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Couple Of Disturbing Noises - What Do You Think?

Will B.

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My 2004 LS is making a couple of noises that I plan on having Lexus examine at my next maintenance (the vehicle is still covered by CPO warranty). Any ideas what it could be?

1) When putting the car in reverse and moving about a foot or so, there will a "clunk" that sounds as if I've run over a rock or something. Might not be a good description, but that's the best way I can describe it. In fact, the first few times it happened, I actually checked to see what I drove over. I have never heard it going forward - only when I've moved a foot or two in reverse, and only then on occasion.

2) There's a small metallic "ting" that's audible on occasion when I turn the steering wheel. I think it happens on occasion both when I turn to the right, and when the steering wheel is returning to center after having turned to the right.

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Just guessing - Could it be the ABS system self checking itself? If you were to back into a parking spot, do you get the same noise when you leave pulling forward (clunk)?

The ting sounds like something may be catching on the self cancelling blinker. But, again, I'm guessing.


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@Landar - Yes, I use my E-Brake for parking at all times. I should mention that really the only time I go in reverse is when leaving a parking spot or my garage.

@Micah - I've never heard the clunk while going forward - only in reverse, but then again I rarely back in to parking spots. I'll try doing some turns without a blinker and see if the "ting" goes away.

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The reason I asked about the E-brake is that I suspect something related to the E-brake mechanism could be letting go or realigning when you first move backwards. If you stopped using the E-brake for a period, wonder if the noise goes away? I realize that does not solve the problem but it may help focus on the root cause.

If the clunk is always there when you backup(a good thing), you will only need to try a few times to verify. You might also want to have someone else back the car up while you are on the outside listening carefully for the source of the noise. In this manner it could perhaps be isolated to a specific side (and area) of the car.

If the clunk does not follow the E-brake, it could also be related to differential or connecting drive joints.

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After a week or so of not using the e-brake, the noise hasn't happened again so I'm guessing that is something related. Thanks for the pointer - gives me something specific for Lexus to check.

The other noise happens regardless of which way I turn the wheel, but it's so faint I can't even hear it when the radio is on. I'll ask Lexus, but won't press too hard on it.

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