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Lexus On Top Once Again


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There are so many of these kinds of reports, it seems like every car maker is "top" of some sort of quality and satisfaction list these days. I'm confused :wacko:

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Settle down Nc, :rolleyes: Lexus really never left the top tier, We here @ LOC understand your concentration has been on the greatest happening in your (ours LOC) life, Your Son... Not to mention the social shock you have been through now that you are in the Chicago area, Also the $hitty roads that you travel day in and day out, I know, I have been there too many times and Don't remember a few of them :lol::lol::lol: Keep COOL. Have you been out on the Great Lake Michigan yet ??? Any fishing ? The salmon and trout are second to none B)

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Hahaha! Oh, this is my cool side these days! No fishing yet, just too busy to get down to the lake. Although we are getting ready to head back to the homefront along the coast of NC in a week, for a 10 day vacation!

After a few months up here, my patience with the general public has become very short. In fact, just today, as I was walking into the building after lunch, some older guy in front of me opened the door for his buddy, and as I was walking up (maybe 3 feet behind them), he let the door slam just as I was coming to it. I said "thanks pal, real gentlemanly of you". I think I made him feel bad, but I don't care anymore. There are certain rules of the road southern living has taught me, and I'm going to project them to those up here who clearly don't have a clue to what "polite" means. Just the other day, as my wife and I were walking down the sidewalk with our boy Owen in his stroller, two, shall we say, "friendly" dudes were coming the other way. And, wouldn't you know it, as they were walking side by side, neither one of them stepped aside to let a mom and her stroller pass. They made her swerve into the grass. You know what I said to those two "friendly" fellas? I said "excuse me ladies, but where I come from, a gentleman steps aside to let a lady pass". You know what they said to me? I kid you not, they said "sorry cutie, but we're not ladies, we're !Removed!, and where we come from, you go around us". Which, just absolutely ticked me off to the point of my little warning voice in my head screaming at me "don't do it, it'll be deemed a hate crime", because I was ready to knock that punk out! But, instead, I simply said "last place on Earth I want to be, is around you, in all meaning of the word", and then simply told them to " :censored: off". And, just last Thursday, as I was driving into the office in the morning, on a single lane road that always has a speed trap on it, going 9 mph over the limit, a middle-aged jackass in a mercedes was tailgating the hell out of me. I mean, he was so close to me DC, I could barely see his windshield wipers in my rear view mirror. So, wanna know what I did? I took that Taco Bell cup of Pepsi still sitting in my cup holder from lunch two days prior, rolled back my sunroof, and tossed that sucker right out onto the hood of his car. Needless to say, he was P!SSED. For a second, I though "oh crap, I've done it now, went too far". At the stop light, he gets out, all 5 feet, 1 inch, maybe 120'lbs wet, of him comes screaming up to my window before I can get out of my car. And starts screaming at me. Wanna know what I said? Do ya, huh huh? Ok, I said "see that McDonalds cup sitting in the cup holder in the back seat armrest? That's for tomorrow morning, if you tailgate me like that again". Light turned green, and off I went. I'm still waiting for a cop to show up, as I'm certain he got my tag number. But, what I've found up here, is that when these people hear my southern accent "which really comes out when I'm mad as hell", it throws them off, and they tend to back down. But the whole Pepsi incident was a bit too much, lost my cool completely, and I'm starting to work on my ability to just ignore these types of people. I haven't lost my temper like that in over 12 years. But, after 4 months of it, I've got to admit, deep down inside, it felt great to toss that Pepsi out the window. The whole release of "f'it, you get what you deserve" felt great to finally get out of my system!

I need beer, and some damn cheetos!

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Nc, You have to remember that it is there problem, Not yours ;) I know how it is crossing paths with the wanna be tough guy.............. There not worth there weight in used toilet paper, If they were you would be informed with no doubt spared, Again, I know I was born and raised around this type of jerky boys. Keep your cool and get back and forth from work with 0 problems to your beloved wife and son. FYI, I know plenty of Gentlemen in the midwest that will have no problem taking care of biz...... If you know what I mean B) Been there and did that .......... ;) I would do it again for you........:cheers: Go fishing and grill the fish with some cold beer and fresh salad.:cheers: And some Cheetos

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I hear ya' DC, and certainly agree that there are more nice midwesterners, than not. I just seem to be running into the ones that aren't these days. But, that has a lot to do with me though too, and the aire I'm projecting at the moment, which isn't all that good. The past 4 months have caught up to me, and I'm simply exhausted, moreso than at any time in my life. But, that'll pass too in a few days when we get in the 4runner and head south. I've promised myself that if the blackberry gets in my way to relax, it'll become a fishing weight while I do some surf fishing. I've just got to get through the next 48 hours, as I have to wake up at 3:30 am tomorrow to head to Ohare, to go to Toronto for a business trip. I'll make sure to bite my tongue and not start spewing my ever-lasting hatred for Celine Dion!! O' Canada, here comes some southern 'twang!

Anyway, sorry Alan for hijacking your thread. I'll get out of the way now ;)

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Anyway, sorry Alan for hijacking your thread. I'll get out of the way now ;)

Hey nc......I didn't mind at all. Your posts made for some good reading. :D

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I took that Taco Bell cup of Pepsi still sitting in my cup holder from lunch two days prior, rolled back my sunroof, and tossed that sucker right out onto the hood of his car.

NC, that is the best story I have EVER heard! :lol: I have wanted to do that sooo bad, like when I was doing 75mph on the express way (the speed limit is 65) and everybody decides to ride my tail. Yea maybe it's "going too far" but in the end they learn a lesson (hopefully).

Anyway, I'm glad Lexus is on top again, didn't they get knocked down by Buick a while back? Also what's the deal with Jaguar, weren't they at the top of the list the same time Buick was on top?

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AKA as Jerry Springers front man, God, I hate that $hit on the tele.................In fact I find no reason to own a TV these days............Anyone else think this way ??? Life is too short ;) B)

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no no no I don't like springer. And Steve hasn't worked for Springer in a while. He has his own show now.

IMO Steve Wilkos is one of the best people left on earth. He's got great views on life, family, and making the right choices. You should buy a TV just to watch him sometime.

but anyways... Glad Lexus is back on top!!

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jc, Don't get me wrong, I own tv's, I just don't watch tv much at all. Football, Local news and only if there is a good movie. Between the media and advertising It's a waste of my time.

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True, I only get to watch it at the gym since he's on when I'm doin my cardio.

I don't watch much TV other than that, and a little when I get home late from work.

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Too much to do , And too little time................ Just remember, There are no dents on the hood :lol::lol::lol:

Kind of gives new meaning to "wax on, wax off", eh!

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Too much to do , And too little time................ Just remember, There are no dents on the hood :lol::lol::lol:

Kind of gives new meaning to "wax on, wax off", eh!

hahahahahah :lol:


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Too much to do , And too little time................ Just remember, There are no dents on the hood :lol::lol::lol:

Kind of gives new meaning to "wax on, wax off", eh!

hahahahahah :lol:


Hands free ;)

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