone, only stained the leather darker, even bleach; yeah don't do that it makes the leather whitish. ERRRRR

Good luck getting it off  :P

Nail polish? Was she painting her nails right before she got into your RX or was she painting them in the car, hehe (j/k). Can't blame her for the latter, a Lexus interior is very comfortable :D .

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The wood will probably be easy, some sort of plastic cleaner like Plexus will take that off.

As for the seatbelt I'd take it to a professional detailer that specializes in stain removal. There are certain cleaners that you can use that will remove ink stains right away.

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Getting the ink off the wood should be a breeze ;)  just use a simple cleaner (make sure it's not something with a citric smell; it's most likely to take off the acrylic coat on the wheel (makes it shine). First try a damp cloth and move up from there. B)

If the ink got on the leather part of the wheel forget it! It bleeds in and is a pain to remove, especially if it's a dark color. My wife got nail polish on my rx330 and i can't get it off!! It's just a small stain; like the size of a penny :o  ...I've tried everything. Nothing will get that red off the tan leather....Nail polish remover  :huh: dah. but didn't come off totally. I tried pure acetone, only stained the leather darker, even bleach; yeah don't do that it makes the leather whitish. ERRRRR

Good luck getting it off  :P

Nail polish? Was she painting her nails right before she got into your RX or was she painting them in the car, hehe (j/k). Can't blame her for the latter, a Lexus interior is very comfortable :D .

she was putting it on while she was in the car LOL Multi-tasking never works

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Have you tried that yourself? I ask because its a common fallacy that Coke dissolves lots of stuff that it doesnt actually do.

there was a lot of pen ink on my desk and i accidentally spilled my coke all over... the ink vanished right before my eyes.

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Coke doesn't exactly "dissolve" the ink. It acts like bleach. It "bleaches" some stains (not sure about pen ink). Dissolving is saying that it makes it into an aqueous solution (water soluble). This would still leave the color behind.

The carbolic acid is very powerful and can decay the stain. Have you ever heard of what it can do to a tooth in a day? WOW i will never drink soda again.....

I’d believe it could get rid of an ink stain. Acid is very powerful if you use it incorrectly. Don’t think of what it does when you drink mass amounts of it!!

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Here ya go, its tongue in cheek but I'll find more:


Heres a more professional one:


Also do you ever watch Mythbusters? Its a fun show but they also do a lot of good science using sound scientific methodologies and they found Coke didnt do 90% of what people thought it would do.

Here's a paper written by a brainy looking little girl...


Sure EVENTUALLY Coke will effect the strcuture of a tooth, but how many people soak their teeth in coke every night?

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Here ya go, its tongue in cheek but I'll find more:


Heres a more professional one:


Also do you ever watch Mythbusters? Its a fun show but they also do a lot of good science using sound scientific methodologies and they found Coke didnt do 90% of what people thought it would do.

Here's a paper written by a brainy looking little girl...


Sure EVENTUALLY Coke will effect the strcuture of a tooth, but how many people soak their teeth in coke every night?

Maybe this will help: :


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Thats one of the fallacies, that it will dissolve a tooth in a day and other things wont. There have been scientific tests and I've seen tests firsthand, thats a myth.

I'd like yo ask you a question; have you ever "done" these tests first hand? I have been a chemist for over 20 years and have delt with many different chemicals (obviously) and would know a lot about this topic. Well actually i do......

Coke type drinks contain phosphoric acid as well as carbolic acid. That old saw about putting your tooth in a glass of coke in the evening and it won't be there in the morning IS true. Any dummy with a bottle of coke and a "fresh" tooth (not from someone who has drunk coke before b/c their enamel is no longer there) can do this experiment. So you haven't got a spare tooth? Try some raw meat cut thin and put it in a dish covered with one of those canned liquids overnight. The coke will dissolve the raw meat! What do you think happens when you put coke in your stomach? And the Diet stuff contains Aspartame, previously sold from chemical supply houses (where i am 8 hours a day) with a skull and crossbones on it (representing a posion if you didn't know <_< ). Talk about stimulation! Aspartame eats the pipes out in the manufacturing plant. They have to be replaced several times a year. The Teflon coated pump impellers are eaten up monthly. Nothing touches Teflon! Are you sure it and/or the phosphoric acid don't eat on the inside coating of the aluminum can? They do! You just can't tell b/c the "expiraton date" is only about a month AFTER IT IS PRODUCED! The acid loses it's half life after this time a little bit, therefore won't be as powerful, or taste as....good??....Huhhh....Just think about the soft inside of your stomach? This acid has a long term effect and can be a leader of Alzheimer's. But sometimes it can actually cure other conditions if the stomach has a pH of more than it's supposed to. This means that the stomach isn't as acidic as it's supposed to be....This condition only occurs @ about 1/100 people. Also drinking a too large amount of coke can DECREASE your stomach pH (makes your stomach TOO acidic). This will mess up your digestive system and prevent your body from working properly. It also is a leader in heart burn. That's why when you have heart burn, you take an antacid ( a base aka a high pH aka low acidity). This levels out the acidity to even.

sorry to bring my work into the message board but i had to......Do you really want to put coke on your seat belt?? ;)

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Here ya go, its tongue in cheek but I'll find more:


Heres a more professional one:


Also do you ever watch Mythbusters? Its a fun show but they also do a lot of good science using sound scientific methodologies and they found Coke didnt do 90% of what people thought it would do.

Here's a paper written by a brainy looking little girl...


Sure EVENTUALLY Coke will effect the strcuture of a tooth, but how many people soak their teeth in coke every night?

Also for the experiments that you put in this post"

- A sugar cube IS NOT ANY WAY NEAR a tooth. The chemical formula for table sugar is C12 H22 O11. This means that there are 12 atoms of carbon, 22 atoms of hydrogen and 11 atoms of oxygen.

- The chemical formula for a tooth (similar to bone) is Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH). This means that it has 5 atoms of calcium, 3 atoms of Phosphorous, 12 atoms of oxygen, 1 atom of fluorine, chlorine and hydroxyl.

As you can see, the only similarities b/t a sugar cube and a tooth is oxygen...did i mention that coke has oxygen in it!! So does AIR!! So this experiment is sooo fake.........

your second site doesn't even state that it PROVED anything!! It only inferred that conclusion because of what it can't do to other things..such as meat which it will affect....

And the last site is all wrong...she only used phosphoric acid solutions! she forgot all the other (over 4,000) chemicals in Coke including carbolic acid! So her experiment was not valid.

BOTTOM LINE: "COKE" itself WILL decay a tooth and many other things (depending on time and size etc) over time. It's an ACID and is an extremely dangerous chemical. It's adictive by the way..It's a stimulant drug....It contains chemicals in glues, paints and in oil.....

but i have never tested coke on a seat belt; so if you wanna go for it, go for it... Personally i wouldn't but that's just me.....

good luck with your decision.......

P.S: coke is very sticky so you micht want to clean the belt after applying it... ;)

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Yes I have done this experiment myself, coke will not dissolve a tooth overnight. I've seen it with my own eyes. It will dissolve a tooth in time but so will orange juice, water, milk, and any other liquid. Its a common grade school experiment.

Chemist or not, you're off the mark here. Coke may contain carbolic acid, and carbolic acid may dissolve teeth and be poisonous in certain quantities but apparently the concentrations arent there in coke. Again, seen it myself.

Are you sure it and/or the phosphoric acid don't eat on the inside coating of the aluminum can? They do! You just can't tell b/c the "expiraton date" is only about a month AFTER IT IS PRODUCED!

This is also not true, I have a friend that collects cans of coke, he's had FULL cans of coke for decades, and the coke is still in the can. Expiration dates on canned sodas are definately longer than one month. Thats absurd.

Its a soda, billions of people have been drinking it for years. Putting it on your seat belto for 30 seconds isn't going to eat through it.

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Yes I have done this experiment myself, coke will not dissolve a tooth overnight. I've seen it with my own eyes. It will dissolve a tooth in time but so will orange juice, water, milk, and any other liquid. Its a common grade school experiment.

Chemist or not, you're off the mark here. Coke may contain carbolic acid, and carbolic acid may dissolve teeth and be poisonous in certain quantities but apparently the concentrations arent there in coke. Again, seen it myself.

Are you sure it and/or the phosphoric acid don't eat on the inside coating of the aluminum can? They do! You just can't tell b/c the "expiraton date" is only about a month AFTER IT IS PRODUCED!

This is also not true, I have a friend that collects cans of coke, he's had FULL cans of coke for decades, and the coke is still in the can. Expiration dates on canned sodas are definately longer than one month. Thats absurd.

Its a soda, billions of people have been drinking it for years. Putting it on your seat belto for 30 seconds isn't going to eat through it.

After time the coke's acidity (half life of the acid) goes down as i said before. If you kept replacing the coke in the can it would eventually dissolve the aluminum within weeks/months dependig on the temperature etc. Aluminum is one of the softest/most reactant metals next to copper and mercury.

Also with the comment about 30 seconds on a seat belt; if you put a substance on an object such as a seat belt, it will get absorbed. It will be in the fabric and be there for a long time. I know this doesn't sound bad, but it is...... Coke is not a natural founding chemical, and was chemically created using CO2 and over 4,000 other chemicals! All chemically bonded (meaning they don't like each other :P ). When a reaction like this occurs, BAD THINGS HAPPEN....

and i'm sure the tooth you used was not fresh. By this i mean that it was not attached to a mouth w/ roots. After even such time as 1 hour the tooth enamel will harden and after every sip of coke it will get dissolved.

All i know is that the chemicals in Coke are harmful, and i do know from 22 years experience and 6 years from 2 colleges, that carboloc acid and phosphoric acid can decay a tooth!! LOL.........THESE ARE ACIDS!!!!!!! Common sense....LOL

also for these and many other reactions to occur, oxygen muct be present. If you have a tooth in 2 inches of coke, not much O2 can reach it. So drinking it would probably be worse ;) This is just an educated hypothesis.

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Yes I have done this experiment myself, coke will not dissolve a tooth overnight. I've seen it with my own eyes. It will dissolve a tooth in time but so will orange juice, water, milk, and any other liquid. Its a common grade school experiment.

Chemist or not, you're off the mark here. Coke may contain carbolic acid, and carbolic acid may dissolve teeth and be poisonous in certain quantities but apparently the concentrations arent there in coke. Again, seen it myself.

Are you sure it and/or the phosphoric acid don't eat on the inside coating of the aluminum can? They do! You just can't tell b/c the "expiraton date" is only about a month AFTER IT IS PRODUCED!

This is also not true, I have a friend that collects cans of coke, he's had FULL cans of coke for decades, and the coke is still in the can. Expiration dates on canned sodas are definately longer than one month. Thats absurd.

Its a soda, billions of people have been drinking it for years. Putting it on your seat belto for 30 seconds isn't going to eat through it.

Oh, and the consentrations of the acids in coke etc is high enough..about 90% 10%water. it also depends on how much you drink as well......I don't think you know this, but when you drink a substance other than water or nutrients, it stays in your body for a long time. Eventually your kidneys will collect it and transport it out of the body...but with carbolic acid, it stays much longer in your stomach.

If you were to look at a bottle of soda and see every one of those bubbles, you're looking at CO2 (what you exhale). Do you really want that re-entering your body!?! In your stomach!?! Just a thought......

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I'm not saying its good for you, but it doesn't kill people and its not going to eat through his seatbelt.

no, no, no it deffiently won't eat through the seatbelt!! ;) I didn't say that.....Coke won't kill anyone, it's just bad for you to drink after a while........

I just wouldn't put it on a seatbelt b/c it's not extactly the purest cleaner in the world LOL. There are other solutions you know.... ;)

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