I have question in same area:
upper and lower radiator hoses has been changed.
Do i have to change other cooling system hoses?
Heater hose, Throttle body connection hose etc.
Dealer mentioned to me that i have four more hoses
in cooling sys.
As you know it's '97 w/ 185,000
long time ago i requested for my Sienna which has same 1MZFE engine.
Mark who was advisor mentioned to me that they did open valvecover
no sludge was found.
Hope that helps.
Just go to Dealer and request what is your concern and see what happen.
Good luck.
A6251 is refill to rear engine mount.
I didn't replace all assembly. I bought this refill (A6251) for $45 and mechanic repacked it for me.
Hope that helps.
Brakes was done @131,000. I think it's time for new pads.(184,900)
Which brand should i go with? Lasttime if remember correctly,I used Toyota pads.
Rust on muffler, not leaking yet, future thoughts, which one?
Bolts were loose. He tighten. He mention to wait for next trans. drain for change every thing
I will drain and refill through plug @ 190,000 because 175,000 he did change every thing.
I am going to see mechanic this evening. At 175,000 he did change filter and oil.
may be some bolts get loose. now car has 184,700. As you guys advise i will request to change
everything again and use Ultra Black RTV
Thanks for everyone's input.
I am sorry, but I have to ask you a question. Are you satisfied after changing your windsheild? For example, are there wind noises or water leaks or any problems?