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What Does The Steering Rack Soleniod Do? Mine Is Not Clicking!


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Well, my response to my initial post dont seem to be getting me and response, so I want to try this.

We cleaned the screen on my steering rack solenoid, but it didnt help... I still have rather heavy steering (at all rpms/speeds). We tried that test where you listen for the click of the solenoid when you turn the ignition on. Its not clicking, so I am wondering if this is why my steering is heavy and if so, is it the actual solenoid that is bad or something else thats preventing it to power up?

I read something about there is a part in the steering column that goes bad that keeps it from powering up? I want to be sure before I buy a new solenoid. I found one (used of course) for $65.00.

Basically is it more likely that the solenoid itself is bad or the part in the steering column and will this cause heavy steering (BTW, I have the idle-up valve blocked anyway, so wondering if it even matters about the solenoid). I am not sure, as I dont even know what the solenoid does?????

Thanks for any advice. I am at a crossroads.

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I think you can also test it by hooking the leads up momentarily to the car's battery with some wire.

Thanks. I was thinking I had read that somewhere. Maybe I can figure it out by reading that again. ;)

Yeah, thats a good post. I actually printed that and used it as a guide when we cleaned the solenoid screens... then we replaced and listened for that click its supposed to make when the ignition is turned on, but it dont make a sound. Sooooo.... I was wondering if it was the solenoid or the ECU? in the steering column. Seems like they sure made these cars steering complex with all of this electrical crap... they should have done away with this jibberish, but oh well. :)

That post about testing the ECU in the column sounds confusing to me. I dont even have a tester. Lord only knows how much that thing costs if its bad. I am going to be in the poor house with this car. :(

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90 - I assume you've put the front of the car on jacks and turned the steering wheel all the way left and right several times with the engine running, and not running, with the resviour cap off, to make sure all air bubbles in the system were properly flushed out? When I cleaned my filter screen on my LS, I had very heavy steering as well shortly thereafter. I had to do this lock-to-lock procedure again to make sure all the air got out of the system. Once I did it the second time, my steering returned to the one-finger ease, and remained that way until the day I sold it. But, it did take me two attempts.

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90 - I assume you've put the front of the car on jacks and turned the steering wheel all the way left and right several times with the engine running, and not running, with the resviour cap off, to make sure all air bubbles in the system were properly flushed out? When I cleaned my filter screen on my LS, I had very heavy steering as well shortly thereafter. I had to do this lock-to-lock procedure again to make sure all the air got out of the system. Once I did it the second time, my steering returned to the one-finger ease, and remained that way until the day I sold it. But, it did take me two attempts.

Hmmm. No I didnt, but I am guessing since the solenoid is not clicking when powered up, then that is the issue?

I didnt see any air bubbles in the fluid in the reservior, but not sure what that means.

I did find a used solenoid from another LS400 for $40. Will be tested before sold to me, so I HOPE AND PRAY thats my issue. Lord knows the trouble the steering on this car has give me over the past 6 months. Thanks.

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I'm new to the forum and I'm having the same problem. I can't quite hear a click but my screen was all clogged up when I checked it with one of the sections busted out. I wish there was a simple fix. Any chance on repairing the solenoid itself? I'm in Nashville and maybe I'll go to the pull-a-part place.

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I'm new to the forum and I'm having the same problem. I can't quite hear a click but my screen was all clogged up when I checked it with one of the sections busted out. I wish there was a simple fix. Any chance on repairing the solenoid itself? I'm in Nashville and maybe I'll go to the pull-a-part place.

I dont think so and most places want to sell you the entire steering rack! :rolleyes: I found one (solenoid) online... but I have not heard back from the seller yet! :(

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I did find a used solenoid from another LS400 for $40. Will be tested before sold to me, so I HOPE AND PRAY thats my issue. Lord knows the trouble the steering on this car has give me over the past 6 months. Thanks.

The solenoid is part of the PPS (Progressive Power Steering) system. Its function is to lower fluid pressure at higher speeds so steering isn't too sloppy/soft when the PS pump is at higher pressure. If your stiff steering problem is at all speeds then I doubt the solenoid has much to do with your problem and you might be wasting your time. In fact in the repair manual checklist the PPS system is the last thing to try when you have stiff steering. See attached chart....

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Thanks. Well thats wonderful news. Yeah, the steering is heavy all of the time now, except for when I FIRST started it this morning and for about 10 seconds, it was super easy to turn, then it was stiff again!

I cant seem to get the seller of the part to get on the stick anyway so to speak.

I honestly am at the end of the rope. I dont know what else to do. I have totally had it with this car. I am about to take it out the lake and push it off of the boat ramp or lay a brick on the gas pedal with it running and walk away - seriously! :angry: My stress level is through the roof and I cant seem to get anything done right with this car. I am told this and that by different people and have tried it all, but still nothing has worked aside from a brand new steering rack, etc. Seems like since its working fine one minute, then all of a sudden its gone again, its something besides the rack.

I did find a used solenoid from another LS400 for $40. Will be tested before sold to me, so I HOPE AND PRAY thats my issue. Lord knows the trouble the steering on this car has give me over the past 6 months. Thanks.

The solenoid is part of the PPS (Progressive Power Steering) system. Its function is to lower fluid pressure at higher speeds so steering isn't too sloppy/soft when the PS pump is at higher pressure. If your stiff steering problem is at all speeds then I doubt the solenoid has much to do with your problem and you might be wasting your time. In fact in the repair manual checklist the PPS system is the last thing to try when you have stiff steering. See attached chart....

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90, did you not just have some sort of work done the car that could have introduced air into your ps system? Air rises to the top, so for the first few seconds of a new start, you're on the fluid, then the air hits. I think you're overthinking this man. Just put the front of the car on jacks, open the lid to the res tank, start the car, and turn the wheel from lock to lock about a dozen times. Then shut off the car, and turn the wheel lock to lock again, SEVERAL times. If you haven't made sure the air is out of the system, then I'm affraid you're overthinking it! A new solenoid, or even a new rack in general, is going to have heavy steering if there is any sort of air in the system. When I did my solenoid, I cleaned it like new, flushed the fluid and all that good stuff, only to be treated by a steering wheel that was heavier than a lead weight when I was done. Until I got the air out of the system.

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Thanks. Well, all we dont was plugged the idle-up valve and I replaced the return line that was leaking on the back of the reservoir. It steered just fine for about 2 weeks after that, but they I was getting an occasional "shudder" on low speed turns..... shortly after, the steering would occasionally become rather heavy, then more so and more so to the point to where its the norm rather than the exception. There are only rare times now when its easy for about 30-90 seconds, then its like a switch was flipped and its heavy again... at all speeds.

I was told it could be the screens in the rack solenoid clogged, so we removed it and it was rather dirty, but not as bad as I thought. We replaced it, then tried that test where you listen for it to click... well it dont, not even when you run direct power to it from the battery. I thought that was the issue, but now I am being told otherwise, so I am so confused. I have a guy that will sell me a rack solenoid off of a wrecked 92 LS400, but I dont want to pay $40+ shipping if thats not the issue.

I have not yet cleaned the screen in the power steering pump, but I am thinking thats not it, because the pump is quiet... its not growling or anything, but not sure if that lack of that means its not clogged at the pump. I have thought about jabbing a screw driver in the bottom of the pump to punch out that screen, but not sure if thats the right thing to do.

At this point, I will try anything cheap.... I will get it on the jack stands this weekend and turn the crap out of it... then I will know I guess.

90, did you not just have some sort of work done the car that could have introduced air into your ps system? Air rises to the top, so for the first few seconds of a new start, you're on the fluid, then the air hits. I think you're overthinking this man. Just put the front of the car on jacks, open the lid to the res tank, start the car, and turn the wheel from lock to lock about a dozen times. Then shut off the car, and turn the wheel lock to lock again, SEVERAL times. If you haven't made sure the air is out of the system, then I'm affraid you're overthinking it! A new solenoid, or even a new rack in general, is going to have heavy steering if there is any sort of air in the system. When I did my solenoid, I cleaned it like new, flushed the fluid and all that good stuff, only to be treated by a steering wheel that was heavier than a lead weight when I was done. Until I got the air out of the system.
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You asked my to respond so I will. If your solenoid is bad, replace it. It could be the issue, or part of it. When mine as clogged, but working, it was like someone was flipping a on off switch to my power steering. Get and easy one moment, totally gone the next. At all speeds, but mostly when corning.

I cleaned the solenoid screen, then cleaned the screen in the pump, then put a inside the hose filter in the return hose. All screens have stayed clean. After I cleaned them, I flushed the system, with lots of fluid.

I see you have done a lot, but have not cleaned the screen in the pump. Please do it. I cleaned mine on the car. I put some B-12 chem tool into the reservoir, drove the car a little, then I used a turkey baster (use a metal one) with a short hose on it, to suck the fluid out of the reservoir.

I then filled the reservoir with B-12, and let it sit over night. I then rigged a shop vac to a small hose, and sucked the fluid out, and let the hose rib on the screen. I did this several times, vacuuming the screen. I then flushed the system, added the filter, and all was fine after that. I may have posted about doing this.

If you can take the reservoir off the clean the screen that is the best way to do it. Also on using a shop vac. This can dangerous, as an older one cal ignite the vapors. Myth Busters did a show on that.

If you do not have a local Lexus mechanic you know and trust, not the dealer, post on this board asking for a recommendation for your area.

And have it checked out by a mechanic.

I understand wanting to kill the F-N car..... I just had a PS leak at the Idle up valve kill my alternator!

I hope this helps. One last thing, based on what I have seen on this board. Monarch is a go to guy. Try asking him.

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90 - I assume you've put the front of the car on jacks and turned the steering wheel all the way left and right several times with the engine running, and not running, with the resviour cap off, to make sure all air bubbles in the system were properly flushed out? When I cleaned my filter screen on my LS, I had very heavy steering as well shortly thereafter. I had to do this lock-to-lock procedure again to make sure all the air got out of the system. Once I did it the second time, my steering returned to the one-finger ease, and remained that way until the day I sold it. But, it did take me two attempts.

OK. Just got the car off of the jack stands... I had it off of the ground, started it and turned the wheel lock to lock about 150 times. Didnt change a thing. :(

Not sure if people believe I am doing what I say, LOL, but here is a pic. While doing this afterward I looked in the reservior and it appears there are no bubbles or anything in it.



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Thanks. Well, its going to be about $50-$60 for a used working solenoid, so I guess I will go ahead and try that and go from there. Mine has only did that "had steering one minute OK, then hard the next a couple of times... when it went out, it seemed to do it suddenly and now its only a rare case when its easy to turn. :rolleyes: It was like flipping a switch as well, but it only happened a couple of times and that was the end of it. It started as a shudder on low speed turns.

No, cleaning the PS pump screen is about the only thing I have not done. I was told you could jab a screw driver down in there and poke it out, but not sure if I want to do that, although I have been angry enough to do it. :angry:

If I can figure out how to do it without taking the pump off, I will try it.

We have a local Lexus dealer, but I would not trust them with my lawnmower, since they did not change my oil last time I took it there after paying them $63 to do so. I have since been taking it to the local Toyota dealer and they charge about $50, but since I now have my under engine cover off, I see how easy it is, so I will probably start doing it myself and save about $30.

I have a friend whose dad is a Toyota mechanic and he has done SOME work for me in the past, but last message I left him, I asked if he would clean the solenoid and PS pump screen and he never even returned my call. I am not begging anyone, so me and my dad took the solenoid off and cleaned it ourselves, which is when we cleaned the screen, then discovered that the solenoid was not clicking.

Its hard to find good mechanics that know about Lexus cars. Even one I know that supposed to be one of the best said he didnt even know of a screen on the steering rack and then I mentioned my car needed valve cover gaskets and he said the "back" one was hard to change. He thinks my LS400 has a V6. I have even let him see the car before and he still thought it was a V6 next time I mentioned some work I needed done. He has it confused with an Avalon and ES300. Oh well. <_<

Thanks for the info however!

You asked my to respond so I will. If your solenoid is bad, replace it. It could be the issue, or part of it. When mine as clogged, but working, it was like someone was flipping a on off switch to my power steering. Get and easy one moment, totally gone the next. At all speeds, but mostly when corning.

I cleaned the solenoid screen, then cleaned the screen in the pump, then put a inside the hose filter in the return hose. All screens have stayed clean. After I cleaned them, I flushed the system, with lots of fluid.

I see you have done a lot, but have not cleaned the screen in the pump. Please do it. I cleaned mine on the car. I put some B-12 chem tool into the reservoir, drove the car a little, then I used a turkey baster (use a metal one) with a short hose on it, to suck the fluid out of the reservoir.

I then filled the reservoir with B-12, and let it sit over night. I then rigged a shop vac to a small hose, and sucked the fluid out, and let the hose rib on the screen. I did this several times, vacuuming the screen. I then flushed the system, added the filter, and all was fine after that. I may have posted about doing this.

If you can take the reservoir off the clean the screen that is the best way to do it. Also on using a shop vac. This can dangerous, as an older one cal ignite the vapors. Myth Busters did a show on that.

If you do not have a local Lexus mechanic you know and trust, not the dealer, post on this board asking for a recommendation for your area.

And have it checked out by a mechanic.

I understand wanting to kill the F-N car..... I just had a PS leak at the Idle up valve kill my alternator!

I hope this helps. One last thing, based on what I have seen on this board. Monarch is a go to guy. Try asking him.

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How do you know the solenoid isn't clicking? Isn't it driven under control of an ECU that is intended to reduce steering sensitivity at higher speeds and engine RPM? If so not sure what clicking you would expect with car standstill.

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How do you know the solenoid isn't clicking? Isn't it driven under control of an ECU that is intended to reduce steering sensitivity at higher speeds and engine RPM? If so not sure what clicking you would expect with car standstill.

On the clublexus forums some guy has a big post up about several power steering issues. He has a big writeup on how to clean the solenoid, etc. He then says to "test" the solenoid. He says it will click when the ignition is turned on, so have a person down under listening. We did that, no click. Then he said you can also run power directly from the battery and put it to the terminals and it will click if its operating and its not on my car. Personally I have no idea... I am the one asking all of the questions. lol.

Actually here is that link and the guy that posted it also posts here...


"Checking the Solenoid electrically:

Measure the resistance on the solenoid. It should be between 6 and 11 ohm. After this check the operation. Connect battery terminals to the solenoid. when you look at the connector the left one is - and right one is +. Check that the solenoid makes clicks sound.. don’t apply voltage for more then 30 sec otherwise you will burn it.. if you have to repeat the procedure wait till it cools down so you can touch it with your hand. If there is no click sound replace the pressure control valve with the solenoid valve". (I dont understand this last sentence though).

Not sure if it would help anyone, but here is a little 2 minute video I made today as I was trying to make sure the air was out of the system.... as you can hear (even over my noisy lifters) the PS pump is quiet. Yeah, my cars interior is messy... since its been messed up I have not really cared or had the time.


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Do a posting asking for a michanic in your area. I would also try a PM to Monarch. In the cleaning of the screen in the pump, i would not put a whole it. Even though i understand the feeling of putting a hole on the dam car!

Just a thought, take a pencil with a ruber eraser on it. Put it down in the recevor, rubber side down. Feel for when it is touching the screen. Rub the rubber tip around and agent the screen. This may loosen any dirt on it. then see if it helps the steering.

Also as i side put a small amount of B12 Chem tool in it. drive around. It will lossen any dirt on the screen. It should not hurt anything, and it will vaporize out of the system in a day or so.

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Just a thought, take a pencil with a ruber eraser on it. Put it down in the recevor, rubber side down. Feel for when it is touching the screen. Rub the rubber tip around and agent the screen. This may loosen any dirt on it. then see if it helps the steering.

Thanks... I will try that tomorrow for sure!

Also as i side put a small amount of B12 Chem tool in it. drive around. It will lossen any dirt on the screen. It should not hurt anything, and it will vaporize out of the system in a day or so.

Where can I buy t his B12 Chem tool? How much should I pour in it?

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All over...


I'm not an expert, but I'm not sure I'd pour a fuel additive in the power steering system. I'd wait for someone else to confirm that it's okay before doing it.

Thanks. Well, I will try the eraser on the screen first, maybe even poke the thing out, then probably replace the solenoid.... go from there.

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I'm not an expert, but I'm not sure I'd pour a fuel additive in the power steering system. I'd wait for someone else to confirm that it's okay before doing it.

I posted to do this becouse I have done it. Have no idea if anyone ells has ever done it. Before I did it, I talked with Berryman about it. As this product vaporizes at a low temprater, one the power streeing fliud comes up to temprature, the B12 will start to viporize out of the fluid. So it will not stay on the system very long. There is nothing in it that will hurt the rubber parts like hoses etc. It will simply act like a solvant to help loosen any stuff on the screen. Helping to get the "dirt" of the screen and back into the fluid of the resivor. Where you can then suck out the fluid, and hopfylly some of the drit. No this is not as good as pulling the pump and cleaning the screen. But for those of us that don't have the ability to pull the pump, it is an alternative.

Any auto parts will have B-12 Best price is at Wal-Mart, last time I bought it, it was under $3.00 a can. The can of stuff, not the spray.

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