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i usually never speed but just a few weeks ago. my friend asked how my soleniod was working and i said bad and showed him. it didnt down shift but still accelerated slowely. had no idea i was in a speed trap zone. i think it was total bs that i was going 74 in a 45 but the camera doesn't lie?? im kinda worried now cause i got the ticket and moms mad <_< what am i looking at? i live in phoenix az. and it says speed greater then reasonalbe and prudent. and felony!? im like come on. the only time i do it happend to be there. i feel stupid for not seeing the photo enforced sign but i dont really pay attention to those cause i dont speed. ever. i just cruise listening to my system, im 17 and scared i might loose my licence or get the car impounded. i talked to my uncle and my mom put on the paper it wasn't her and put her DL. there was like a snitch form that said if this is not you put the driver in this car's license and information. my mom is gunna act like she didnt see it. but if they come back whats gunna happen??? i really like my car and have spent so much time and money on my gs loosing it or not being able to drive it will be like a nightmare.

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i usually never speed but just a few weeks ago. my friend asked how my soleniod was working and i said bad and showed him. it didnt down shift but still accelerated slowely. had no idea i was in a speed trap zone. i think it was total bs that i was going 74 in a 45 but the camera doesn't lie?? im kinda worried now cause i got the ticket and moms mad <_< what am i looking at? i live in phoenix az. and it says speed greater then reasonalbe and prudent. and felony!? im like come on. the only time i do it happend to be there. i feel stupid for not seeing the photo enforced sign but i dont really pay attention to those cause i dont speed. ever. i just cruise listening to my system, im 17 and scared i might loose my licence or get the car impounded. i talked to my uncle and my mom put on the paper it wasn't her and put her DL. there was like a snitch form that said if this is not you put the driver in this car's license and information. my mom is gunna act like she didnt see it. but if they come back whats gunna happen??? i really like my car and have spent so much time and money on my gs loosing it or not being able to drive it will be like a nightmare.

First: Is this one of those photo radar tickets? Or were you actually pulled over by an officer and given the ticket from his radar gun? If it was an officer, then there is probably a reason why he kept you under the 30mph window (reasonable and prudent).

Second: You're 17. You're facing a hefty speeding ticket. I presume this is your first ticket? It's lawyer time. Trust me on this one man, the $500 for a Quick-Draw-McGraw traffic lawyer is well worth it, considering you'll probably pay that amount year after year in increased insurance premiums if the ticket hits your insurance company in it's current status. You have several more years to go before your driving status of "higher risk" is lowered by any insurance company.

I DO NOT recommend having your mom lie about who was driving the car, that's called perjury, and is not well received by the courts if proven to be true. CALL A LAWYER before you do anything, and get some REAL advice! If anything, that 29mph ticket turns into a 9 mph ticket, a fine, and a few hours of bubble gum scraping of the local park benches. And maybe a rerun of "Blood Runs Red on the Highway" video at your local DMV. Call a lawyer, period.

When I was your age (now 36), I had a whole slew of tickets from when I was 16 to 20. It wasn't until I tossed my radar detector into the garbage can that I stopped getting tickets. I lawyered-up every single time, and GLAD I did! Never had one hit my insurance record, not a single one. Had lots of very expensive "parking tickets", but those were one-off expenses, not like an adjustment to your insurance premium that takes a few years to burn off. It wasn't until just a couple of years ago that I got my next ticket, driving my wife's new Mazda 3GT. Just like a reflex reaction, I grabbed the yellow pages and called the lawyer with the biggest ad. $300 later, my record remains spotless* - *= in the eyes of my insurance company. Today, the cost to insurance both of my cars, both V8's, one 4x4, little deductible, full coverage? $98/month - TOTAL.

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i usually never speed but just a few weeks ago. my friend asked how my soleniod was working and i said bad and showed him. it didnt down shift but still accelerated slowely. had no idea i was in a speed trap zone. i think it was total bs that i was going 74 in a 45 but the camera doesn't lie?? im kinda worried now cause i got the ticket and moms mad <_< what am i looking at? i live in phoenix az. and it says speed greater then reasonalbe and prudent. and felony!? im like come on. the only time i do it happend to be there. i feel stupid for not seeing the photo enforced sign but i dont really pay attention to those cause i dont speed. ever. i just cruise listening to my system, im 17 and scared i might loose my licence or get the car impounded. i talked to my uncle and my mom put on the paper it wasn't her and put her DL. there was like a snitch form that said if this is not you put the driver in this car's license and information. my mom is gunna act like she didnt see it. but if they come back whats gunna happen??? i really like my car and have spent so much time and money on my gs loosing it or not being able to drive it will be like a nightmare.

First: Is this one of those photo radar tickets? Or were you actually pulled over by an officer and given the ticket from his radar gun? If it was an officer, then there is probably a reason why he kept you under the 30mph window (reasonable and prudent).

Second: You're 17. You're facing a hefty speeding ticket. I presume this is your first ticket? It's lawyer time. Trust me on this one man, the $500 for a Quick-Draw-McGraw traffic lawyer is well worth it, considering you'll probably pay that amount year after year in increased insurance premiums if the ticket hits your insurance company in it's current status. You have several more years to go before your driving status of "higher risk" is lowered by any insurance company.

I DO NOT recommend having your mom lie about who was driving the car, that's called perjury, and is not well received by the courts if proven to be true. CALL A LAWYER before you do anything, and get some REAL advice! If anything, that 29mph ticket turns into a 9 mph ticket, a fine, and a few hours of bubble gum scraping of the local park benches. And maybe a rerun of "Blood Runs Red on the Highway" video at your local DMV. Call a lawyer, period.

When I was your age (now 36), I had a whole slew of tickets from when I was 16 to 20. It wasn't until I tossed my radar detector into the garbage can that I stopped getting tickets. I lawyered-up every single time, and GLAD I did! Never had one hit my insurance record, not a single one. Had lots of very expensive "parking tickets", but those were one-off expenses, not like an adjustment to your insurance premium that takes a few years to burn off. It wasn't until just a couple of years ago that I got my next ticket, driving my wife's new Mazda 3GT. Just like a reflex reaction, I grabbed the yellow pages and called the lawyer with the biggest ad. $300 later, my record remains spotless* - *= in the eyes of my insurance company. Today, the cost to insurance both of my cars, both V8's, one 4x4, little deductible, full coverage? $98/month - TOTAL.

well it was one of those photo radar tickets. i said speed trap but i have no clue if there the same things. but i know shes prolly gunna act like she missed it. but what everyone is saying is if they write back saying they NEED the driver of the cars info she is gunna have to say its me. cause if she doesn't they can impound the car.. witch neither of us want. but yeah it was not an officer. im just really worried about loosing my license.. :( ill take a driving class.. pay a fine.. i just dont end up not being able to drive it.

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gsean300, You are a very, very lucky young driver at this time, Pay and learn. Your future depends on your actions now...If in fact you were speeding you are very fortunate that an accident didn't take place (and we all know the outcome of accidents ) Listen to Nc ;) Get a Laywer and never forget what you have avoided.

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gsean300, You are a very, very lucky young driver at this time, Pay and learn. Your future depends on your actions now...If in fact you were speeding you are very fortunate that an accident didn't take place (and we all know the outcome of accidents ) Listen to Nc ;) Get a Laywer and never forget what you have avoided.

what if i can't afford a lawyer...

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what if i can't afford a lawyer...

Figure out a way to hire one. Work a second or even a third job if you have to.

Borrow the money if you have to. Get an attorney "from town" who frequently works the courthouse in your municipality. He will know the prosecutor and he will know the judge, and if he's a decent attorney he will be respected in that courtroom. He will know the best way to get your charges reduced, and like the others have said it will be the best $$ you ever spent.

When you hire counsel let him know right away about that nonsense of putting your mom's DL on the form - that was not a smart thing to do. :rolleyes:

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what if i can't afford a lawyer...

Figure out a way to hire one. Work a second or even a third job if you have to.

Borrow the money if you have to. Get an attorney "from town" who frequently works the courthouse in your municipality. He will know the prosecutor and he will know the judge, and if he's a decent attorney he will be respected in that courtroom. He will know the best way to get your charges reduced, and like the others have said it will be the best $$ you ever spent.

When you hire counsel let him know right away about that nonsense of putting your mom's DL on the form - that was not a smart thing to do. :rolleyes:

but wont hiring a lawyer be more money then the actual ticket??? and i thought the radar cameras were just a way for the city to make money and doesn't go on your record.. my mom got a ticket going 47 in a 25 and all she had to do was pay a fine of $180 and go to driving school. i feel as if mine should not be as bad cause of the reason why it happend. i know its not gunna be like in court, and that especially that im a young teen but you guys know what i mean. i wasn't like a hey photo enforcment zone lets speed through it and get myself a fine yay. is there anyway to get out of this ticket??? or is all statments final?

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You're 17 and that's why you're having a hard time listening to the good advice you have received so far. Now it's time to grow up fast and do the right thing.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Don't want to listen to that? Then have your mom commit a fraudulent act. You'll be listening to the judge for sure.

The reason why you were speeding is irrelevant. Don't know what that means? Look it up.

It's your choice. You asked for advice, got good advice, now stand up and act like a man.

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[but wont hiring a lawyer be more money then the actual ticket??? and i thought the radar cameras were just a way for the city to make money and doesn't go on your record..

Whoever told you that a photo-ticket doesn't go onto your record, doesn't know what they're talking about. There are certain types of violations that do go onto your record, and certain types that don't. The ones that DO, are called "moving violations", like speeding, wreckless driving, drunk driving, running stop signs, etc. The ones that don't, are called "non-moving violations", like parking tickets, busted tail lights, etc... You're facing a moving violation, a pretty hefty one at that. 29mph over the limit, in many states, is a "straight to jail, do not pass go" offense. The cops arrest you on the spot, tow your car, and put your butt in the can until you pay bail. No way on earth, just because it's a "photo", that the penalty will be less severe. Infact, the fact that they have photographic proof of your speeding, makes it worse. You can't argue against the cop.

Will the ticket be less then a lawyer? Quite possibly, at first, but probably not by much. But, when your new insurance bill comes in the mail, and you realize your 6 month REQUIRED coverage just went up $600 ($1,200 a year), AND you know this new adjustment will be in place for a while....well, you tell me what's gonna hurt more? $500 now, or a few THOUSAND over the course of the next 3 years+. Plus, you're 17, and I don't care how safe you say your are behind the wheel, 17 year old guys are 17 year old guys. Ever heard the phrase "it isn't your enemies that will get you into trouble, it's your friends?" You've got a Lexus, you've got other teenage (I'll live forever) friends.....chances of you getting another ticket before you're done being a "high risk" driver, is 99.999%.

Don't speculate on costs anymore, just make a phone call to a lawyer and get some answers. Back in my day, it cost about $175 to get out of tickets. Granted, laws have changed a little, but the basis is still there. Cities are going bankrupt amigo. There's noway in hell you alone can do anything to defend yourself on this one. You either pay the fine and take the point hit for the next few years (and hope you never get another ticket), or you pay the lawyer, avoid the point hit, and hope you don't get another ticket - but better positioned if you do.

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