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Everything posted by LexLuthor400

  1. Just because there are people living off the system doesn't mean that we can use that as an excuse to avoid the issue. Yes you can afford to have health insurance, but not GOOD health insurance. People still worry about their healthcare and paying for doctors visits, still don't go to the doctor when they really should. No dental coverage of any benefit. Even if a policy has a $5,000 out of pocket maximum $5,000 is still a lot of money to most families. Its not good enough. I have a client who is experiencing some weird nerve issue where he cannot talk or move his arms. They discharged him yesterday before they figured out what the issue was and before he could move his limbs because his HMO, not his doctor, decided that he had been in the hospital long enough. THATS the healthcare we can afford. You may have to pay for your kids and spouses but you buy into your company's plan which is better than any of us can get I would bet, and you buy in at the group rate! I bet your company has more than 5 employees too. if I wanted to offer good insurance to my employees it would cost me $4-5k/mo, and thats with them paying some too. Can't afford that. Don't preach to me about responsibilities. Yes its their responsibility and they all have health coverage, but they coverage still leaves them very vulnerable. Medicare isn't perfect, but its better than nothing. My mother isn't yet Medicare age and my father's Medicare is FAR better than her coverage for herself. Spending so much money? My Mom has a $2,500 deductible and just her coverage is still that high. They are rich, so they have the option of choosing a better plan. Most people are not as fortunate. Most people have to deal with Medicare and maybe they can afford some cheap supplimental, but probably not. If they get sick...they can't afford the out of pocket maximum so they don't go to the doctor. If there were no medicare what do you think these people would do? Thats not really true. My mother owns a medical claims processing business and most doctors still take most plans, unless they live in a very wealthy area and can afford to demand self-pay. In Bethesda for instance...few doctors take Blue Cross...almost everyone takes Medicare because they are actually faster to pay and pay more in general than the private insurers. So I guess the government doesn't do it so bad afterall. According to her, and she would know, Medicare claims are the easiest to get processed and get the doctors paid on...and in many cases they pay the doctors more! Yeah, your employer pays for your healthcare and yopu pay $12,000 per year just for your spouse and children. Thats crazy! Glad you can pay for it....lots of other people aren't so fortunate. Where's your source that Canada's system is running out of money? What about England...France...Canada is not the only system that has a subsidized healthcare plan...in fact like I said we are the only country that doesn't. Yeah I've seen the pay scale for doctors in other countries...its not bad. What you fail to realize is that while you may have to pay out slightly higher in taxes (if you make more than $250,000 per year) but the hope is your overall healthcare costs will go down... TORT reform is neccisary too, but its not the complete problem and you have to start somewhere. Its a totally different thing and you know that. I am selling them a house...not giving them a heart transplant or a mammogram to keep them alive. The real estate and mortgage industries as a whole operate to avoid the very things that happened here because long term its bad for business. The National Association of Realtors is one of the most honorable trade associations I've ever seen. Insurance companies don't operate that way, you've said it yourself. Their lobby is...not one of the most honorable trade associations I've ever seen. People have been pointing fingers for 40 years...its time for something to be DONE. Enough with pointing fingers. Have you read the proposals? They're actually pretty good and the public option isn't even a part of all of them. Thats the problem, everyone wants the government to solve their problems! Please find me one government run program that runs efficiently and without deeper and deeper operating deficits! Our government has an uncanny ability at taxing their way into deeper debt, am I right? Tort reform is the only way to solve this 'problem'. If Americans were not so lawsuit happy, maybe doctors would not be forced to buy insurance, which the cost of, is just passed onto the patient in the end anyways. So there IS a real solution to the problem, but its not more taxes or more spending, its just common sense.
  2. Youtube? Does he not say the same thing? Does it matter where it was posted? Or who posted it? Those speeches speak for themselves, because they are real! Now I am not saying that speeches cant have some similarity, but come on this is word for word! Look up the definition of plagiarism, its not just words, its ideas too; if you don't cite your source, like Obama. Obama used those as HIS words, not the original speakers words. Therefore its phony and plagiarized. Secondly, the Constitution was created in 1787 and ratified in 1788. Your right when you say it is a living document, but if it changes too much throughout history, then what good is it? Where in the Constitution does it say we have a RIGHT to healthcare, or that immigrants can have access to free taxpayer money, or that businesses which took part in risky investments should get a bailout on the taxpayers dime? Or that the government should dictate income taxes that are not apportioned, like they do now. You see, the government is working slowly to change the way our country works, and the only way they can do that is to change the foundation of our democracy, and to do that they will change the Constitution. The Constitution was meant to help those who want to help themselves, but our current culture everyone feels they are ENTITLED to something, so the Constitution can't function the way it used to. You are right when you say that a old governing document needs to be updated, and I agree; but the basis of the Constitution needs to remain the same, unfortunately it is not. For example: The American auto manufactures Ford, GM, Chrysler and the bailouts recent and past that they have received. 1. In early America if the business failed to make a profit; It went out of business and another start up company took its place. 2. In modern America if the business fails to make a profit; They get a bailout from the government and continue their poor business practices. Which one is more like the way America was meant to run #1 or #2. Which one is better for new entrepreneurs #1 or #2 I am not just blaming one side of the political parties either. What has happened to this country in the past few decades, is the fault of both parties and I don't think we have seen the depths of what they have done yet. This could be the tip of the iceberg for our economical meltdown. I just feel that Obama has the best chance of changing the Constitution the most, for the worst. Look at how many businesses outsource jobs to other countries to avoid outrageous double taxation of corporations. Even small businesses are suffering from taxes and ridiculous regulations. Look at our national debt, and who we owe it to; it is now $11,700,000,000,000 trillion. Our debt is almost 4 times our yearly income. Could you last long if your debt was 4 times your yearly income and growing? Look at our over-spending, and how it is not shrinking when it should; like when you have no money. Look at our country struggling right now, from floating on too much borrowed money. We need to stop focusing on quick fixes, and start focusing on genuinely rebuilding this country's economy, and that starts with cutting spending and lowering taxes period! You cannot borrow over a trillion dollars, in order to get out of a recession cycle in the economy. Thats is why I think Obama is changing us for the worse, because he wants to do to this country, what are forefathers would have never done. If you don't think we are changing for the worse, take a look at this, we have been slipping in the past few years. "The Economist" magazine publishes a yearly democracy rating list. The list ranks different countries and how well their democracies operate, civil liberties, electoral process, political awareness and culture. It is very interesting, we are not the only "free" country: http://graphics.eiu.com/PDF/Democracy%20Index%202008.pdf
  3. The hesitation, or bucking on light acceleration is pretty common from what I recall reading about it here when I got my LS400. What I found was to eliminate it entirely took a few steps: 1. Cleaning the throttle body/plenum made the most difference. 2. Having a tuneup performed, (plugs, wire harness, fuel filter etc.) 3. Transmission fluid change with filter. I had the hesitation on light throttle and kind of a bucking sensation common around 45 mph. Again, step 1 made the biggest difference, but all the problems didn't go away 100% until the wear items were replaced in steps 2 and 3. Thats awesome, it seems like Lexus cars will heal themselves. My brothers ES300 was doing the same thing with the valve cover gaskets for a few months, but now it has stopped. B)
  4. Thanks guys for the plethora of info on this thread. I think I have finally nailed the vibration I am getting on the highway. Let me know what you think. The car is a 1998 Ls400 144,000 miles with air suspension (that still works perfectly, knock on wood) 1. The vibration is almost like it is gas pedal sensitive, but only above 60mph. (Little to none or no throttle, but worst at about 1/4-1/2 throttle.) 2. One of my wheels has a minor bend in it but I have had them balanced and when I first bought the car it had the wheels and the vibration was non-existent. 3. As your driving the vibration will come and go in intensity, sometimes it is really bad sometimes its minor and just annoying or its gone. 4. If I go 1/2 to WOT it does not happen at any speed (I took it up to 120mph and as long as I was on the throttle there was no vibration.) After reading this thread I think this could just be tranny mounts, but I just want a second opinion, Thanks!
  5. From my experience (Which is nothing more than doing my own maintenance), I am going to guess that it is probably near or on the thermostat housing. It seems like the most 'logical' place, but then again what do I know. B)
  6. Got some kind of proof of that? Here I found one for you, but there are more out there. I just don't have time since I am at school right now! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3evN0GCa74 For the record, I don't hate Obama. I am just having a hard time trusting what he says and does, but the same goes with the Republican party as well. I don't trust those who say our current system is not right, when our current system is closer to the Constitution in comparison with where Obama wants to take our country, thats all.
  7. Got some kind of proof of that? Check out Youtube its all over there. I'm not sure what the title was but do some research you'll find them. He copied previous speeches word for word!
  8. Wow that sucks. I have seen a few objects similar to that in the road, but have never seen the unlucky driver who had to hit it. That also sucks how a perfectly fine Lexus had to get sucked into that mess, poor guy. I wonder if he will show up in this forum looking for answers? I remember about four years ago, before I had my Lexus. I was on the freeway in my newly purchased 3000gt, just driving to work and I was in the fast lane with a truck to my right in the middle lane. I had to exit shortly so I decided to start making my way to the slow lane. Unfotunately I slowed down merged behind the truck to my right, when all of the sudden a huge peice of hollow metal (still not sure what it was) about the size of a football fell out of his truck bounced off the road and right into my windshield. To make things worse it was right into the driverside and in my view. I guess I'm lucky it never came through the windshield but none the less it screwed my day up and sacred the *BLEEP* out of me, because it happened so fast that I had no time to react.
  9. I can't wait for this thing to come out already! I think the "relentless pursuit of perfection" has been beaten into this car for the past 5 years, so I am sure it will be awesome, but at the same time I want to see it on the road soon. Preferably before I die! I think the reason they are taking so long is because they want to show BMW and Mercedes who the new boss in town is; and make sure nothing in its class will beat it.
  10. "!Removed! !Removed! Pelosi" Now that is funny *BLEEP*!!!! GOD I HATE that !Removed!! I embarrassed that she even represents near where I live. I say near to Sacramento, because even 80 miles is too close to that stupid !Removed!. I say that we have been spending too much for the past two decades, because all we do is add ridiculous government agencies and programs. Although there have been times where we have had a surplus, we are still spending too much. Besides from what I have heard lately, I highly doubt those surplus' were even surplus'. There could have been some $2 Trillion dollar over estimates, from what we have seen recently! I have a sneaking suspicion that our leaders do not want that clear line of communication between our investigative agencies. Because that might mean they will be watched too closely. They want to keep them busy just trying to communicate, so that they cannot investigate what really needs to be investigated: Congress. Obviously Obama shows no real interest in protecting our homeland, he is too busy making sure we don't "offend" anyone. If he honestly thinks that he can make friends with our SWORN enemies, he is more foolish than I had predicted. Unfortunately that is what is going to hurt us in the long run. When will Americans learn and realize that outside of our country there are people who want to kill us and destroy everything have. It makes me sick when people stand up for the guantanmo (however its spelled) detainees, rather than our own troops who are giving their lives in order to help free a country from the tyranny of a powerful regime. Then you get that clueless looking pelosi making accusations against an agency that is trying to protect her and the rest of the country WTF!!!!!! When did we do anything illegal, Pelosi if I remember right, they attacked us. Which means THEY broke the laws first. Pelosi stop trying to find an issue that will bring you more attention by attacking those who are there to protect you, YOU STUPID !Removed!! Anyways I could probably rant for another 50,000 pages if I had the time. It just makes me angry at how many people have little to no clue about what is going on in our country, because if they did we would not be in this situation, so I am glad that people like you nc211 are out there. Every one is to busy finding out who is the next American Idol or who is going to be on Dancing with the Stars. P.S. I hope the department of homeland security is not watching my comments since I am at a college typing this reply. DHS- I would NOT like to kill Pelosi nor do I intend to, but if a truck were to run over her fat !Removed!; lets just say I would have a HUGE smile on my face! :D
  11. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your buying your Ls400. I was just wondering are you experiencing the problem when the car is cold (First drive everyday) or does it do this all the time. If it does it, while the motor and tranny are cold, I think that is fairly normal, the car is just trying to warm it self up and get fluids moving faster. I say that, because my 98 Ls400 is the same thing mechanically as your 2000 Ls400 and mine does do that, BUT only when the motor is cold and tranny is cold. Mine on the first drive of the day, when the car is cold, will not shift into second gear until about 2300 rpms and then it shifts, however I don't think it is a problem, because I have had mine now for two years and it still does it and has not felt like its getting worse. Hope that helps you, if this is not what your experiencing let me know and I can see if I cant find what your problem is. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/style...icons/icon1.gif
  12. You are kidding, right? I wish I was! I just don't trust a government that says "here is our nation's or state's budget" and then somehow it always ends up in a massive deficit. I mean why do they even bother calling it a "budget". Especially where I live here in Sacramento CA, we are now $21 Billion in the red as a state. On top of that Obama recently says that his predicted deficit for our budget in the future was $2 TRILLION off. HOW THE HELL DO YOU MISS 2 TRILLION (Thats $2,000,000,000,000 with 12 zeros, or $40 billion more for each state, remember CA is already -$21 billion) MORE IN THE BUDGET. What kind of math do they use in Washington? Why cant we get an honest figure the first time? And I have a feeling thats not even half of the actual number we are going to see in the future. Plus we have not even pass the BS $1,300,000,000,000 healthcare bill or the cap and trade BS too. In future years our nation WILL be borrowing HALF the money we spend yearly, now if that is not a cause for distrust in our government, I don't know what is. If you owned a business, would you hire these clowns to run it for you? HELL NO! The FACT is that both sides of our government have been spending out of control for the past two decades and that is why we are where we are now. I want to know, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE USA?
  13. I hope so! But I have a feeling that the "Obama honeymoon" is quickly fading and that is the reason they are trying to push these through while they still can, is because they don't have his full term to do this. They only have until next years elections, and if they don't retain the majority in the house and senate, everything Obama has claimed he is going to do, will just come to a complete stop.
  14. Reading through the last 6 pages it is clear that everyone has some valid points. BUT the main thing to think about is WHAT IS ITS PURPOSE? The government CLAIMS that it is to get polluting cars off the road and cleaner ones on the road. Now IF this was true then all they had to do was offer it exclusively to those who had ACTUAL clunkers (i.e. the ones that ARE NOT required to get smogged, really old cars) From what I have seen at my local dealers and the pics on the last 6 pages, it is clear that most, not all, of these cars are not "Clunkers". Plus recycling old "clunkers" is NOT pollution free, so it really defeats the purpose. If the CFC program was meant to jump start the auto industry, specifically USA manufactures, then the program has been an absolute failure. Look at some of the sales figures. Toyota and Honda are benefiting from this more than American manufactures are. Now I understand that this program cannot make everyone happy, but I am tired of having my tax money SPENT FOR ME. The only way our economy is going to recover is if everyone is taxed less, so that they may spend more. This IDEA that our country can borrow over a trillion dollars to get out of this situation is just ridiculous. All these programs are not helping our country, especially CFC. I would compare it to the housing market. Now obviously not everyone that used CFC is going to default on their loan, BUT the majority of these people using this program are not in a financially sound position to buy a $15,000+ car, because if they were, they would not be driving a "Clunker" in the first place. Just like what caused the housing crisis, incentives, CFC is a way to create incentives on something you could not afford in the first place until a little incentive was put out. That incentive really does not do much for you anyways, because once you have the new car; insurance WILL be higher, taxes WILL be higher and no matter how fuel efficient your car is that is not going to offset those new costs. I call B.S. on this whole CFC program. All it was, was a way for congress to get immediate positive results on at least one industry, even if it won't last longer than a few months, so that they can say they have done something. This "blip" in sales is just another balloon like the housing balloon, and we ALL know what happened with that one. HONESTLY I am tired of our elected officials finding ways to spend my money and your money, in an effort to "rebuild" our economy. Over the past 25 years our government has almost become completely detached from the American people. At this point I DONT TRUST ANYONE on both sides of the aisle! Here is my stimulus plan that would not have required additional programs to make it work: EVERYONE who filed a 2008 tax return regardless of income, but part of the workforce, would receive $5,000 dollars cash. This could work because although America has about 360,000,000 people living here, only about 140,000,000 are in the workforce. So $5,000 X 140,000,000 is $700 billion, which coincidentally is about HALF of what congress has approved in all these bailouts, programs etc. (So by now my plan could have given $10,000 to everyone) Once everyone had $5,000 dollars they could spend it on goods and services which EVERYONE needs, not money to these programs that help only those who could benefit from it at that particular time. Plus these programs funnel the money into certain industries. We need money that spreads quickly around into different industries and giving money to EVERYONE is a very effective way of doing so. Sorry for my rant, but I just felt like I needed to get that off my chest. Now I am going to for a drive in my quiet, refined and luxurious LS so that I can calm down. ;)
  15. 98 Ls400 w/ 140,000 and some change. So far just regular maintenance, not one thing has broken yet, and still running like new. These cars are simply amazing! My wallet thanks me everyday for not buying a BMW (Broken Motor Works)
  16. OK, first off I would like to thank you for replying! I really do appreciate the input. The car has new motor mounts, new transmission mount, new struts. Man I'm so confused. I took it to a different mechanic today and the result he came up with is that the issue is in the transmission, and that the vibration is happening when the transmission is up-shifting first to second. So hears the deal, if the issue was this then when I put the car in first gear so it does not shift up it still has the same issue! :o :o My advice, go to the people who made it. It might cost a little more but you will know it was done right and thats worth the price itself.
  17. Yeah I would go with the 1998 Ls400, because you get more power (290hp) and a 5 speed auto. Plus the fuel economy I think might be slightly better as well. You really cant go wrong with any LS though. I bought a 98 LS400 Fully Loaded w/ 118,000 miles for $10500 in 2006 so thats in the middle of your budget. As far as reliability I have had mine for 2+ years now and have had not ONE problem. It has had a water pump, timing belt change and tune up and thats it in 138,000 miles (as of today). Its still running strong and smooth. Lexus 4 Life
  18. im sure it is, many of them had problems, the point is that those problems couldhave been lessened and even eliminated with regular maintenance. the problem with those statistics is they are based off of whatthe avergae consumer writes or says about the car, and guess what else...the average consumer doesnt maintain there car anywhere near to what they should. ever wonder why, after the warranty is upon a car, the problems begin to arise? MAINTENANCE ISNT BEING PERFORMED IN A TIMELY MANNER ANY LONGER. the notices stop coming in the mail from the dealer saying its time for the car to be brougth in for maintenance. the 3 things the average customer worries about after the warranty period: Are my brakes working? Do i have Fuel? and is my oil change current. americans dont care what causes the problems, only that there is one. and its people like you that hurt the sales of american cars. they arent all piles fo *BLEEP*. there are good ones out there. i simply use my contour as an example because it didnt fit the norm. the only MAJOR problem on the contours i know of (and i know the chief engineer of the CDW-27 project personally) were the early and chronic automatic transaxle failures. while that is pretty major, it isnt ANYTHING a little routine maint. and prudence in driving manner couldnt eliminate completely. the reason mine didnt have the problem? it had the 5 spd that woudl hold 500 HP on stock parts. ford didnt design it to be a race car, when people hammer it like it is one, things will eventually break. that goes for toyota as well. i know of 2 people who have over 500,000 miles on their automatic ford contours and mercury mystiques, and even a few cougar owners with over 250K. the cougar is after all, a 2 door contour. suspension, frame, engine transaxle they are all thesame. the only thing different is the body and interior. and guess what else is on that list you menitoned? the 1993 toyota celica, trannies and headgaskets were common. for no apparent reason. you arent going to sell me on this american cars are pieces of *BLEEP* campaign, so dont even try. not all japanese cars are good cars either. whatever you say guys, i know enough to trust my own experience, your narrowmindedness wil only hurt you in the long run. there are many many great american cars out there, and you will never get to experience them the way i have and do... i feel sorry for you. ;) oh,and what is it with you and consumer reports? they arent perfect. and they arent the bible when it comes to cars. i would get a wider variety of sources before attacking something like this. would this happen to be the same place that told you the camshaft seals and struts would last 360,000 miles?:whistles: if so, i would find yet another source. oh, BTW, you know the Mazda6? yeah, the one with the incredible reliability record? Guess what it has? the same exact compnents of the CDW-27, with a mazda body/interior and a few badges...the rest is the same as a contour SVT with the exception of the 3.0L V6, which is a taurus engine. the tranny and suspension come straight from the contor and i have seen this engine swapped into a contour on numerous occasions. i have even done 3 myself and had them from engine to engine (removal and renistallation) in less than 8 hours. figure that one out and then get back to me. till then...peace out. EDIT: BOT, the LS4 i mentioned in this thread earlier? it turned over 400,000 miles yesterday as the owner pulled into the parking lot. nothing like seeing an odometer reading 400,000. Your somewhat right by saying that it still comes down to routine maint. But then why do american car companies consistently receive lower rankings than their japanese counterparts when it comes to build quality and reliability? The answer is that American car companies cannot afford the same research and development that a japanese car company can. The COST (R&D, Labor, cost of materials) to make each car in America is considerably higher than in Japan. So everything from the amount of time for research and development to the quality of the materials used in the car are not as good as a Japanese brand. This is not my opinion its simple economics. For example PSYCHICALLY look at and inspect the quality of a Ford focus to a Toyota corolla. In the toyota the quality is just better (body panel lines, fit and finish, sound construction) Don't take it from me GO to your local dealership. Routine maint. is good because it helps your car stay running in good condition, but if your engine is made for poor quality materials you can only do so much to keep it running. Now I am all for American products, BUT I am also for getting the best product for my money. If I'm not mistaken that is what drives capitalism, companies competing with each other to sell a better product at a lower cost. I own a 98 Lexus LS400 and so far I have nothing repaired on it, not 1 problem. Before I bought the Lexus I looked at Chryslers, lincolns, and cadillacs. In my search it was OBVIOUS that the Lexus had superior qualities all around, so why waste my money on an inferior product? I think people NEED to bash American car companies. Its their fault for having such a bad reputation, and their greed has all but bankrupted them. If we bash them MAYBE they will wake up and start building cars up to par with the rest of the world!! 400,000 miles on any car is damn good, but how many Ls4's make it to that. For Lexus that is in the DNA of the car.
  19. Check all your vacuum lines. I had a jeep once that hesitated like that and I changed out alot like u did, only to find a leaky vacuum line. Problem solved, Hope that helps!
  20. My 98 Ls400 get about 26mpg on the highway with 20" wheels. Pretty good for a V8!
  21. I have hit 140 in my 1998 LS400. smooth and quiet love Lexus!
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