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I've searched just for fun alot on what the 0-60 is on an sc400...specifically a 96, but never get a definitive answer. If anyone knows what a stock sc gets with overdrive off and in power, that'd be cool. I guess I should just time it myself, but never do!

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Turning O/D off and power mode won't do anything to your 0-60 times. All the O/D button does is allows the trans to use 4th gear, and the power button just changes how much throttle position it requires for the trans to change down a gear. At WOT it makes no difference.

Now on my best two 1/4 mile times (one with full stereo, the other with stereo removed and some seats removed).... if you graph the data and interpolate from it, it looks like I was getting about 7.5 seconds 0-60 or so. 1/4 mile is a better measure of a cars power anyway, and I got 15.420 and 15.230 respectively.



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