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Interior Paint?


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Alright guys once again I am asking for help and suggestions... I just took my car our of storage after three years of sitting outside.. The sunroof wasn't sealed 100% and I've got mold everywhere... Last night I scrubbed the inside of the car down with a strong cleaner/ degreaser...cut... But I still have stains! I plan to remove the entire interior out of the car to attact the carpet with a carpet cleaner/ shampoo! My question is does Lexus offer a OEM interior paint so I can paint over the stained seats and rails? Please help me guys... My interior is trashed and need to bring it back from the dead! Thanks in advance for the comments and advice!


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What a bummer.

The challenge here is that the mold's still alive and present even after your efforts so far. You'll need to clean and treat the interior with an antimicrobial product to kill and remove the mold inside the car, as normal cleaning products won't do the trick; (even bleach won't kill mold). I've found some reading online from auto detailers who have cleaned up interiors that were far worse than yours.

You want to wear a proper mask to protect your lungs, etc., and work in a well-ventilated setting.


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Alright so after some researching I found "Peridox RTU" which is a Antimicrobial cleaner.. That kills mold spores in 60 seconds! As for the stains, they suggest I try regular peroxide (@ 3 1/2%) from the store... They said if that doesn't remove the stains, then to use a "urine stain remover" for animals from a pet store because that has 7% Peroxide... If the stains still don't come out, then they sell a 20% Peroxide called "Serum"... But I shouldn't need it... So I ordered the Parodox RTU and waiting for it to come in....you simply spray it on and kills mold and mildew. They also suggested that a "Thermal Fogger", with this would work better because it could get in the vents and under the dash and under the seats... So I'm looking to see if I can rent one.... I will keep you all updated...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what the cost would be but you may want to consider taking the seats out and having them reupholstered. That cost compared to the time and effort of the cleanup may be worth considering.

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