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    LS 400, ES300

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  1. Go buy the part first, then look around in the engine area to match the part up. Better yet, have someone at the parts store find it for you.
  2. LOL, thats why we were required to drive the car off the lot, go to a wide open area to switch drivers and make sure all the seats, belts, mirrors were properly adjusted. Another reason why we never let anyone take the car out by themselves.
  3. Im thinking it sucks it in and then lowers into a slot. It may not have seated properly. Maybe you can wiggle it around in there to see if it will seat better, then it might eject on its own.
  4. The only time I got upset with a looky-loo was a Regional Manager for a Insurance Company. He brought his mother to look at a vehicle. When he was asked for contact information his reply was, "Oh no, Im not giving you my number, we don't want you bothering us with lots of phone calls, I've been through this before" I'm thinking, what a hypocrite, the insurance business is based on making contacts, following up, communication by both parties and customer service. For him to say that was pretty lame. His mother loved the car she drove, but he yanked her out of there as soon as he could. She wasnt too happy either.
  5. I dont have a sunroof but still get water in the jack compartment. Any thoughts on that?
  6. First of all, it is not a clunker, it is a Lexus. It has numerous moving parts that will fail just like any other automobile. Now, with that said, it is very possible that the oil pump has died. This sends oil to the top of the engine. I wouldn't drive it anymore till you have a reputable shop check it out. Check it out before you get rid of it. Good Luck....... ;) ← Are you saying a bad oil pump sends oil to the pump? Or that a good oil pump sends oil to the pump?
  7. Is it normal to have visible oil near the top of the engine? I can see oil at the top when I take the filler cap off.
  8. I think thats the one I saw. That pic inspired me to install my own system since Circuit City wouldnt touch it. They said it would take too long and have lots of wiring to do. I think I got it done in less time than they said it would take.
  9. If that doesnt work, try a longer thin, very thin piece of metal on each side to stick under the CD and see if you can pop it up and then slide it out to you. Unless its the kind where the CD drops down inside the stereo.
  10. Its an insurance thing since we have to drive it off the lot, and then make a switch at a designated location. Also, we have 20 customers doing test drives at any hour on a weekend, you cant have that many new cars running around town. If we let everyone take it out for a day, thats around a 100 or so cars out of the lot. You cant have your inventory gone for that long. Ive seen cases where the same car was being sold by 3 different salespeople. Luckily we had 5 more in the back lot that was identical.
  11. Not true, they teach entire seminars on how to do just this. I know, I've taken them. To me its pretty easy to tell. Oftentimes its as easy as saying "If I found the best (whatever) for you right now, what would you do?" and look them right in the eye, you'll know if they're ready or not by what they say and how they say it. Do that and you won't be bothered by looky-loos again. I find thats true whatever you're selling. "If I find a car right now that fits all your needs, what would you do?" Then look them square in the face and shut up, you'll know. I find thats one thing salespeople do poorly on the whole, they talk too much and never listen. Thats why they have trouble telling who'se serious and who'se not. If they're not serious, point them in the right directions and have them call you if they have questions. ← Buying a house is quite different from a car. Its not like all the houses are in one location where you can look at all of them together. We looked at a lot of houses before we found the right one. You bet the realtor was getting anxious. But it certainly isnt a snap decision. Nobody should buy a car unless they test drive it , which is also the dealership policy. If I was car buying, and the sales guy told me ,"If I find a car right now that fits all your needs, what would you do?" I would say "then i'd take it for a long test drive, look it over mechanically, make sure its not a lemon and then we'll see what happens. I already know what I want before I go car shopping. I cant imagine a salesperson talking me into buying a car I dont want. I took my friend to the Hyundai place to get his car fixed, they couldnt pay me to look at any of their cars. I use the 3 lick test. 1) Are you going to trade your car in? 2) Are you financing your purchase? 3) Who are you gonna show your new car to first? If they dont say yes to one of those, you might as well make a U-turn.
  12. Wait, you cant blame the politicans We elected. Then it would be our own fault. We need to find politicians that will make it a mandate to raise the speed limits. I dont ever blame politicians, they were put in by the people. If you dont like your elected officials, then we can support the other candidate and do whatever it takes to gt them elected.
  13. Im sure there are less than honorable people in whatever career you have. The only position I know that isnt full of crooked people is "POPE". Hope he makes it through this time.
  14. No offense but thats pretty ignorant. Basically what you have to understand is this, nobody wants to be a traffic cop. People become police officers to do more exciting things, stopping you for speeding is one step above writing parking tickets, its the bottom of the ladder. Most police departments REQUIRE that new officers spend a certain amount of time on traffic before they can graduate to do what they WANT to do. So what you have is a whole bunch of people that hate what they do. People have sympathy for nasty busboys because its a dirty job nobody wants to do, but cops are "bloodsucking leeches" like I said before thats ignorant, and its not fair. Sure they get a rise, but not for stopping you in a crowd of people. They get a rise for picking off the the guy blasting down the road at 90 weaving in and out. Don't be that guy, you'll be fine. All the police officer is trying to do is begin a rewarding career and feed his family. If he has to stop you for breaking the law in order to do that he will, you would too. If you say you wouldn't then you're lying. My favorite statement here is "then they send you down to your insurance companies etc etc" thats just hilarious, what does a cop have to do with that? Like I said, they don't write the laws, they just enforce them. They don't write insurance regulations, your insurance company does. The cop doesn't get rich off of any of this, he makes $20k a year and gets spit on by people. Its a means to an end for him, thats all. I will ask you in the future however to not talk about any group of people in a derogatory manner. We have members from all professions and walks of life here. You can express your dislike for speed enforcement, but calling anyone a "bloodsucking leech" and "detestable" is innapropriate for this forum. ← So what do you call a guy whos 50 writing you a ticket? Just starting out to begin a rewarding career?
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