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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Wife's X5 doesn't have one either! :( I have a nice case that came with my Maui Jim's that I keep in the side door compartment...it works but I love my sunglass holder in my GX!
  2. :) like I would have a choice if I wanted? :) lol
  3. I have a almost 3 and 5 year old...if I'm going to the movies it is for them not me.
  4. I voted in your poll, if it was ondemand I may watch it that is what I do when I wake up at 3am watch documentaries or the news sometimes I fall back asleep most the time I get so *BLEEP*ed off I can't get back to sleep and end up starting with coffee at around 5am.
  5. I slept in a holiday inn so that makes me more qualified! lol
  6. Welcome to LOC! I guess it is up to you but I wouldn't live with it either. Have them fix it if white is the color you want. Good luck.
  7. He may? That is the whole thing. I don't want a President like Obama...who is I am right and you are wrong and this is what I am going to do one way or another. But if you think Obama hasn't flip-flopped? Who are you kidding... Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it. Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them. Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits. Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%. Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready. Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange. Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself. Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension. Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there. Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it. SW...I see this both ways though. I don't try to shove my religion on anyone. I don't attend church regularly anymore but I consider myself a Christian and I do raise my children to believe in god. That is my choice, as well as it is yours to believe there is no god. I think what has happened is that now the people who don't believe in god, or a god...think god should be stripped out of everything. No in god we trust on money...take the reference of god out of the pledge of allegiance, remove god from everything else that they can as well. These are extremist on the other side as I see it. It is simple no one is forcing religion on them...if you don't want to attend church don't. If you do not wish to say the pledge...don't...why should we have to change to accommodate people who do not believe in god? If schools were forcing kids to read the bible and pray and such that would be different but that isn't what is going on. The first time god is mentioned someone wants to get all bent out of shape. But I do hear you on the ones on the other side who are protesting at funerals, and protesting at !Removed! marriages. But it works both ways too. Just like the Chick-fil-a deal. Man look at that whole deal... I personally don't care...do what you want marry who you want...but the pendulum swings both ways. Both sides should have respect for each other and treat each other that they want to be treated.
  8. So Jim lets get the bet straight... 100 that Romney will drop out of the race? He has already said he isn't releasing anymore tax returns? So what is the bet? By the way...when I win the 100 from you I will not disclose that on my tax returns. (don't tell the IRS) :)
  9. Welcome to LOC! Take good care of my car too! :)
  10. Jim- I get you on the taxes. And, NO I do think it is important that he paid his taxes. Did he do anything illegal? Has it been proven he did something illegal? Did the IRS audit him and catch him doing something illegal? The point is he doesn't have to release the tax returns...so I am moving on. I still think he is better qualified to lead than our current President. By the way why hasn't Obama release his transcripts? Must be hiding something...there must be something there (my sarcastic tone) :) He hasn't released them either and he isn't required too either so I don't care...I want them to move on and get to the issues. Yea...honestly I am kind of surprised about Ryan. Not 100% sure how I feel about it but I like him better than Obama too! :) I would have loved to see Christie get up there and yell at Biden! Man... :)
  11. Romney simply doesn't want liberals distorting the truth as they have with everything else. And Jim...I know where to view the past candidates releases as I posted it in my post? Honestly it wouldn't matter what his tax returns showed...the fact is that you and most people like you have already made your mind up about him. In his two years that he provided...he paid more in taxes than most people will pay in their lifetime in taxes. He Legally doesn't have to provide it...so what? Keep doing what the media is doing which is taking the attention off of the real issues...this president and what he has done. That is what this election is about... As far as Obama...I did not vote for him, but I didn't want him to fail. I consider myself a conservative...but I am not so far to the right that I vote strictly by party. I would have gladly vote for Obama in the up coming election if he had improved the economy, not forced the health care law through...try to tear apart the reform of the welfare system which he is doing now, did anything about the illegals entering the country, NOT support the handout society he is creating. These are my opinions and just because you and I disagree is what makes this country great. I worked for a man for almost 10 years who was/is the biggest Democrat that you can picture...I bought the business from him and to this day about the only thing we ever argue about or disagree about is politics. He is wrong of course! :) But the problem as I see it with Obama...is he is a good actor, god gifted speaker...a likable person...but a "true" politician...meaning as you and SW said earlier will do and say anything to get RE elected. I want some accountability over all of this government spending. I want someone to stand up and say "look guys this is going to hurt but we can't continue down the road we are on" Obama's answer seems to be "if you toss enough money at it, we can fix it" HE is wrong... As far as the super rich paying 10-13% tax rates...come on. If anyone has ever been in business it is what you have to do...I will write off everything I can, having said that I still pay a fortune in taxes. If I can divert money, or put it back in to my business so that I don't have to pay taxes on it, or buy a GX 460 a couple years ago so I get a write off than I am going to do what I have to do. I am certainly not going to send these fools one more penny than I have to so they can pi-SS it away. That is my whole thing, start some financial responsibility...balance the budget. I don't know about you but I keep hearing about all of the problems with pensions, retirements, cities and states that can't meet budgets, this is a real problem and a problem that anyone with common sense can see that all they are doing is kicking the can down the road, and oh blame Bush. For the record...I have said there are many things about Bush that I disliked too. I wish we our politicians could work together and get things accomplished for the good of our country and not all of this partisan bickering which accomplishes nothing but waste our money. I would love to see term limits for all politicians and at this point, I don't care who we put in there... Mickey Mouse I would vote for right now...and I haven't seen his tax returns either.
  12. I don't think there are many politicians left that wouldn't do or say anything to get elected or re-elected. I certainly don't think the current administration is setting the bar real high. As far as Romney...and his taxes. How many years did John McCain provide two years...don't remember the big deal about that? I honestly don't care he released two years and pays more in taxes than most people MAKE in their lifetime. http://factcheck.org/2012/07/romney-and-the-tax-return-precedent/
  13. Well I have been a little busy with the hole in my back yard! None of you showed up to help! WTF? :) Ok here is my shirt in response to this debate... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&gl=us&biw=480&bih=268&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=romney+does+with+his+money+t+shirt&oq=romney+does+with+his+money+t+shirt&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...35685.44597.0.45034.
  14. Welcome to LOC! Check eBay for a OM.
  15. Wow don't know where to start. Sorry to hear about the complaints. I have 0 of the problems you have. My gx460 has been flawless. What has your dealer said? The brakes are soft but considering I have had a Mercedes and have a BMW which have touchy brakes it isn't at all a big deal. Sorry you are not happy with your GX but the alarm and the cruise issues aren't common at all the brakes are what they are.
  16. Wow don't know where to start but maybe first start a new thread not post inside this one to get more feedback. I have 0 of the problems you have. My gx460 has been flawless. The brakes are soft but considering I have had a Mercedes and have a BMW which have touchy brakes it isn't at all a big deal. Sorry you are not happy with your GX but the alarm and the cruise issues aren't common at all the brakes are what they are. Edit: I see you did start a new thread.
  17. No DC, I am in MD just over here in the undeveloped part...kind of (eastern shore)...and no men in SPEEDOS. :) I have ordered some alarms for my doors that go out to the pool and will also have a pool alarm too. My brother in law and sister in law have a pool and we are there a lot. My kids are good around it but accidents still happen.
  18. Going to take about 3 weeks...these democrats around here make you get permits and stuff! :) and it was hot as You know what here too. Changed the water in my hot tub and cleaned it up today...and I think I lost 15 lbs! :) I can't wait...this weekend I was kind of planing it out in the yard. Kind of funny after I painted and measured it exactly where we thought we wanted it...my wife and I both looked and knew we wanted it moved. So need to get another can of paint and measure. It is hard to get a good idea of what it will look like. And I can see why the installer said pick up a can of spray paint and mark it out where you think you will want it. I have a feeling he knew we might not want it where we said 36x18 is a right big pool... Are you on Facebook Paul? Just wondering.
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