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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Alright guys...I slept on it, and I'll take you advice....one more time to the dealership and back into the hands of the senior tech...I'll go for one more round. I have been "warned" by the fiancee' to do nothing in regards to selling it until after the wedding and honeymoon, so it may be in May before I can sell it, if the dealership can't fix this damn thing correctly. I think it either needs to be "tuned in" or it's in the driveshaft.
  2. Well..stop missing...cause I'm going nowhere in terms of this website! I'll just become the black-sheep. hahaha. Man, the best part about this experience is this website, and you guys!! I'm not going ANYWHERE! I just need a different kind of wheels. My LS is sweet...DAMN SWEET, but just ready for the next NC211, the next Blake, SRK, Army, etc....to treat her right. I've brought her right to the front line...but not able to take her to the next level. Trust me....I'll interview the buyer before I agree. No way will this car be sold to anyone who won't take care of her. She just needs a new set of rims. I'm going to take her to the dealership in the next few days and have her checked out, aligned, balanced, and cleaned up, them take her to the auto detailer "one of my borrowers" and have it super detailed! PS: The wife's next car will probably be an IS300....so...I'm still in it! :)
  3. guys...i was driving to the office today, and hit the very smooth black-top infront of the office, and I am sorry to report...but it isn't fixed, I'm right back where I started when I first found the club lexus website, and was brought over here by our good friend bi-col. I don't know what's wrong, I think it might be a bent rim or two, but, I'm done trying to fix this car. I am very dissappointed in the fact that MY ls400 isn't what the normal ones are, but I've got to stop the bleeding and call a spade, a spade. I'm selling mine and going back to Nissan. I know some of you will bark at me for this, but understand, that I have spend thousands of dollars in parts, and thousands in labor, and a several hundred in tools in trying to figure this out. I spent last weekend in the pouring down rain working on this car, and now have one hell of a cold to show for it. I'm sorry guys, but this is one LS400 owner that is throwing in the towel. The vibration that I felt in the car is the original vibration that sparked the new motor mounts, tranny mount, and all the other parts in my signature. I'm not going to do this again. Nor am I going to bash these cars, I just got a POS version, that was clearly not what the dealership told me it was. I know I said I would always have one of these cars in my driveway. And one day I shall again. Who ever gets this car, will have a 99% perfect LS400. I am all but convinced it's the rims. But I will not spend another dime on hoping to fix it. I would rather spend it on a new car. In addition, there is another motive to this decision: SWO3ES will agree, as will all other economists....when one element goes up, another comes down...Elasticisty of economy....when gas prices rise, SUV prices fall. Guys, I need something that can haul stuff. I'm getting married soon, probably going to take a new job in a different city, and in all honesty, I need a hauler. So, I'm going to tap my auctioneer buddy and f ind me a fully loaded one of these...http://www.autotrader.com/ The market is floooooded with SUV's = bad for sellers = great for buyers! Now fellas, we're happy Toyotaians here, but you can't really argue with fact that Nissan doesn't build one hell of a V6 engine! And to be quite honest, I think they build one of the most user friendly SUV's on earth. I like the 4 runner a lot, but I hate the driving position of them. So, in short...anyone want a 1995 LS400, 110k miles, All new OEM control arms, mounts, clean throttle body, and all the other good stuff below? All she needs is a new set of rims and maybe some top strut mounts? Oh..and the entire repair manual, including the technician training manuals too. I'm asking $13,000 , but negotiable...to a point ;)
  4. 95-97 engines are NOT interference engines. This only came about when they went to variable timing in 98+. So if our timing belt breaks...it just needs another timing belt, as where the 98+ models, if the belt breaks....it's done for.
  5. Good choice Sweet! Especially from buying it from a Lexus dealership in general. They tend to screen out their used cars to only pick the good ones that they feel comfortable offering to the public for sale...I mean, they're name is going to be on it after all. My dealership here will send off the "beaters" to auction, no matter how clean they appear, if they can't verify them mechanically. as a side note, i would ask them to fax you a copy of the history in their computers from the car's vin number. Keep it for your records so you know what was done, and when. Comes in very handy if you ever have a problem.
  6. Well.....now I really need those shim kits on the front pads because man....do they SCREAM. Hahaha. But that's no big deal at all, just need some oem pads and 30 minutes. I went and had the tires balanced on the hunter 9700 system with road force, two tires were pretty bad off on the road force, but were fixed, the other two were dead on center. Now I think it needs a proper alignment to set up the car for the new tires, correctly. And then it's just driving it and tinkering.....oh....bought the future Mrs. Roto-r Rooter's LOL, wedding ban yesterday...didn't know she wanted diamonds in that too! So I told her on our way home that I get to pick out the next car to replace her honda civic....... can...you...say....daddy...wants....a....IS300 or GS400.
  7. Oh yeah, all the pistons are good. I took care of them a few months ago when i replaced the pads. It's not that the front rotors were warped though, it's that they were not designed with those two mounting screw holes that keeps them balanced when putting on the wheels.
  8. sweet...since the seller is a Lexus Dealership...ask them if they will put a 90 day / 3,000 warranty on the car, and ask them since you're so far away from them, that if your local Lexus dealership will honor their warranty...since they're all pretty much tied into one company in general....Lexus, Inc. That way, if there is a major problem, like that TSB I posted earlier, you have a away to rectify the problem locally. Other than that...man she sounds like a great car! Got a weblink to the car so we can see it?
  9. I've been waiting a long time to say this....... It's FIXED!! :D It was indeed the front rotors! I just finished putting the new ones on "in the pouring down rain might I add". I went for a drive, and the problem is no longer. She does need a balancing job, as there is a slight vibration at 65 mph and up, but not that bad...maybe needs one or two tiny weights. It's probably from the tire stems, it's that faint of a vibration. Probably have her aligned too since these are new tires and all, although she doesn't pull at all. I wanted to take some pictures, but the second I got the first wheel off the car, it started to rain....I just kept on going...neighbors definetly think i'm nuts now! Hahaha. So as it appears the problem that created this thread to begin with ended up being 1) a twisted strut on the back 2) worn out tires and 3) cheap car-quest rotors on the front "my fault" that did not have the centering screws of which every mechanic who looked at the car, missed. Life is gooooodddd. "Lookin' good Billy Ray!" "Feelin' good Lewis!"......quote from the eddie murphy movie, trading places..
  10. Thanks amigo...I like those IS300's a lot too! But does that I6 engine sludge up like the V6's do sometimes? That's really my main concern, and with it being used and probably not being able to verify all the 3k oil changes intervals were met, that kind of concerns me about the 6 cylinder engines.
  11. Alex...it's normal...and it too freaked me out on mine at first..What is happening is that your two light sensors "dime sized, black, sensors" in the corners of your dash are telling the computer that the outside light is too brite for the dash lights to act in "night mode", and it brings it back up to normal, daytime driving conditions. It will do this a lot in the early mornings and at dusk in the evenings. Think of it like this...when you go into a tunnel, the dash lights will dim automatically, when you come out, they'll come back up so you can see them more clearly. This only happens when you have your headlights on though. Once you turn them off, the sensors turn off too. It's normal...trust me.... Here's another thing that'll suprise you too....turn on your wipers to intermitted. Set the time delay between wipes to short. They will work like normal, intermitted wipers...but when you go over 20 mph, they will automatically go into the low, always on setting for you. Then when you come to a stop, or fall below 20mph, they will automatically go back to the shortest intermitted pattern again.....it's GREAT when it's raining not quite hard enough to need them on all the time at the stop lights, but you need them on all the time when you hit a certain speed. Having fun yet?
  12. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    HAHAHA!!! Blake, that picture is too much! Oh man, I'm going to print that off and put it on the bulletinboard! that...is great!
  13. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    Whew...am i glad to see that this thread did not turn into a shouting match during the night.. That was my fear, and I should have thought about that before I started this thread. I agree that I really shouldn't have posted it on a Lexus automotive forum in general. Especially one that is international. Allow me to explain....I'm a very laid back kind of guy. I go to church and try to live my life in the right way as to not offend others, and walk the line of a good man. But there is really only one hot button with me, and that is 9/11 and those who are responsible for it. This is no joke, I could have very easily lost my dad that day, and if things had played out like they should have, I most likely would have lost him. We have a family friend who is a commercial real estate attorney in NYC, and his firm was located on the 93rd floor of the north tower. My dad's shop was working on renegioting one of their commercial loans on a building around the trade towers. He was to be in NYC that morning for a meeting with Joe "the attorney" and the borrower at 8:00 am. He was originally going to fly out the night before on the red-eye, but as fate would have it, that flight was eventually cancelled due to the day's back-log of delays. So he was going to fly out of Kansas City the next morning, 9/11. Well Joe decided to just take the morning off and wait for my dad to arrive for the meeting around noon. But Joe's entire staff reported to work as usual, and sadly, none made it out. My dad was sitting on the tarmack in KC, first up to take off when the pilot came on and said "there has been an incident in NYC and the FAA has grounded all flights." If he had flown out the night before as originally scheduled, they would have been in Joe's office at 8:00 am for their meeting...So, I get a little hot under the colar when I see Bin Laden pop up... The building they were working on was so badly damaged by the collapse of the towers, it eventually came down too. I saw the photos and video from the insurance company on the building that's in the file at his office...truely stunning. Bartkat, not sure if you're familiar with the area of Birmingham called Homewood? Sept. 20th is my birthday, and 9/20/01 was my 28th B-day. At that time, I was working in a firm that was located in the SouthTrust Bank building in downtown. I was sitting with my buddies at a bar called Oak-Hill in Homewood Village, having a few beers when Bush gave that speach I linked up. Needless to say,,I was pretty well lit up that night. And whenever Bin Lakin' shows up on the news, I kind of regress back to that night and get all fired up again... I get in that "lock and load boys, we've got a score to settle" frame of mind and will shoot off my mouth about it. I was actually asked to leave a restuarant in Charlotte about 2 years ago for saying what I would do to Bin Laden if I were President to my friends. They didn't ask me to leave because of my view points, they asked me to leave because I did not realize there was a nice family behind me with children and my hot-headed mouth was out of line. I felt really bad, and on my way out I gave the manager a $100 bill and insisted that it pay for their dinner and tip. The father came after me in the parking lot, shook my hand and said "privately, I agree with you, but my little girls were asking me what those 4 letter words were that you were saying". So...long story short...sorry guys, and especially 93' if my thread offended you at all. I appreciate your kind PM 93' ;) . It's not that we all disagree about the end result of taking out Bin Laden and his crew...I think it's just the way "I" said it. I can't say I haven't crossed the line in this topic before in my life....and can't say that I probably won't do it again in the future.....I just hate that SOB and can't wait for him to be exterminated from human existance....ok...I better stop now..getting fired up again. Hahaha.
  14. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    I really do recommend we just stop here on this....let's take your advice 93 and leave this forum for cars...
  15. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    :D :D ;) :D Damn...this is out of control...see if I take down 2 liters of Mountain Dew in 8 hours again! No body is *BLEEP*ing on anyone's shoes here... It's all good. ;)
  16. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    Can't argue there...but it's not "Bush's group"...it's America's forces. How about the Taliban, before we forced them out to get to Bin Laden...they killed women and children in those old soccer fields, for fun.
  17. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    yeah...sorry guys...had a bit too much caffiene today on this one. no debate here....let me pm swo and let's close this out....
  18. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    Well said 93....well said...
  19. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    93...I respect your opinion...and I do apologize if my over-amped post offends you...it is not my intention. As a long time member, you have clearly witnessed my seldom over-the-top threads. If management wishes to pull this one...well, out of respect for you my friend...I will agree. I mean no harm, no foul. I just have no other place to vent this feeling at this time. Swo...it's your call my friend. ;)
  20. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    I mean no harm by this my friends....I just think it's time to recall the real reason why.. REMEMBER THIS??? Remember why WE ARE ALL doing this? If you have forgotten...click here http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/20...20010920-8.html Our children will be reading this in their text books soon. "Americans are asking, why do they hate us? They hate what we see right here in this chamber -- a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other." " Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.) From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime. " "This is not, however, just America's fight. And what is at stake is not just America's freedom. This is the world's fight. This is civilization's fight. This is the fight of all who believe in progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom. " "The thousands of FBI agents who are now at work in this investigation may need your cooperation, and I ask you to give it. " "I ask for your patience, with the delays and inconveniences that may accompany tighter security; and for your patience in what will be a long struggle. "
  21. Hey Bin Lackin', suuurrree, we'll agree to your truce...you just give us your address where we can fed-ex our...um...conditions, and we'll call this a dead..opps...I mean..done deal. You don't even need to give us your street address...Longitute and Latitude will do just fine..We'll find ya'. You chicken sh*t coward. If I were President....the only truce I would make would be for me to take off your head with a dull, rusty, American made jig saw on the South lawn of the White House, on live TV so everyone in the world could hear you scream like the little cowardly b*tch that you are. Then I'd bury your as* in a shallow grave in the front lawn. And every morning when I woke up, I'd walk outside and p*ss on your grave. You started it...we're going to end it. No stopping now punk...we're still rollin'! Straight for your AS*!! J-DAM WILLING!
  22. I would post this question in the general discussion part, and maybe the IS part.
  23. I agree with Monarch . Sounds like someone was trying to "sell you" something that you don't need. Brisbane.....be flying through there in a few months on my way to Sydney for vacation...Bad Joke Ahead Alert!!!! "...knife? that's not a knife.....this is a knife!" Dundee baby...Dundee.
  24. Do yourself a favor Jo...do a search on this proceedure as I have heard it is one hell of a messy job! I think Lexls.com has it up on his site. I can't remember if you want your gas tank as low as possible or not.
  25. Just a random question for future knowledge when someday I buy a LS430....is this electronic tire reader standard equipment, or only a part of the UL package? When I do upgrade someday, I don't want a lot of the electronic toys that are available simply due to situations like this thread. Beyond the LS standards, maybe the navigation system is all I want.
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