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Posts posted by 92Lex

  1. Yesterday Grossman performed like he always does, horrible. They would of been better off with Bledsoe. Haha. They were pathetic during the last drive...they didn't even try to come back.

    Gotta keep T.O. He drops the most passes in the league but he also had the most TD's last year. The guy has been playing with an injured hand...they have to give him another year to prove himself. They do need a new RB though. It's funny how they are always trying to run the ball, when they know that they don't have a running game.

  2. You might encounter warranty issues with other products on their site also. This is from Zapco's website:

    It has come to our attention again that companies known as Woofers etc. and acaraudio.com are selling Zapco products on the Internet.

    We emphatically say Woofers etc. and acaraudio.com are not authorized Zapco dealers.

    Also, we don't know exactly how it's happening but amplifiers bought from the two companies and sent to us for repair have lost their original Zapco serial numbers, even the serial numbers we carefully hide inside each unit.

    This removal or defacement of the official Zapco serial number voids Zapco's product warranty completely and borders on legally questionable action.

    We once again warn all of you out there to make absolutely certain you are buying a fully warrantable Zapco product by asking to see the original ARPA of America Warranty Registration Card originally shipped with the unit (a serial number is always affixed to this card) or ask for the actual serial number and call us to verify its authenticity.

    Tampered products hurt you and damage the reputation you've come to expect from Zapco products.

    Beware and check for an original Zapco serial number every time you buy Zapco.

    A World Wide Problem

    Yes they are everywhere making claims. For example, www.caraudiosa in South Africa is not a Zapco distributor, and they are not a Zapco dealer.

    The pictures on their web site were stolen directly from our 2002 catalog. Most of the products on the site are at least 3 model years old.

    Remember, if you buy our product from this type of company you will not receive any support from Zapco or from our representative in your country.

    If you have questions about finding our current products at a legitimate reseller, you can check our International Distributor list or mail us at sales@zapco.com

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