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For best results to your questions, please put the year of your car in your profile. Asking why something leaks, something rattles, on an LS, GS, IS, or ES only, limits you. For example: The 90-94 LS series has a well known issue with a simple tiny black wire in the trunk, that is responsible for several strange issues "and easily fixable". Not knowing what year your car is limits the advice you'll get. Same goes for the GS, ES, IS and RX. So please go to your profile and add your year!

Sorry Mods, didn't mean to bombard the boards with this one.... But hopefully you can understand why I've done this...

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For best results to your questions, please put the year of your car in your profile. Asking why something leaks, something rattles, on an LS, GS, IS, or ES only, limits you. For example: The 90-94 LS series has a well known issue with a simple tiny black wire in the trunk, that is responsible for several strange issues "and easily fixable". Not knowing what year your car is limits the advice you'll get. Same goes for the GS, ES, IS and RX. So please go to your profile and add your year!

Sorry Mods, didn't mean to bombard the boards with this one.... But hopefully you can understand why I've done this...

1998 G3, Sold the 93 es.............NC, Wait, it's in my sig. B) How are you?

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For best results to your questions, please put the year of your car in your profile. Asking why something leaks, something rattles, on an LS, GS, IS, or ES only, limits you. For example: The 90-94 LS series has a well known issue with a simple tiny black wire in the trunk, that is responsible for several strange issues "and easily fixable". Not knowing what year your car is limits the advice you'll get. Same goes for the GS, ES, IS and RX. So please go to your profile and add your year!

Sorry Mods, didn't mean to bombard the boards with this one.... But hopefully you can understand why I've done this...

1998 G3, Sold the 93 es.............NC, Wait, it's in my sig. B) How are you?

Hahaha... you ole' senior... we all know what you've got sitting in the driveway! Hopefully people won't be upset by my blanketing post, but man, it sure gets old trying to pass along some info, when you don't know what your answering.

I'm good amigo, just pluggin' on along! Painted the pending NC JR. room today, Carolina Blue of course! Been very busy these days with work. All of this real estate meltdown stuff has bled over into the commercial markets, and has made guys like me quite popular! What use to be four or five calls a week from brokers, is now four or five calls a day. It's been this way since November, and no signs of letting up. Very interesting times right now for this segment. But, keeping up, and getting ready for the baby in May.

Loving the 4runner, almost have it as smooth as the old LS. Overhauled the rear brakes a few weeks ago, and was right back in happy times. Actually needed to use the air hammer to bust the rotors loose, due to 57k miles of grime. Going to switch out the tranny mount in a few weeks, probably due for a fresh one. But, sure is nice to have a rattle and say "well, it is an suv afterall". Really has lowered my blood pressure a bit!

How about you amigo? How are you doing? Ready for some Arizona yet? Saw your snow picture in the other post..reminded me of your picture last year!

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For best results to your questions, please put the year of your car in your profile. Asking why something leaks, something rattles, on an LS, GS, IS, or ES only, limits you. For example: The 90-94 LS series has a well known issue with a simple tiny black wire in the trunk, that is responsible for several strange issues "and easily fixable". Not knowing what year your car is limits the advice you'll get. Same goes for the GS, ES, IS and RX. So please go to your profile and add your year!

Sorry Mods, didn't mean to bombard the boards with this one.... But hopefully you can understand why I've done this...

1998 G3, Sold the 93 es.............NC, Wait, it's in my sig. B) How are you?

Hahaha... you ole' senior... we all know what you've got sitting in the driveway! Hopefully people won't be upset by my blanketing post, but man, it sure gets old trying to pass along some info, when you don't know what your answering.

I'm good amigo, just pluggin' on along! Painted the pending NC JR. room today, Carolina Blue of course! Been very busy these days with work. All of this real estate meltdown stuff has bled over into the commercial markets, and has made guys like me quite popular! What use to be four or five calls a week from brokers, is now four or five calls a day. It's been this way since November, and no signs of letting up. Very interesting times right now for this segment. But, keeping up, and getting ready for the baby in May.

Loving the 4runner, almost have it as smooth as the old LS. Overhauled the rear brakes a few weeks ago, and was right back in happy times. Actually needed to use the air hammer to bust the rotors loose, due to 57k miles of grime. Going to switch out the tranny mount in a few weeks, probably due for a fresh one. But, sure is nice to have a rattle and say "well, it is an suv afterall". Really has lowered my blood pressure a bit!

How about you amigo? How are you doing? Ready for some Arizona yet? Saw your snow picture in the other post..reminded me of your picture last year!

Well. She's 28 degrees today and supposed to be around 40 tommorrow, The snow pack has gone down and were forcast to get rain on Mon. and around 0 degrees on Tues. Go figure??? Great to hear that all is good on your end :cheers: Cars, Kids, Wifs, and Us??? What is your thought ?

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Hey bud Rob..powder blue, I kinda worry about that.. B) Guess it will wait till he gets older. Like "passion red, as in Ferrarri" LOL anywho :D congratulations "seeder" and glad to hear the "Hammer" is back. Stay safe my friend.

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Carolina blue? You've always sounded like a great guy, nc211. Don't ruin the image by telling me you're a UNC grad....

My late father went to UNC and I was never quite able to forgive him for that. And my wife went to grad school at UNC (but readily admits that it didn't hold a candle to her undergrad days at N.C. State). Sure wish ol' Matt Doherty was still "coaching" the basketball team over there. We had a blast hammering that fool and really miss his incompetent hack jobs in Chapel Hill each season....

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Carolina blue? You've always sounded like a great guy, nc211. Don't ruin the image by telling me you're a UNC grad....

My late father went to UNC and I was never quite able to forgive him for that. And my wife went to grad school at UNC (but readily admits that it didn't hold a candle to her undergrad days at N.C. State). Sure wish ol' Matt Doherty was still "coaching" the basketball team over there. We had a blast hammering that fool and really miss his incompetent hack jobs in Chapel Hill each season....

Man, after reading the first sentence, I thought "oh great, another freakin' Dukie is roaming the planet"! Hahaha... But, NC-State, I have no issues with. How could anyone have an issue with the school that had Jimmy V? Although, I hear their basketball players are "amphibious". Actually, I'm part of the UNC family, the "feel the teal" side...aka...UNC-Wonderful. I'm a grad of the Cameron School of Business. I was one of the last students to get in before admissions got so tough that UNC-Chapel Hill was easier to get in.

But, I did start my college career at Kansas in the early 90's, and am a fan of Roy. So, I am a Tar Heel... Just in a round-about way I guess.

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  • 2 months later...
For best results to your questions, please put the year of your car in your profile. Asking why something leaks, something rattles, on an LS, GS, IS, or ES only, limits you. For example: The 90-94 LS series has a well known issue with a simple tiny black wire in the trunk, that is responsible for several strange issues "and easily fixable". Not knowing what year your car is limits the advice you'll get. Same goes for the GS, ES, IS and RX. So please go to your profile and add your year!

Sorry Mods, didn't mean to bombard the boards with this one.... But hopefully you can understand why I've done this...

Hopefully I will have a new IS to add to my profile!!

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Well old friend, since you changed your Avatar to yourself..LOL.. my year is 1947..lol :cheers: Child coming your way the hammock won't work. :D

Hahaha.... You like the avatar heh? I think it's a good fit! Smokey ain' never gonna' get the Bandit. Yep, baby boy is in the last stages of development, we're coming down the final stretch to the May 17th date "or thereabouts". Going in tomorrow for the last ultrasound, so we should have a good idea what we're looking at in terms of a date. Last visit, the doc said he was measuring on the "big side of normal", so we might be off a week or two on our delivery date. My thought? He's a NC211, and that "bigger than normal" is a gift! Hahahaha....

One of the most difficult things I've ever had to do was come up with a name. The middle name was a given, Thomas, which has run in my family heritage since day one. And for those of you who actually know my name, especially my last name, you'll know there aren't too many of us around. I think a total of 23 in the states. But the first name has been tough. The wife wanted "unique" names, which translated to me as "victim on the playground". But, we finally narrowed it down to one, Owen. Owen Thomas *. I think has a good ring to it. President, Owen Thomas *. Heisman Trophy Winner, Mr. Owen Thomas *. Lady's Man, Dr. Owen Thomas *. Hahaha...

1947....Man, Lexus sure has been around a while...a LONG while! Hahaha... :cheers:

Oddly enough, considering the NCAA final four tourney, and given my previous posting about Kansas and UNC, here we are, getting ready to play eachother for the golden ticket to the final. Roy is probably tossing and turning at night.

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Looking forward to the Heels getting knocked out of the tournament and wishing that upstart Davidson could have been the team to do it. But Stephen Curry dribbled away the clock while remaining 30 feet out and then passed on the shot. Should have taken it strong to the hoop at five seconds and drawn the foul to go to the line. Make both free throws and you're probably going to overtime. As well as Curry played throughout the tournament, he choked at the end. Hate to say it, but it's true....

It should be a great Final Four, though. All four teams have a legitimate shot. I think UCLA is the best team, but Memphis probably has the best talent collection on the floor. If Memphis can keep their composure and allow their athleticism to reign, I think they win it all. But if UCLA manages to beat Memphis, I see them beating UNC in the final. I think UNC will squeak by Kansas - Davidson really exposed the Jayhawks as vulnerable to smart team play, and Davidson certainly showed that until Curry dribbled out the clock....

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:chairshot: :chairshot: "Looking forward to the Heels getting knocked out of the tournament" :chairshot::chairshot:

and wishing that upstart Davidson could have been the team to do it. But Stephen Curry dribbled away the clock while remaining 30 feet out and then passed on the shot. Should have taken it strong to the hoop at five seconds and drawn the foul to go to the line. Make both free throws and you're probably going to overtime. As well as Curry played throughout the tournament, he choked at the end. Hate to say it, but it's true....

It should be a great Final Four, though. All four teams have a legitimate shot. I think UCLA is the best team, but Memphis probably has the best talent collection on the floor. If Memphis can keep their composure and allow their athleticism to reign, I think they win it all. But if UCLA manages to beat Memphis, I see them beating UNC in the final. I think UNC will squeak by Kansas - Davidson really exposed the Jayhawks as vulnerable to smart team play, and Davidson certainly showed that until Curry dribbled out the clock....

RX, you're killing me man! Hahaha

I must admit, Davidson was a BLAST to watch, and of all the teams, if UNC has to lose, I too would of enjoyed watching Davidson do it. KU is going down, and UCLA will be too bloated with Tofu to keep up with the lean n' mean Tarheels! Hahaha....

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Sylvia Hatchell is whining about her Lady Heels having to play LSU last night and getting knocked out of the tournament as a result. As if playing them somewhere other than in New Orleans would have made any difference. A superior team is a superior team regardless of where you play them. But she would rather !Removed! and moan than face up to the facts. Always look forward to her whining about something when her team gets knocked out of the postseason....

As much as I despise UNC I have to give ol' Roy credit for not being a crybaby like his female counterpart in Chapel Hill. When the Heels go down at the Final Four next week you won't hear Coach Williams complaining about game location or lopsided fan base in the stands or the hotel beds were too lumpy or anything other than simply getting beat by a better team....

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