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Everything posted by nc211

  1. We're still in the $3.30 range for regular, but it's dropping. Ike really messed us up, or so we're told. You know me, I'm not convinced, not after a month. We're about to see if "speculators" really were to blame for the $147 a barrel prices this week. Opec is going to test us, with an emergency meeting to cut production, by as much as 2 million bpd "barrels per day". I hate opec, I think they're a corrupt organization, and this meeting and effects should be exploited to the general public for the EXACT foundation why we should drill for our own, and get serious about alternatives "or at least continue down that path at todays rehteric levels". Opec wants oil to stay between $70-$90 a barrel, bare minimum. I think that's still too high, by about $20 to $30 dollars, especially during an economic meltdown and recovery. Opec clearly has a hand or two on the wheel of this country's economic condition. Housing crisis hurt us, badly, but the $147 a barrel "and all the spook-press associated wth it", is what broke the economy. So, we'll see how involved speculators are now in oil. I wouldn't be suprised if oil spikes up again from this news, but I also wouldn't be suprised if it doesn't. With the witch-hunt going on in Wall Street, I think those "speculating" on such an impactful sector to the overall health of the economy, might be too scared to try anything. We've got to get the "mobility factor" back into check, before anyone is going to assign any of their disposable income to other things, things that will create the recovery. We can throw a quad-zillion dollars at the markets, but if we're all still stuck in the garage and/or airport terminal, no recovery is to be had. So, we'll see what happens this week. I'm quite interested to get back on the box at the office and find out what's happened with Iraq's oil fields. They were suppossedly holding the world's largest oil auction last week, with Shell and Exxon Mobile in the lead bid. Iraq was selling off a sizable time-window to production rights to a 75 billion barrel field. It's not in the press anymore, for fear of stoking the whole "we invaded for the oil" argument. Me personally? I say get the damn oil. We're there, we've stayed there, we haven't abandoned them "when many said we should", we're financing them "even with their $80b surplus", we're investing in them. I say get the oil, I say it's a justified return. I don't mean for us directly, I mean for taking a big chunk out of Opec's ability to manipulate the world's economic engines. Think about it. If we "the non-opec population" can gain control of some of Iraq's oil production, well, that's HUGE! For those of us on here that follow this stuff, I'd say be ready for a bumpy ride, or a pleasent suprise.
  2. my wife and i looked at one of these when replacing her honda civic "ended up with a 07' mazda 3gt". It drove nice during the initial test drive, but couldn't stand the salesman, wanted to strangle him, different story though. After having a few friends and clients with the 240 series, I can honestly say that I don't want anything to do with that 2.4 engine. Although most were in the coupes "hatchbacks", it seemed as though they were always dealing with some sort of check engine light, or belts, electronic modules, and almost all of them had bad O2' censors at some point within a 30k mileage window "the dreaded 420 code". Plus, that engine for some reason, seems to get louder and rougher as it ages, and pretty quickly too. A 2.4 with 50k miles sounds and feels nothing like the same engine with 15k-20k miles. I think they're neat looking little cars, and certainly fun to drive. But the upkeep seems to be far more then the car's enjoyment factor warrants. An older Porsche "boxter, old 911, etc", sure, I can see spending time on maintenance and such, but an entry level MB, no thanks. It was that factor alone why we went with the Mazda. The MB was an 03', white, with about 35k on the clock. They were asking around $17.9. But I would of never considered a 240 series "and didn't" when it came time for me to replace my 95' LS400. As you know, the LS really spoils you, and spoils just about all other cars for you. They're a double edged sword, that's for sure. They're so good, it's damn near impossible to scratch that itch for something different, unless you leave the sedan segment all together, which is what i had to do, and replaced the LS with a 05' 4runner. It's nothing like the LS, not even close. But, I did keep the V8 factor, even if it does cost twice as much in operational funds. Gotta' have a V8 man. Once you've had one, it's nearly impossible to go back.
  3. We're in the $60's range on barrell prices now! :D The closer we get to E'-day, the more it keeps dropping...of course, so does the stock market and general economy, but still, sometimes you've got to ignore the dough and count the chocolate chips of a cookie, to keep your sanity. Gee, I wonder were all of those investment bank analysts are from just 90 days ago saying it was sure to pass $200 by this time.... :whistles:
  4. No sunroof? I don't think I've ever heard of that before on the LS. Is it an American version, or brought over from overseas via a military personnel?
  5. Before I could even comment that I'd bet you'd be the first to reply...... hahaha...
  6. I'll start: He must of been reading Halliburton's most recent quarterly financial report while enjoying his Bald Eagle omelet. Or, maybe he's past his 5,000 mile oil change. Or, maybe he's forced to run on 87 octane, instead of 93. Or, maybe he forgot to wipe down his shotgun from his last hunting trip "you know, finger prints". Or....
  7. I looked at the 5 series when replacing my LS. It was an 03' 530i (i think that was the year). It flew! But, no elbow room, no cup holders, strange noises from the rear "sounded like differential was on it's way out", and the hard plastics inside the cabin were quite loud when hitting bumps "it was chilly out". Overall, the operation of the car was ok, much different from Lexus "or toyota in general", more rumble felt from the car's operation, more mechanical noise. But the lack of room, well documented odd electrical gremlins, and general feel of the car, satified my curiousity to stick with Toyota. One day, when I've got a bit more income, I might take another look and newer body styles. In my research of BMW, I was pleasently suprised to see parts were much cheaper then Lexus, even Toyota. I think oem brake rotors were like $50-$60 bucks, pads were in the $30 range. Granted, you'll be replacing them every 36k miles "if you're lucky", but that was pretty cheap. If you take on a BMW, with limited cash resources, you better be a skilled DIY type with a car, otherwise you could very easily get eaten alive. Anything with 140k miles, in my opinion, needs to be Japanese. Some German products seem to last forever, but not nearly as many as from Japan. I've seen only a handful of BMW's with north of 150k miles that weren't or haven't been complete pains in the !Removed!. Of those that weren't problematic, they all had the 3.0 liter v6 engine "330i and 530i". The 2.5 and 2.8 engines seemed to be the ones with the most problems. Not suprising though, considering they're also the least powered...aka...more abused to get moving. The transmissions: I called a few shops during my research. I can't recall the two manufactures' names, but one use to make BMW transmissions, and they were considered to be super. The lastest versions "of the past 8 - 10 years I think" are made by a GM company, and are known to be not nearly as good. I think the old company also built Volvo's gearbox back in the day too.
  8. In my younger years, I was a movie-crew guy. One of the 1st films I ever worked on was an HBO movie about Truman, called "Truman", with Gary Sinise as Truman "Lt. Dan from Gump". After reading the script, having access to the writer and several conversations on those cold late nights of filming with him hanging around the set, actually living in Misery "Missouri", and studying Truman for several years, I liked that guy! Wish we had him around today actually "minus the whole nuke-'em thing though". My wife and mother-in-law have both said they don't like either McCain or Obama, and will check "other" or write-in Big Bird if allowed. I've warned them that if they do this, that I am not to be disagreed with during the next 4 years when I comment on the state of things. Knowing my ways, they've decided to vote. I think Obama is gonna' win it fellas, I really do. I don't necessarily agree with him on many of his issues, but I like the fact that he has what he has by the work of his own hands. Not a child of privledge, not a slick DC insider, etc. I don't know if he'll be good, but I'm willing to try. If he doesn't get the jobs back in our country though, I won't vote for him or anyone like him again. I think it should be criminal for major corporations doing business here to outsource everything to cheaper labor in China, India, Mexico, etc. I can't figure out how to change the ink cartridge on my HP printer at home, thanks to "Hank in INDIAnapolis" on the phone. I've got to have my son's toys tested for led, thanks to China, and I've got the major poo-poo's from lunch, thanks to tainted ecoli tomatoes from Mexico. If you ask me, if this kind of stuff isn't a "threat to national security", then I don't know what is. The only thing worth a damn from the import-docks in the shipping yard, is the cars, tv's, and clock radios. I actually read an article not too long ago about how europe was experiencing a major outbreak of eczema, thanks to the fabric and wood finishings used in chairs and sofas imported from China. You should see the horrible construction quality of some of the baby furniture we have at home. I had to practically rebuild the rocking chair, thanks to screws falling out and alignment holes being an inch+ off. China makes CRAP, and why we employ them with our jobs just doesn't jive with me anymore. We've got to find away to address the "cost" excuse, otherwise we're all going to be depressed "led", covered in rashes "eczema" and stuck to the toilet 24/7. Oh, and do I need to even mention the baby formula problem? I'd kill that SOB who put shaved plastics in the formula to trick the protien tests. China made products suck. Ok, getting mad, gotta' stop..
  9. Interesting you note Infinity, because they're my favorite "store brand" speaker I've ever had. I think they're exceptionally clear. My all-time favorite speaker is called Phase-Tech, but I haven't a clue where to find them anymore. Had (and still have) a pair of floor speakers from them from the early 90's. One 8 inch woofer, one tweeter, and the imagery and sound is just stunning, even today. My 01 Maxima had Bose. My 07 Mazda 3 has Bose. The 4runner has JBL "I think". The in-law's chrystler has infinity. Of the lot, the Chrystler has the best sound, in my opinion. But the nissan and mazda aren't / weren't bad at all. The 4runner...sucks. But I'm no audio guy anymore.
  11. Jcrome, my man! Hahaha... Well, I've cooled off a bit. I had a pretty crap week last week, starting off with my boss notifying me he's retiring in Jan. In an office of just 2, that's not a good thing. Plus, in my line of work "commercial real estate lending", this ain't exactly the time to be job hunting. But, I've been reassured the home office isn't going to close this office, and we'll most likely replace him with an external canidate. So, we'll see what happens. I'm a little rattled, but now's the time to play it cool and exploit the opportunity to shine. But, we're not sleeping all too well right now. I've got good news though....in my utter frustration last week with everything, I decided that I was going to get this damn economy going one way or another. So, I grabbed the family, pilled into the 4runner, went and filled up with premium, got the $10 car wash, and headed to the outlet malls. Gentlemen, let me tell you something, NOW is the time to shop! On paper, we saved far more then we spent. We got over $1,200 worth of clothes, for $450 bucks. My son has clothes for the next year, I picked up several pairs of slacks, shirts, shoes, sweaters, cologne. Wife loaded up too. 25% off tag, plus an additional 40-50% off the total ticket. And, every store in the mall had "help wanted" signs up. Place was slammed! RX, I'm talking about Smithfield. So, I did my part to get money flowing again. I've got better news.... I'm not completely sold on these reports, much as I was never sold at the $200 a barrel reports either, but analysts are starting to say oil could very well hit $30 - $40 a barrell! They're saying this not because of the ole' supply and demand arguement, but because Iraq is starting to return to the table. They're holding the world's largest auction this week for something like 75 billion barrells of oil producing fields, with Shell and ExxonMobile in the lead on bids! They're also saying the "drill, baby drill" chant from this nation is starting to ring through the markets. They said it won't be for a few months, but it certainly has the potential, especially with Iraq's supply coming to market in the non-opec format. That's kickass! There's no doubt we're in some unreal times right now, with a lot of work ahead of us. Historically, all but one meltdown normally averages a 62 week recovery period. I think we'll be beyond that with this one, but do think much of this is due to "fear and lack of confidence". Poor fundamentals triggered it, but the emotional plays have expanded it to levels of "uh, something doesn't smell right about this". I read a report from an analyst I like last week that highlighted certain triggers to know when we're at the bottom. He said the individual investor is almost always the last player to leave the field "and last on the field too". He said when we start seeing the daytraders leaving, and start seeing the big buyers swooping in, we'll know we're either at the bottom or very close to it. I think we're close to it. With sooo much sell-off, effectively making the market over-sold, big boys are starting to buy now for long-term holds. Long-term holds are a good thing, that signals confidence, and reduces some of this craziness in record-breaking swings. I say we just sit tight, get through this election, and then start busting our butts with the recovery. I think the economy vehicle is bouncing between guardrails at the moment, and there is just no way to fix that until this 8 year platform we've been on, is replaced. For anyone who's entering the job market now, have a business degree "finance specifically" and wondering where to look, I offer you just two words....Asset Management. Commercial Real Estate is starting be thought of as the next shoe to drop in this mess. If that happens "is now slowly", new loan production will be converted to asset management. With as much volume that has occured over the years, lenders will be "working out" deals that are in trouble for several years to come. The fed will handle the residential, but the private sector will certainly handle the commercial. I'm predicting a large amount of new jobs will created in that field. Banks, Insurance companies, some Fannie/Freddie conduits, state pension funds, etc... Just look in those areas to catch the scent.
  12. I've said all I'm going to say on this thread. I've stated my points, I've made my predictions, I've got nothing left to offer. Now, time will tell if I'm right or wrong. Right now, I'm feeling the overwhelming desire to just f8ck it all, burn the entire damn thing down to the ground, and start over. Starting with burning every foreclosed house I can find to the ground, pulling every penny I've got out of the bank, blowing up the oil pumps in Venuezuala (or however you spell that sh*t hole place), dumping 50 daisy-cutter MOAB bombs in the NW Pakistan area and kill every single last one of them *BLEEP*s, pulling every troop we've got around the world back home, going to defcon 1 with every nuke missle we've got on hair-triggers, and go on a witch hunt for every elected official in the land, starting with Nancy Pelosi. And execute every single last b*stard who's purposely screwed their fellow countrymen, immediately. So...I'm just gonna bow out for awhile and cool off..be back later.
  13. Please excuse me . . . I hope you don't mind if I forgo holding my breath, and hop on one leg, while I wait for the increadible growth ... and the party. History always repeats itself. There was a time when everyone wanted to be Roman, too. Just prior to the dark ages. Some say it won't be that bad 'next time'. I at least go that far. Dude, what? Don't worry amigo, I doubt you'll be invited anyway..... by the way....the sky is falling, the sky is falling. We're all going to die too, the world will burn, disease is everywhere, we're all going to kill ourselves. The sun is going to scorch our kids to death, my son's puppy will be eaten by a wolf, life sucks, it's all bad, we're all doomed, except for you thanks to your solar panels and hybrid cars. Go read a history book, followed by a few courses in economics 101 and finance 101.
  14. In that case, can I have $50 for gas, dad?
  15. Happy b'day big guy! You're not gonna need to juice up the a/c to compensate for ALL of those candles on the cake, are ya'?
  16. The assassination point use to concern me a few months ago, and it still does, but not nearly as much. I say this for the simple fact that Bush wasn't assassinated, even during his trips to the middle east, were you've got to admit, was a pretty ballsy thing for him to do. They even made a movie about it a few years ago. I'm sure you're right RX, the secret service boys and girls are probably on hair-triggers, but I think they're pretty good. On a funny note: My father-in-law is a retired NC SBI guy, very very high up in the ranks. He was heavily recruited by the secret service for years, but didn't want to make the sacrifice to his family for it. When I went to ask his permission to propose to his one and only daughter "met him for lunch downtown", I was nervous to say the least. He was going to have some fun with me, and boy did he ever! Immediately after I asked the question, he said "lets go take a walk". As we walked around the capital building, small talking "I was about to passout because he had not answered me yet", he started pointing out vantage points where he use to sit with his snipper riffle during the inagural parades for the governor. He said stuff like "see that corner on the roof over there? I would sit behind that pillar with a browning and scope out the crowd. At any one point, anyone and everyone was literally 1/100th of a second away from having their heads blown off, if I was given the order". As we rounded the capital building to the north, I noticed a carivan of black suburbans parked in the U drive. Out came a bunch of men in suits rushing into the 4 suburbans. He put his hand up to wave and said "there's Mike". I said "or I think I said, I was trying to not let the load in my shorts run down my pant leg", "who's Mike?". He said, "the Governor". For a split second, I thought "this guy is nuts, he's just messing with me having a little fun". For a SPLIT SECOND. As the 4 suburbans started to move, the 3rd one stopped, the rear passenger window went down, and out came a hand waving back and a shout across the lawn "hey ###, good to see the ole' bird-dog is still kickin'!" I couldn't speak, nearly tossed my lunch on my shoes, and quite honestly wanted to do nothing more but run home and suck my thumb in the dark. I thought "jesus, this guy could make me vanish in a blink of an eye. What in the hell am I doing??". We walked a few more yards, when he turned to me and said "of course you can marry my daughter, we'd be honored to have you in the family". Later on as the wedding progressed, he told this story at the rehersal dinner, and brought down the house! That place was ROCKIN' with laughter!
  17. After the second debate between the two last night, I've got to admit, I'm liking Obama more and more. I say this for a couple of reasons, and I'm not bashing McCain either, I like him too. I think I can sum-up what I'm hearing from both of them like this: McCain "I've done this, I've done that". Obama "I want to do this, do that". I also must admit, I'm really tired of some of McCain's antics against Obama. I don't like the negative attacks against Obama, the whole Celebrity thing, the little slaps like last night when McCain slipped a zinger in during his opening comments "good to be here in townhall setting with Obama", that sort of stuff. I'm tired of this childish crap, and quite frankly very dissapointed that McCain would act this way. I also agree with Obama's decision to at least talk to Iran and N. Korea. He made a very solid point last night regarding our decision to not even talk to them, call them the axis of evil, and now they're BOTH messing with nukes. What's the harm in simply talking? We can't really think that guns and forceful tactics alone "sanctions" can solve everything, do we? You know what they say...live by the gun, die by the gun. I mean, don't get me wrong here, I've been a supporter of military action against Iran if need be. I've thought all-along that they're the real target for our involvement in Iraq. But, I think we should at least talk first. McCain won't do it, Obama will. If I were president, honestly, I would too. I would at least inform them personally, face to face, man to man, one on one, that we're not wanting a fight, but are more then willing if need be. The path were on now, just feels like a school yard of two sides, each with one main fighter and both being manipulated to fight by the crowds and chatter. When I fight, which thankfully isn't and hasn't been often in my life, I've always gone up to my opponent, in his face, and made sure he knew I didn't want to do this, but have no problems doing so if need-be. I've also made sure the "crowds" weren't around. Two go off, one comes back, no cheerleaders. I've avoided 95% fights in life with that. I don't know if my growing support for Obama is from Obama himself, or McCain pushing me away to Obama. I haven't figured that out completely yet. But I'm beginning to feel like Obama is pulling me towards his side, more than McCain pushing me away. But....Obama has got to stop one thing that BUGS the heck out of me when he speaks.....it's the drawn out "..and....and...and...and..." It chews on me much in the same fashion teenagers use the word "like". Like, I was like totally there, and like he was like all like upset and like I was like whatever... Oh, and McCain..."my friends"? Who wrote that for you? The same guy who wrote "make no mistake" for W? I think the bloom is off the rose for Palin too. No offense to all of the wonderful "hockey moms" out there, and "Joe 6 Packs", but quite honestly, the white house isn't an ice rink, and I seriously doubt Budweiser served at state dinners would impress anyone. And her voice...that accent, the manner of execution when she speaks, just doesn't sit well with me for some reason. I just can't buy what she's selling sometimes. Joe Biden: I think that guy is slicker, and has the potential to be sleezier, than Bill Clinton. To me, he has the potential of being living proof to the ole' phrase my dad taught me....it ain't your enemies that'll get you into trouble, it's your friends.
  18. My folks say they're seeing $2.79 outside of Tulsa! A DOLLAR less than here! It's coming guys, I'm not kidding.... we're positioned to really break the gas price grip. I'm not saying there aren't some serious flaws in the economic engine right now, but some of it is also due to "emotional" plays...aka..fear and lack of confidence. Those two components can be quickly addressed with an election. I'm hoping my theory over the past year relating to post-election bounce is true. Because if it is, and we're at $2.70 a gallon on gas...we've got a real shot at really giving gas prices a real punch in the nose!
  19. One thing to remember about driving the LS400 in snow "or any rear-wheeled heavy sedan for that matter", is to utilize "N" when coming to a stop. On two seperate occasions, when I had my LS in snow, I found I had FAR more control when braking if I just popped the transmission into neutral when coming to a stop. For some reason, in really cold temp's the snow can melt on the brakes then refreeze instantly as ice. It doesn't make the brakes useless, but I noticed on a few occasions that no matter how hard I stood on the brakes, the car still inched forward when at a stop. I've seen Jag's and Benz's act like this too. Haven't seen BMW do this, but they've got the best brakes in the business anyway. Plus, with the length and weight of the LS, when coming to a stop on a really slick surface, the down-gearing of the transmission as you slow can cause enough torque kick in the rear wheels to break their grip on the snow. If in neutral, that is eleminated and you've got a lot more control. Braking power is applied more evenly between the front and back, since you're not having to fight the force of the transmission wanting to move the rear wheels. Just make sure you're standing on the brakes when you reengage the transmission, otherwise that intial kick back into gear can make the rear start sliding. Dang man, Gulf Coast to Vermont huh? I'm really sorry to hear that. Although, Vermont is quite nice, or so I've been told. With my thin southern blood, I'd probably freeze over in seconds up there. PS: What ever oil you use, I'd make sure it's synthetic. Synthetic performs better in cold temps during the intial start-up in the mornings.
  20. Investor 1: Which one would you rather be: the sh*t or the fan? Investor 2: Does it really matter? Investor 1: Not really. But at least we're not the bug or the windshield. Investor 2: Not yet.
  21. *NOTE OF CAUTION* We (being he) bears no responsibility for the late-night "ohhh snap, I gotta' have that" infomercial purchases that have been reported in some investors of such plan, therefore wiping out all potential profits realized upon the infusion of said recyclable materials. Therefore, it is this policy holder's opinion to study and review all documentation thuroughly before making any decisions, and eat a big bag of Cheetos while doing so, which shall normally have said investor on the toilet during those crucial "ohhh snap, I gotta' have that" moments. It is a much safer bet to acquire the "ohhh damn, that's burning my butt-cheeks" method of secondary investing under this plan (see Cheetos), then the "ohhh snap, I gotta' have that". Or you could end up with a dozen Hulk Hogan Turbo Thunder Twister-Mixers, like said author of this disclaimer. PS: The phone-s*x lady records the conversations too, so giving a false name an trying to argue it wasn't you when the bill comes, doesn't work.
  22. Hahaha.... yet, isn't it just a shame to think that $3.05 is "cheap"!!
  23. Speaking of pork, I LOVE the little kicker in the new plan about the production of wooden arrows for children! What in the flippin' hell is that about? Why would the production of wooden arrows be allowed anyway, when lawn-darts were banned years ago! I've gotta' tell ya', these politicians never stop.. Just unbelievable. I was on a flight back to Raleigh Friday evening. Sitting in front of me was a congressional representative for our area, David Price. Behind him "and next to me on the isle seat" was one of his little buddies. He had me pinned against the window, with his pork-chop legs and fat-!Removed!. All yappin' on his blackberry, being mr. important. Twice, I shoved him back over the center armrest "which I insisted be used" because he was leaning over too far. By the end of that flight, that little George Castanza look-a-like, was two seconds away from me taking that blackberry and beating him in the face with it. Here's a lesson kids: If you become a failure in life, fail at business, fail at relationships, fail at playing by the rules of the law...don't worry.....just become a politician!
  24. We're still in the $3.80's here for regular, thanks to hurricane Ike. NC is the 4th most expensive state to buy gas right now, behind Alaska "Um, Palin, care to address this?", Hawaii, and Georgia. On a side note, a few posts back regarding some of my personal predictions, was one about getting oil below $90 a barrell, and then having a dollar ralley to bring it down even further. Today, I read an article where oil is now below $90, and the dollar is experiencing it's strongest growth in some 8 years. Go friggin' figure this one out!?!?!?! I guess logic went out the window right about the time when stocks started to go up, and bonds did too. Stocks use to go up, and bonds went down, and vice-versa....but you also had to actually qualify for a mortgage too, and only Donald Trump had $30k limits on his Visa card. PS: Emerging markets are seeing the worst decline in stocks in 20 years. Bad for them, good for arguing the theory of global demand on oil. And, the decline is being led by Russia! In light of recent events by the russian government, I shed no tears if they go bankrupt, again.
  25. While on our honeymoon a couple years back, El' SmoothieDude here accidentally plug the camcorder into the laptop's power adapter, and zapped it. We were in Sydney at the time, and getting ready to head to the Zoo. So, again, El' SmoothieDude here, rushed down to the nearest electronic's store to buy a new camcorder. I bought the same kind as what I had "Had a Canon ZR200, replaced it with a MV830i". The guys said it was the exact same model, just had an Austrailian product number. BUT, after getting home and trying to make some DVD's, I quickly realized something was up, and they weren't the same. Basically, in a nut shell, I have the PAL-recording-format version. And we here in the states, and all of our equipment too, is NTSC format. So, none of our trip videos from Sydney-on are watchable, which wipes out about 70% of our trip. Plus, I've got lots of other videos too from Europe last year, and my son's arrival and past 4 months too, all in PAL format. I'm curious if anyone knows of any software that can convert it from PAL to NTSC? I've found some stuff via yahoo searches, but I'm not so sure. Thought I would ask here if anyone's dealt with something specifc and liked it? My burner software can't do it "or I can't figure it out". It's NERO. I'm obviously going to buy yet another camcorder, this time in NTSC format....One $400 camcorder is going to cost probably $1,800 when it's all done and said for. Geez, almost reminds me of my LS400, when one bad ball-joint cost $1,800 for all new control arms, because of my own stupidity. I swear...I shouldn't of quit drinking.
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