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Dyno Test Results


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I am running 3 different dyno tests on my 2002 SC430. The first is complete and the results are shown here. Results are in the range to be expected for a stock engine rated at 300 hp. Rule of thumb is a result of about 30% less at the wheels. We got about 212hp and 230 tq. With airbox removed figures increased some to around 218 and 235.

This afternoon I will run tests 2 and 3. Test 2 will be run with the addition of an insulated Injen Ramair Intake. I know there has been much contraversey about the benefits of this piece......we'll see.

In addition to the intake test 3 will be run with the muffler removed. I've seen data showing as much as 30hp gain but I'm skeptical. I'm also curious about additional noise created. Again we'll see.

I hope this information will help in making decisions on mods to your cars. Tests 2 and 3 results should be posted by 4pm cst.

PS Someone please advise on how to post copy of the dyno results .......I can't seem to find a way to attach

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Tests 2 and 3 were run yesterday..........VERY disappointing but informative. Test 2: Injen intake addition = 2hp. But a great sound! Test 3: Injen with the muffler removed = 0hp gains. This really surprised me. I thought reduced back preasure would add some power. Also surprised at how quiet car remained.

Main discovery is effect of the intake....minimal at best

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That's good information.........

You may have just saved me a little money. No need adding parts that don't produce results.

I'm glad this helps. I know there has been a long running discussion about the benefits of the Injen intake. It did produce about 3 hp and the new sound was really cool but I'm not sure it was worth the costs. I had seen some claims of 20-30hp increase with the muffler removal (reduced back pressure) but I was skeptical. I did expect some increase and was quite surpried when the result was "0".

I've tried to post this info on the other "Lexus" webcite but I've been barred. Those kids aren't really interested in this kind of info. They don't want to hear it. Some of them are claiming 40-50 hp increases from addition of intakes and catbacks (one is "Lexiss" who is claiming 262.5 whp). Most of them are more interested in "Pimping" their cars. They don't want to deal with the reality of these "performance" pieces.

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one is "Lexiss" who is claiming 262.5 whp

He's running an aftermarket piggy back ecu which will explain the additional horses.

Intake and cat back wont make any real difference although it will make a difference if you add additional mods like headers, ecu, TC, gears etc.

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Ya' know........for me the SC430 is not really all about the horse power or the speed anyway.

Don't get me wrong......speed is my friend. I ride a YZF-R1 sport bike and I fly my own plane. I love the power and the speed.

The thing is.....if I was more concerned with raw power and speed I'd buy a Viper or something of that nature. The SC430 for me is more about having a reasonable amount of power while traveling in style, comfort, and with a good deal of "class". The "class" part of it is not really a tangible thing, but the car just looks "classy".

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SHort car with short piping means removing parts will prodcue smaller gains as it is still high velocity on exit.

I would look at working on collectors being smoothed out and removing resonators rather than mufflers . The resonators are found to be more hindering than the mufflers as it deals with sound but the resonators deal with cutting down exhaust gas expansion.

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SHort car with short piping means removing parts will prodcue smaller gains as it is still high velocity on exit.

I would look at working on collectors being smoothed out and removing resonators rather than mufflers . The resonators are found to be more hindering than the mufflers as it deals with sound but the resonators deal with cutting down exhaust gas expansion.

Well, I do agree with you about the resonators. I was really surprised at the lack of aditional noise when the muffler was removed and the lack of power increase. Both indicate that muffler is not main sorce of backpressure. The source must then be in the resonators. I'm hesitant to remove them however because I'd like to be able to return to stock at some point.

I also agree that the SC is not really an all out performance car and that has to be taken into consideration. I do however enjoy the prospect of a little additional power without just plain messing up the basic car.

There are some others on another sight whose cars look like they were guests on "Pimp My Ride" (Blister) and who like to spread a lot of baloney about power output (Lexiss). The look achieved looks like something out of a high school shop class and destroys the basic elegance of the car. And They don't realize that the BS power claims make people who know about performance LAUGH OUT LOUD !! It is amazing to me how absolutely ignorant these kids are. In one sense it's a shame that they have access to such a great car like the SC.

The responses here to my Dyno information show some readers with some good automotive knowledge.......not just a bunch of Mall cruising dumbos.

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Why you so interested in the rear silencer, your not going to gain anything from removing that apart from a little noise. No one has claimed any gain from that so why do you keep posting misleading comments.

If you look under your car you will see the pipe is pinched in the middle. You have done nothing but add an intake which on its own does nothing.

Stop trolling, learn to spell and do something worthwhile to your car other then put a Porsche Turbo badge on the back.

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Why you so interested in the rear silencer, your not going to gain anything from removing that apart from a little noise. No one has claimed any gain from that so why do you keep posting misleading comments.

If you look under your car you will see the pipe is pinched in the middle. You have done nothing but add an intake which on its own does nothing.

Stop trolling, learn to spell and do something worthwhile to your car other then put a Porsche Turbo badge on the back.

You're one of those I referenced earlier....a know nothing. Anybody who knows anything about interanal combustion engines knows that reduction of backpressure increases power.....that's why racers use HEADERS and NO MUFFLERS idiot. As far as spelling goes, genius, it's "YOU'RE" not "YOUR". I doubt seriously you'd know a muffler from a water melon. Just keep that thing you're driving in the "hood" with the rest of the pimps....that's something you obviously know something about. Leave performance discussions to those who know what they're talking about. Now please go away and stop bothering me.

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Did you run the dyno with or without your Porsche Turbo badge?

I ran them with the badge.....and it added 200 HORSEPOWER !!! Now that sounds like you and blister and pearl and lexiss and the other jawjacking, knownothings.....Did all of you looooosers go to the Pimp MY Ride shop at the same time? You dopes don't even know what a dyno is...... stick to the Pimp My Ride/Mall Cruiser stuff little boys......leave performance to those who know what they're talking about.........now get lost

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Come on guys.........I assume that we are all adults here. There's no need for all the name calling is there?

There aren't many people posting to this forum to begin with. There's no real need for the few of us who are posting here to be at each other's throats.

As far as the performance parts and what they add or don't add to the HP rating, it's darn hard to argue with the dyno.............The dyno doesn't have an ego. It just tells it like it is.

In all forms of motorsport the "performance parts" suppliers tweak, stretch, and skew the data to make their product look as good as is possible. Some even down right lie about it. That's just business. I for one am glad that there are a few people out there with access to a dyno who are willing to buy and test these after market parts and then post the results. Though they may get great numbers in the lab, you simply can not depend on the data that you read on the side of the manufacturer's packaging to be correct in "real world" conditions. It doesn't matter how well it performed in the lab if it doesn't produce the same results out on the road.

As for people who "don't know anything about performance tuning", there are a lot of people who honestly believe themselves to be a leading authority in engine dynamics when they really don't know as much as they think that they know, but that doesn't make them bad people. It just means that they don't have all of the correct information. They aren't necessarily trying to mislead anyone. In most cases they are just repeating what they have heard or read somewhere else, and are just trying to be helpful.

Ok..........for what it's worth (probably less than $0.02) that's my $0.02 on the subject.

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Please keep it civil and productive.


Their are 2 sides to ever coin.

Backpressure is good and bad as you need some of it to create proper chamber scavaging by using pulses.

This also includes why headers are different lengths to adjust for different rpm peaks. The longer they are the higher RPM they are tuned for.

No mufflers is to make a smoother transition of gases for a race car. Even race cars run some type of muffler/resonator to keep the drivers head on straight for the entire race.

I agree half truths are just as bad as lies. If your not sure ask or read up hopefully from someone who does know. Unfortuanatly there are more people who do not know and pass this on as truth that messes so many people up.

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Come on guys.........I assume that we are all adults here. There's no need for all the name calling is there?

There aren't many people posting to this forum to begin with. There's no real need for the few of us who are posting here to be at each other's throats.

As far as the performance parts and what they add or don't add to the HP rating, it's darn hard to argue with the dyno.............The dyno doesn't have an ego. It just tells it like it is.

In all forms of motorsport the "performance parts" suppliers tweak, stretch, and skew the data to make their product look as good as is possible. Some even down right lie about it. That's just business. I for one am glad that there are a few people out there with access to a dyno who are willing to buy and test these after market parts and then post the results. Though they may get great numbers in the lab, you simply can not depend on the data that you read on the side of the manufacturer's packaging to be correct in "real world" conditions. It doesn't matter how well it performed in the lab if it doesn't produce the same results out on the road.

As for people who "don't know anything about performance tuning", there are a lot of people who honestly believe themselves to be a leading authority in engine dynamics when they really don't know as much as they think that they know, but that doesn't make them bad people. It just means that they don't have all of the correct information. They aren't necessarily trying to mislead anyone. In most cases they are just repeating what they have heard or read somewhere else, and are just trying to be helpful.

Ok..........for what it's worth (probably less than $0.02) that's my $0.02 on the subject.

THANK YOU TRAILER!!! I'm really tired of the nonsense (that includes me). I really enjoy sharing info with the folks here and want to continue to do so. I'm really tired of the personal attacks......damn, what's the point? Let's move on.

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