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New Tint


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I just picked up my car from the new tint job. I went for the graphite color w/ slight reflectivity ( I didn't want the mirror look). I opted for 35% all the way around (even though you are not supposed to go over 50% on the fronts in VA).

Overall it really looks good. I do have some small lines in the back that run parallel to the defroster lines (one on each side of the defroster line). They installer told me that the defroster lines on most Lexus models are painted on rather thick and to give it a few days to "bake on". If the lines are still there than he told me to bring it back in.

I would post some pics, but my car is really dirty now and I don't think I'll wash it again until Ivan's backwash has blown through. Maybe next week.

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nice man. I dont remember what color ES you have. I have a black one, and tint looks awesome on it. Did 22 in back and 50 in front.

Front tint is illegal in Michigan, excpet for 4 inches from the top. Ive had it for a year and no cop has ever noticed. Plus 50 isnt that dark.

I think luxury cars get away with tint usually more than the normal cars like grand am's and crap that tint thier cars. Cops seem to have an act for noticing those kinda cars more.

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I think luxury cars get away with tint usually more than the normal cars like grand am's and crap that tint thier cars. Cops seem to have an act for noticing those kinda cars more.

Agreed. For some reason that does seem to be the case.

I think it also has something to do with the way you drive. Although I do have a lead foot, I don't weave in and out of lanes, nor do I pump up the bass so loud that every car at the stoplight can feel it.

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