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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Last night I was watching 60 minutes. I was interested because I've got a new neighbor who is moving up from Cocoa Beach, Fl, a Nasa guy. He has two kids, both early teenage years, lived in Cocoa Beach their entire lives, this will be their first move. I watched 60 minutes to confirm what he told me about Cocoa Beach, that it's basically being wiped out with this decision by Obama and Congress to not only stop flying the shuttle (Congress), but to stop working on it's replacement (Obama). The decision to offer our national space program to the private sector... Want a fortune cookie with your space walk? What shocked me last night during 60 minutes, is that Obama cancelled the future project to save $3 billion dollars. Future of space travel, gone, for $3 billion dollars. How much did we pay for the Chevy Volt again? Congrats, Mr. President, you're "that guy" dumb enough to trade a space ship, for a friggin' Chevy, that apparently catches fire days after you turn the thing off! This got me thinking of other elements of facts today that we're all seeing. One: When gas prices were this high four years ago, oil was peaking at $148 barrel on the heels of an economic boom! 4 years of recession, national demand remains way down, oil prices of $108, yet gas prices are heading north of $5. News reporter said it's because the demand in Chinia and other countries who are having an economic boom of the middle class are hurting our prices too. That, just doesn't make sense to me, completely. Two: In 2006, one of the cleanest and highest respected banking outfits in the nation's history paid $50M in compliance costs to do business. Today, that same bank is paying $342M. That's $292,000,000 in lost payroll oportunity. This bank has been mentioned by numerous industry analysts and reporters as "being the model of how it should've been done during the boom, and especially how it should be done going forward." Three: Last weekend Japan lowered their corporate tax rate. Congratulations everyone, we now have the highest corporate tax rate in the WORLD. Now, I know what you're thinking - why would any major employer want to keep their cash assets on US soil? I don't know. I wouldn't myself. But, that's not the real problem. The real problem is the guy who wants to start a business. Do you think small town USA can handle this tax rate? The sandwich shop that you love along main street usa, can handle paying 40% taxes and stay in business? I don't understand how some of these politicians can sleep at night, knowing the blue-collar element of our society, the back bone, can't afford to perform their trade anymore. I mean seriously. How can we really expect Elkhard, Indiana to really recover when everytime someone with the guts to try, gets taxed out of their own motivation to try in the first place? If small business is truly the supporting vehicle for employment growth in this country, then how can we really think we're on the right path? Unless of course, we charge $10 for that donut. Considering the price of gas, I don't see too many $10 donuts being bought in Elkhart, Indiana (or Cleveland, Dayton, Philly, Champaign, Topeka, Fort Meyers, Little Rock, Biloxi...) Four: "It's an unjust war". I'm not going to say anything on this beyond the words "Lybia, Syria, Egypt..." At least in Iraq, we didn't kill it's leader than give the rebels our guns as we back tracked to cover our foot steps.. Five: Race relations: "If I had a son, he'd look just like Treyvon". I'm curious, Mr. President, if you had a white daughter, would she have looked like Eve Carlson? Would you have fueled the fire of racial tension as the story of the University of North Carolina's student body president, was murdered in the street in cold blood by two dudes wearing "hoodies" from Durham in 2008? http://en.wikipedia....r_of_Eve_Carson I'm not marginalizing the tragic situation in Florida that is going on right now over this teenager being killed by a neighborhood watchman. I'm just saying that why is the nation's first and only black President making these kinds of remarks? What would've happened if either of the Bush's, or Clinton, or Reagan, or Carter, had made a similiar statement? Oh wait...I already know.. "George Bush hates black people." That's right, I almost forgot.. Last night, after watching 60 minutes, I went outside to water my lawn for about an hour. During this time alone (rare in my home with two kids), I came to a conclusion. I walked inside, went over to the computer, googled Mitt Romney, and donated $500 to his campaign. Not because I think he's better or worse, or because he's white or black, or because he's a republican. But because as I stood there in my yard, holding the hose, I felt guilty for what I was doing. Watering my new sod in the backyard of my new house, feeling like somehow I had cheated to get this. Feeling like I was watering a lawn on borrowed time. For the first time in my life, I engaged the politics of this country beyond voting day and internet chat boards. And I've got to be honest, it feels really good.
  2. Funny thing is, go back far enough in this thread and you'll find this exact same comment, right around summer of 08'. Thread went quiet by December. Nice score on the new Jag, those are nice.
  3. Cost me $56 to fill up a friggin' VW last night. $56 dollars! I'll bet $20 right here and now, that gas will do the same loopy-loop it did in 08' - spike near $5 in the summer, down into the $2's by Christmas... How many times are we going to let this illegal market manipulation happen folks? Shame on us..
  4. That's right Smooth, they just toss basically spray a bunch of toxic !Removed! on the yard that the grass loves and bugs hate. I'm wondering if this might be a good opportunity to accelerate the demise of my wife's spawn from hell cat that has hated me from day 1! Kidding PETA (sorta')
  5. My office admin has a 2011 Edge Limited with this system. The nav totally crashed about 8 weeks ago and the dealer is dumbfounded on how to even approach it to fix it. Told her she has to wait for this USB plug directly from Ford. I've ridden in it a couple of times. While extremely comfortable and smooth and quiet, the electrical gremlins are very apparent. The latest issue is a high pitched whine from the passenger rear door speaker, which somehow is picking up a cross grounding loop from the ac compressor. It's annoying as hell! Again, the dealer has no documented approach from Ford on how to fix it. You should see this lady who owns it try to use the Bluetooth and adjust the air fan speed, and turn down the radio volume in downtown DC traffic! It's scary! The joke in the office is that whoever rides "shotgun" is now called "flight engineer". She's bumped into things twice already while fussing with the screen. She's had it since November, 4k miles on the clock Ford screwed the pooch on this one, no bones about it...
  6. $430 for the entire year! It comes out to around $50 per visit, give or take a few bucks. Figured it's worth the money to see if it works. Our lot is close to 12,000 square feet, with approximately 10,000 of it being grass. (.27 acre)
  7. Thanks fellas! SW, the guy I spoke with actually talked to Cam last week at the house, and said the same thing you pointed out about it being new sod. He seemed very educated on what not to do to it, including airating it for the first 18 months. I'm sure they're doing some overkill on the applications to make more of a profit. I'm just not educated enough on this to tell the difference though of what is needed, and what is bogus. I figured for $400 bucks, it'll be an investment to engage me in the learning curve of proper lawn maintenance. I do recall the applications being staggered to what they do. Two applications for weeds and crab grass, two rounds of fertilizer, some bug control, root growth stuff, yada yada yada. I pulled the mechanic's dream answer (I don't know wha's wrong) when he asked me what I'd like to accomplish with this. I said "What do you need from me to produce an exceptionally nice yard?" I was suprised with a $400 answer. I was thinking more along the lines of $1,000. Might end up there though, just too early to tell. In my days, I've killed more grass by trying to understand how to make it grow than I care to admit. And....I might've inhaled in college. Or not. Or maybe, not, sort of, plead the 5th...You got pictures?
  8. Infiniti use to have a competitor to the LS, called the Q45. It offered a more spirited driving sensation than the LS. But in the end, mismanagement at Nissan, has taken it's toll on their ability to keep active in the highest end luxury cruisers. But, that's never really been Nissan's market anyway. They're more like Mazda in terms of "zoom zoom" appeal, with a lot more power under the hood. I've had two Nissan products in my life, both excellent vehicles (92' Sentra SE-R, and 01' Maxima SE). Their styling drove me away though. I can say, Nissan has some of the most comfortable seats in the asian car offerings. They seem to extend the bottom portion of the seat about an inch or two more than many of their compeitiors, whereby the seat end closer to your knees. One thing I've never really liked about Toyota is the shortness in their seat bottoms. My dad replaced his 04' Nissan Quest minivan for a fully loaded new Sienna early last year. While no arguement the Sienna is far more luxurious, and feels it too, he'll say the same thing I've said about the seats. He really misses the Nissan. Said the design of the new models though drove him away from Nissan. Nissan in general, cuts just enough corners to turn a profit to keep them out of the upper levels. Even though they produce one of the fasted production cars on the planet (GTR), reveiwers all say the same thing "there's just something missing here to make you feel special about having this special car". You'd be hard pressed to find a better engine maker though than Nissan. They have a real talent for making some exceptional engines. I really enjoyed my Maxima, a lot. Loved driving it. If they'd get back to a more refined design, I'd be tempted to buy one again. The only thing I didn't like about it was the rough ride in the back. They had a steel beam that connected the rear wheel together, eliminating the characteristics of a fully independed suspenion. Made for a rough ride on marginally rough pavement. Very dependent on tire quality. I've heard others say the Infiniti cars ride the same way, especially the M model. I drove a G35 sedan years ago when thinking of a new car for my wife (Mazda 3Gt days). Thought it rode like a ton of bricks and haven't driven another since. I know Nissan shares many parts across all sector under their umbrella, far more than Honda/Acura, Toyota/Lexus. They all do it, but I think Nissan does it the most. I'm always amazed to see a new Infiniti product to have the exact same switch gear style for steering wheel controls, as a 1987 Nissan 300z.
  9. I'm curious if anyone here has any experience with using these lawn care services that come to your house periodically and treat your lawn? I signed us up for a year's worth of service yesterday that includes 9 treatments for our new yard. We bought a new construction home, which means the yard is sod. I don't know what I'm doing with sod, always wanted a really nice lawn, and never quite found myself on the right side of the margin of error when it came to lawn care. One thing I've always noticed with those who have that really nice, green, thick yard, is the lawn care truck that comes by their house every now and then. Any of you guys have any words of wisdom on this topic?
  10. That wouldn't of helped. The fact is, energy is a commodity, and when its value is offered to be determined by any hillbilly with a laptop and e-trade account, it's vulnerable to the winds of perception and manipulation of ideas and lies. Example: 2009 - $35 +/- a bucket - demand hasn't changed that much since then (still in a recession with high unemployment), so that component of the arguement is toast. In fact, some could easily argue with fact that in many ways, the economy is worse today than 2009. Look at where the DOW was then, when oil was $35 a barrel - 7,000 +/-. Look at were the DOW is now, flirting with 13,000 (2008 memories). Look at where oil is now. $105. And...look at what we're reading in the media again.... Iran. Closing the Straight of Hormuth. Sound familiar? Fact of the matter is this: We could fill up the entire gulf of Mexico with oil, just for us to use. Literally, drain the ocean out, and fill it with oil. Somebody in some investment banking shop with a bunch of call options on crude would slip someone a $50 at the local news rag of a bird with the flu pooping in the oil, which could ruin it all, and cause a false sense of panic. Runs up the price, trader executes the options, and gets rich. Yet, the President is called to task on why? Think this guy is going to do anything but pander to big oil this year? Nope... Why? Because he's already burned the bridge to the other big "president maker" donors.... Wall Street and the business community that is sufficating under regulations that keep changing. He has nobody else to go to. That being said: Here's why it's election season... Who else can donate to a re-electoin campaign? YOU and ME. YOU going to donate money to a guy who is supposed to answer for why it still costs $100 to fill up the family buggy? You got $100 to give to him, instead of to your gas tank? Nope..... 5 years ago, markets were manipulated. Somebody promised a full investigation if they were elected.... Instead....somebody took a pitch fork to a conference room full of bankers, while big oil went on vacation in the gulf of mexico, got a little drunk, and knocked over the pitcher of Black & Tans...
  11. Gas is north of $4 again. The White House is blaming others. Nothing but talk coming from our leaders. Yep...that was a fast 4 years from when this thread started. Must be election season again! I stand by my original comments on all of this. It's a game, and energy to the core of our nation is being manipulated by those who aren't happy with the way things are going, and smell the blood in the political waters (that's called volitility, which in the trading world means profitability, which requires movement of values.) In the words of Ricky Riccardo - Youz gots some esplainin' to do, Lucy Obama. Bush ain't around anymore to blame, and the public isn't buying it when he is blamed. Here we go again....
  12. Lexi - my condolences as well my friend! Seems like a dark cloud is looming these days for many of us around here. Let's hope the sun starts shining again real soon! My best to your parents, and your family as they face this tough situation.
  13. Wait: we're using JAC while they're using Toyota? Anyone going to point out the obvious suggestion on this one!! Hahaa!!!
  14. Well you've got to admit, the led-based paint job looks great! I'm sure the scabbies living in the seats will go away within the first month of ownership too, either on their own, or in the fire, as it burns your house down.... Any guesses on how the a/c smells? Maybe like rotten egged drywall on a hot Florida afternoon? There is one picture, from the side, where you actually see the bed isn't lined up square to the cab! If it weren't for the kungfu of 300billion people, I'd almost like to see what China would look like in a war. I bet the first 20 miles, they'd be tough as nails to fight. After that...well, last time I checked, the Midas man was an American...
  15. I KNEW You would somehow tie this to some political rant, Lenore! I almost said "first one who ties this to today's politics, has to buy the beer - LENORE!" But I deleted it before hitting the "post" button.
  16. You guys see this? China car maker (JAC Motors) rips off Ford F150, and Chevy Silverado. http://carscoop.blogspot.com/2012/02/china-jac-does-it-again-with-ford-f-150.html I don't know what's funnier - the fact that they spent their money to rip off a Ford and a Chevy, given all of the other cars out there....or their name in general...JAC - as in, you just got JAC'd, wonton fueey! I've got a great way to defeat the Chinese now.... Since they're spying on us and stealing from us... how about we make plans of a super ubber weapon, monitor their spies to steal the design, and then let them make it themselves. Not knowing that it's a weapon that will self-detonate when you perform a specific step in the build. That'll teach em'!
  17. This, Josh, is why you will be very successful in your career, and in life. You've clealy got your eye on the prize, and willing to make changes to keep going up that ladder. It's a real characteristic of success, especially in this ever-shrinking world. Some folks would look at these pending orders as another hassle to be in the military. Moving is tough business, right up there with the loss of a job, death in the family. You see it for the opportunity it can provide you. That, my friend, is huge!
  18. How do you turn off these autocorrect feature on the iPhone? I sound like I can barely speak English on this thing...
  19. Speaking of those led brake lights - you ever have sit behind a car that has them at night at a stop light? They're freaking blinding! I hate them and I'm surprised nobody has complained about them. I got behind a new Camry last night while going home. Pitch black outside, and I has to put on my sunglasses every time they went on. I was in highway traffic and couldn't get around them. The Cadillac SUV is the absolute worst of all cars! What was wrong with the old intensity level? Since I'm on this, how are these ubber bright headlight bulbs legal as well? I'd like to see a study of head-on collision statistics with one of the cars that has them, because for me, and maybe my age is showing a little here, but I can't see the lines on the roads sometimes when they're coming at me. I though one guy had his brights on, flashed at him..I was wrong, and was seeing rings in my eyes for a few seconds after he responded with a quick flick back at me.
  20. Take the Ram. If you go with option #4, that $200 savings is going to not be worth it about 200 miles into your trip. You'll be driving someone else's car for that amount of time, and you know it won't be set up right (alignment off, wheel out of balance, etc..) and it'll eat at you with every passing mile. This is a trip, sad as the circumstances are for it, that you and the wife will remember for the rest of your lives. This is a "memory" your making. Don't make it a bad one, make it a good one (or as good as possible given the situation). The memory is worth the extra $200 to be comfortable. Plus, who knows, you might find a momento or two along the way that you won't be able to fit into the rental... Take the Ram!
  21. Actually - Clint Eastwood said everything I was trying to say here during his super bowl commercial. He just said it far better than I did! An Italian owned, American car maker, in Detroit, hires Dirty Harry to do an ad, and it had more of a patriotic message than anything I've heard by any of these candidates for President. Nicely done, Crystler! Nicely done indeed!!
  22. I changed my avatar back to "Dubbya". I really miss a country that, if for a brief moment, gave it's unified support to a cause. Selfish of me to say that though, considering that cause, came at the cost of thousands of innocent lives, and thousands of lives of our best and bravest. But still. It felt great to have our American Pride front and center. I miss it. I'm so tired of feeling like we're wondering around in the dark these days. I'm so tired of mixed messages of leadership and direction, confusion and apathy, and hearing "it's not my fault" from our leaders. If you are an American citizen - THIS is YOUR fault! OWN IT, DAMNIT. I do....
  23. I changed my avatar back to "Dubbya". I really miss a country that, if for a brief moment, gave it's unified support to a cause. Selfish of me to say that though, considering that cause, came at the cost of thousands of innocent lives, and thousands of lives of our best and bravest. But still. It felt great to have our American Pride front and center. I miss it. I'm so tired of feeling like we're wondering around in the dark these days. I'm so tired of mixed messages of leadership and direction, confusion and apathy, and hearing "it's not my fault" from our leaders. If you are an American citizen - THIS is YOUR fault! OWN IT, DAMNIT. I do....
  24. ...and that's not even the worst part! He threw in a free LS400 key chain if this poor, victimized kid, would "lean".........to the left!
  25. Even this guy is fed up with all of this "poopie"!! I don't know who his mother is, but she has bad taste in colors! Probably some southern-stubborn hottie though..... I kid, I kid.... we grew restless this weekend with moving-in chores, realized we haven't even seen DC yet (I have due to my years of work, but my wife hasn't). So we decided to get out of the house this morning to sight-see. Wouldn't you know it, we saw SWO down on Pennsylvania Avenue handing out old free LOC stickers to kids who'd pose wearing this jacket and hat! I'm really starting to worry about him. I even heard a rumor that he actually let a stranger wash one of his cars this past weekend! We might have to discuss an intervention here fellas.... :cries:
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