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My New 2005 Es


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Hey Everybody! Just got my 2005 ES yesterday and am very excited (but very nervous driving it!) My question is this: Does the way the car drives "improve" after you break it in, or does a Lexus need not to be "broken in". The acceleration and brakes feel awkward compared to my 1994 ES. A friend of mine with a Honda Pilot said that the dealership told her not to exceed 50 miles per hour until the car had about 500 miles on it. Is this a good idea? There is a definite hesitation upon acceleration like everyone with the 2003 models seem to be talking about..I just am not sure if the reason is because it's new. Thanks in advance for your input. Everyone has been so helpful. Thanks- Ashley

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Having driven a 2003 ES and comparing it to my '96 ES, its clear that the two of them are very different cars. The brakes on the new ES are tighter, with less travel being required to engage the brakes. The gas pedal is also quite different. I think its just something that you will get used to, since most new Lexus' I have driven are like this.

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There is a definite hesitation upon acceleration like everyone with the 2003 models seem to be talking about..I just am not sure if the reason is because it's new.

Get used to it.....it ain't going to go away! ;)

Good luck with your new purchase anyway. :D

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hiya i too got my 2005 ES330 yesterday, i must say its one smooth car. i also felt the lag when pressing on the gas, but i feel its no big problem. when coming out of low speed (almost stopping) i was stepping on the gas pedal pretty hard to accelerate and really felt the lag and alittle lurching. but when i press the pedal softly the car would lag, but was smooth as butter. the lag was less then one second. i would like the brake to be more sensitive like the honda accord and the rav four. when i tested the accord it had no lag (v6 model) the car took off as soon as my foot touched the gas pedal(even made the tires squeek). i dont know if the accord has the electronic throttle control or not. i'll take the ES over it any day.

the lexus dealer told me the ES didn't need a breaking period. in the manual it says not to rev to high, don't break to hard and don't drive at a constant speed for 1000 miles. i would like to thank SW03ES for giving advice on how to use the E-Throttle :D i hope you enjoy your new car ashley. cheers :cheers:

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With regard to break in, Lexus owners manuals have always recommended to drive gently with no full throttle acceleration, no abrupt stops and no constant speed driving and to not drive faster than 65 MPH.

On the other hand, Lexus emphasis's that these recommendations are of trivial importance to drivetrain longevity compared to keeping up with scheduled maintenance over the life of the car.

If you go to lexus.com and click on Owners and register as an owner, you will have access to a huge 318 question Owner FAQ. Here's what the FAQ says about break-in:

Engine Break-In Period

Question: What does Lexus recommend for the engine break-in period?


Lexus Official Answer:  The engine of your new Lexus vehicle is made with industry leading precision and quality. As a result, the break-in procedures listed in the Owner's Manual for a brand new Lexus are optional. While following these procedures may help to optimize engine performance and engine longevity over the life of the engine, these potential benefits are marginal compared to the benefits that result from ensuring that recommended maintenance is performed as scheduled.

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The manual on new Lexus' specifies that no break in period is neccisary. I'd take it easy for the first few hundred miles, but after that I wouldn't worry.

Congrats on your cars Ashley and Rob, we need to see some pics! What colors did you choose?

One thing I've noticed about Lexuses is that they tend to wear in like a really nice pair of shoes. It will continue to feel smoother and become more comfortable as you get used to driving it and the seat begins to mold to your shape. Mine has 30k+ on it now and it rides better than new ES' I get as loaners. It will definately "wear in". These cars are meant to be driven for years and years and anyone who doesn't do that is really cheating themself out of the experience. Even my dad who has ALWAYS traded cars within 3 years 70k miles kept his 98 LS400 for 5 1/2 years and 160,000 miles and hated to give it up even then but his company wanted him to get something newer and cheaper to maintain, so he got a new LS430.

The new ES is also a very different car that your 94, its designed to feel heavier and more like an LS where your 94 was designed to be the sporty sedan in the lineup.

As for the hesitation it'll always be there, but you CAN learn to drive around it by being smooth and precise on the throttle.

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Thanks Everyone for your replies. It really cleared things up for me. Congrats to Rob on the purchase of his new car. I chose the oasis green pearl with cashmere interior. I have always loved the mystic green of the 03-04 models...this is a little darker, but pretty nonetheless.

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I usually go fairly gently for the first 1,000 miles & try to vary your speeds & stay off the highways for that period if you can.....if you have to use the highway, just do the speed limit & don't hammer the gas. Same with the breaks to give everything a chance to 'seat'. B) Post pics when you can! :)


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I believe those gentle first 500 miles benefit your tire treads and your brake linings as much as they do the engine. My guess is the recommendation to vary your speeds in that period have more to do with the engine than other things. I follow both of them religiously ever since I an MG TF back in the 1950s. All new cars have consequently lasted as long as I wanted them to.

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