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 This New York Times report sheds light on the failure of the EPA to deliver the so called MPG standards and, the continued auto makers production of gas hungry large vehicles.

Recently there has been an active back and forth about the poor  RX 350h mpg compared to what Lexus has advertised. This is an excellent article that expose's much of the US car mpg "wink and a nod:" relationship with the regulator's and makers.

After you read this, post your opinion and let others know what you think.



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I think the problem is car makers are interested in profits, and if there is a loophole that allows them to meet current regulations with minimal effort then they will.

Personally, I think the idea of the new hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is very interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing the Lexus model - supposedly by 2020 I believe?

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 I agree with you James. When you think about it, You probably couldn't find a better and more plentiful fuel. Since 2/3 rds of the earth is covered with the stuff, it could be extracted from the oceans, and replenished with rain water. What I can't figure out is how would they transport the hydrogen to a refuel station, and keep the car and the nozzle spark proof?


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Great  article on this topic. There are so many possibilities for the future, but the ability of the stake holders are almost always ending in time ill spent. The friction between the profit side (producers), the arguments on the environmental balance, and the fight in Congress over how much will their state get out of it and how heavily the industry will spend to influence  all the "whats in it for me ?" people.



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  • 3 years later...

I worked with the EPA as a consultant for 30 years.  They set mileage standards, but it is up to the manufacturers to meet them.  The Trump admin has corrupted the process and sent us in the wrong direction. 

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