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Everything posted by cfbrenton

  1. It's actually pretty common for them to have this option. That type is the only type, but if you put into regular 4low it will automatically lock the center diff.
  2. I currently have a 2003 LX470. I used to have a 1999 LX that I put the Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revos on. These were aweseome tires (Not to be confused with the terrible Dueler HTs). Anyway, I dont like anything offered in the 275-60-18 stock size that is offered. I am looking for something more AT like my Revos were. Any suggestions? What other sizes can i put on my stock rims?
  3. This happened to us, and they came up with the same thing....spare tire. When that did not work , they had other excuses. In the end, it was the reaer brakes that were done by a non-Lexus shop. They did not know that there is an aadditional spacer or something that needs to be put on. We had to go to Lexus for them to tell us to go back to the person that put on the brakes to put this other piece on.
  4. I have the Dueler A/T Revos. AWESOME...and NOT louder than the LTXs
  5. I just got off the phone from Lexus Annapolis and was told that there would be virtually no change to the LX470 for the next two years.Except maybe a tailight. There is a new Land cruiser coming out. I don't know if it is in addition to the current one, or a separate version. it is modelled after the old ones with the whilte roofs/
  6. If you like the LX because of its Land Cruiser heritage and its unmatched off-road ability, I am seriously concerned that they are going to back off on that a little. If you just like a Luxury SUV to drive around town in then it will be fine. If the new one comes out and they have watered down the ability of the truck, I will get the lowest mileage used one I can find.
  7. even small spoilers can make a big difference in the air flow around a vehicle. The reason the dust is not forming is beacause of the improved aerodynamics. It will also get better mileage... not sure how much. It should also help the car stay under better control at high speeds, alghough in this case, it is probably minimal. They don't have a moveable rear window because they can't. There are two doors that open in back, so there is no place for the window to go.
  8. I have used clay bars, since I go over railroad tracks a lot. Until you clay bay your car, you have no idea how much contaminant is in your paint. After using it, it feels much smoother than it would otherwise, even after waxing, etc. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully, since if you don't you could accidently scratch your car.
  9. I would rather have the tailgate the way it is. I can't think of a reason why I woudl want it the other way. The way it is, It can hold longer things more easily. Youcan sit on the back of it before Browns games. If you are parked close to things, you have better clearance. It gives better access to the roof, if necessary. If you are towing something, you can still get into the back. I am sure they have their own reasones for it to be like that, since it makes the car cost more to put two latching doors back there instead of one.
  10. It is pretty simple......They are both "off road capable" ....But.. One of them is the best off road vehicle you can buy. There many behind the scene features of the LX470 that make it excellent off road. It has all the pedigree of a Land Cruiser, but has been stepped up one level. The GX is a great SUV for mom to take the kids around town in, even when it is is snowy etc.
  11. I cant believe no one answered this one. The height control is always in automatic mode, unless you press the button to deactivate it. It will always try to level itself when in the brake is not depressed. IT will always do this in your driveway when you start it if you have any slope at all on your driveway or garage. It does it when you start because when you are pulling in, you probably pull in, with the brakes on, put the car in park and shut it off. Therefore, it does not have a chance to do its job. Also, if you start it with different weight in the vehicle, it will do this. IE, if there are kids in the car when it is dropped off, it will adjust when you start it in the morning without the kids. As for the mirror....are you sure it is not in the left position?
  12. If your system is going to low with six adults, it is not functioning properly. I have had far in excess of that in mine. I put tons of bricks for a retaining wall in mine. It had to be a couple thousand pounds (yeah that was dumb.) As soon sa I closed the door, the car moved to its proper position (which impressed the Home Depot guy, who said "I hope you are not going far, because you are going to bottom out all the way home") I wonder if it has to do with the fluid level? on another note, my local lexus mechanics, who are terrible, once did something with the suspension, and while on a trip, a pressure valve or sensor came undone. The fluid leaked, and obviously, the car went immediately into the low position. The Mechanics in Boston knew reight away what it was and called my "home team" mechanics a bunch of idiots. I think if you live in a city outside the coasts, fewer people have these, and the guys are not trained on the 4wd and the suspension.
  13. I just hope you bought that, and not a GMC POS.
  14. You probably already made the decision, so it is too late. One thign to worry about right now with any used car is water damage. There is a glut of used cars out there that came from flooded areas due to Katrina and such. The titles will not show up as "salvaged", since most savvy used car brokers have figured out how to scrub bad titles by moving them around to a few states (or something like that). to check for that, look under the hood and into the compartment behind the dashboard, or other areas where it would be hard to get to. If you see a waterline, do not buy the car. The Lx470 is mad to be fairly water tight, so it might not be as easy to detect as on other vehicles. Also, there is not usually paint fading on these cars. The car in question must be form the South, and probably was outside all the time.
  15. no Brainer. Buy the 50k one. It is the exact car. In a year and a half you won't even remember that you did not have the car new....But your wallet sure will. Especially after you sunk $35k in a car that you are turning in. Your 04 will depreciate about $20k during that time, or less if you pay the market value of about $45k. $50k for an '04 with 15 k miles is high. I could get you an '04 with 21k miles right now for $48, without even trying to bargain.
  16. I had the same problem. Twice. They todl me it was a sensor and supposedly fixed it. It has not done it in a while. The reset suggestion seems like a reasonable first shot.
  17. I am sorry to say you overpaid. But, this is a great vehicle that kicks the heck out of every other SUV on the road, with the exception of the Range Rover, which it is pretty much the same as.. PLus, your 98 looks almost identical to the '05. Have fun. and Keep asking questions on here. I know the vehicle very well, and somehow, am newon this site, so I am an active responder.
  18. I have done a lot of research on the tires for this vehicle. The LTXs are fair at best. The Forteras are average, If you want your $70k truck to look like an Explorer. The best tire, bar none, is the Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revo. Make sure you get the "Revo", it is a totally different and much better tire than the non "Revo". For the LX470 they are not louder, and my wife and I both think they may be quieter. It is hard to tell because both are very hard to hear. They cost about the same as the LTXs, I think I paid just over $700 for everything. But, they are better in every regard, especially in snow and offroad situations. Oh yeah, in rain too, which is a situation I did not like the LTXs in.
  19. I have heard the same thing. If it is based on the Sequioa or the Tundra, I will never buy one ever again. What makes this vehicle what it is, is the Land Cruiser pedigree. I love having a Land Cruiser on Steriods.
  20. I know this is an old post, but I thought I would mention this. One of the greatest things about the 470 is the adjustable suspension. When you get high centered in the snow, (which should only happen when you tried to go through a snow bank too slowly), this will usually get you out: put in 4L. More importantly, put the suspension down, which will smash the snow down several inches, then put it all the way up in high. This gives you around six inches of clearance of frame clearance off the snow. The first winter I got my truck, I went to parking lots and purposely stuck my truck into the biggest snowbanks possible, to see how it would work if I were actually in trouble.
  21. I had this EXACT same problem. It happened only when turning and accelerating from a stop. A non-lexus service center diagnosed as us needing a new tranfer case. We went to Lexus, who had just done a mulitple fluid change a couple months earlier. They told us that someone (them) had put the wonrg type of fluid in. They flushed it and changed it. Now it is totally fine. I was afraid to go their too, because I was worried about the potential bad news. It is easy to misdiagnose, so if they try to give you a big bill, tell them about me and ask them to give it a try. Some lexus dealers dont have many LX470s so they dont know much about the 4 wheel drive or especially the hydraulic suspension.
  22. If anyone still cares about this topic, you are all wrong. It will save fuel, but not a ton, unless you usually take off quicly.
  23. You probably dont need chains at all. I live in a place that gets 150 inches of snow a year and I have never had any problem in any snow condition. One of my favorite things to do is to go for rides after the lake dumps three feet of snow on us. Blowing through large unplowed parking lots at 40 mph through 3 feet of fresh powder is fun. Seiously though, I have had no problem at all in any condition. I can even get over plow piles that are hard packed and several feet high. And this is all with my original Michelen LTXs on the car. I now have Bridgestone Deuler A/Ts on the car, which I would highly recommend for any application.
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