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Denz Relationship Woes


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Oh no!!! That is not good. So you said Alex & Tim aren't really "together"? Ok, explain their relationship again.... I'm getting confused.

Den - you need to start your own "Relationship" forum so we can deal with your love life w/o hijacking other threads! :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL Haha we should have continued this on my prom thread, huh? LOL. Well Rya, their seriously IN LOVE with each other, as I saw yesterday. But Tim was a real D*CK yesterday! OMG! :chairshot: :chairshot:

They ended up leaving earlier than what they expected cuz Tim was mad. Wtf?!?! What's funny, I brought my friend, the one with the red 4Runner (if you guy's have seen my 4Runner photoshoot pictures) to come along, and at first I didnt imagine that he would end up playing! Tim was just on the side watching THE WHOLE time! My friend offered them to play, but Tim didnt. Tim brought a friend, and what's funny that guy was soooo much nicer than he was! And at first the looks of this guy, he didnt look like he would be too friendly, but he was! He tried to have small conversations with my friend and me (even though I kinda had to talk a little gangster but it's was "ayt" lol) and in short, trying to be friendly. But Tim on the other hand, was being a real a$$, cuz even my friend commented to me about that, and I was really shocked at that!

Now at first I was thinking, maybe Tim is like that TO ME ONLY because maybe he considers me a "rival". I mean I could understand that he could be nervous when I'm around, cuz geez, if any of you guys see what Alex does or acts with me in front of Tim, heck I would be angry or at least nervous also! lol. She still acts, like, a really really close friend, to me, even in front of tim. I mean let's put it this way.....

If you were the girl, and the bf is mad, you'd probably just "obey" or follow what he wants, you know to make him happy right? Well Alex kinda did the opposite, and I probably stretched the limits also! lol. First, she offered to leave me her tennis balls but I didnt want to do that, and I told her I had some in the back of my car, so the next thing she offered was to WALK me to my car to get them! Ok, I didnt refuse that, and I wanted to see Tim's reaction, which, obviously we all know what it was. Then, I offered to walk with them to their car, cuz I felt bad that she was carrying all the 7 rackets (idk why she brought 7 rackets! lol) to the car. So i walked with them, but along the way, her plastic bag that had the tennis balls tore! So me, being the nice gentleman and once again testing Tim's limits, runs back to my car and gets a new plastic bag for her! haha.... (im surprised tim's hasnt exploded at this point). Then when we got to tim's friend's car (i still dont believe Alex when she told me Tim has a car, cuz I've never seen it! I walked them to their car cuz i was hoping to see tim's car haha) I was like "Alright, well later, nice meeting you Samson, and later Alex" and she was like "Oh hey, well, we'll talk, call each other or something? Anyways we'll still see each other soon?" Whoa, whoa, what? I know she's sooo nice and friendly, but I dont know if that'd be the best thing to do in front of Tim haha! lol.

So in conclusion (wow I didnt imagine this whole thing was this long! lol) my friend and I think Tim is a real d*ck, which at first I thought was just my biased comment about him. Tim shouldnt have been worried about my friend, cuz my friend's a 25 yr old married man, so he should have NOTHING against my friend! But anyways this is what my friend adviced me (and he was totally right, and in my own mind, I probably have been doing this already but just didnt realize it till he mentioned it) that Tim is trying to OVER RULE me, cuz he's somewhat got an "edge" over me in this situation. Now remember sometimes I've mentioned that I feel somewhat "nervous" doing some of the things Alex does in front of Tim? Well my friend told me, screw that, do whatever is right, be nice to her in every way, and forget what Tim thinks about it. In the end, the idiot is the sore loser while I'm the real mature gentleman. Cuz my friend mentions that I've been nice in every way, even to Tim (even though I feel like punching the lights out of that idiot lol) and Tim still acts like a d*ck, that Tim's the IMMATURE fool (and he's 19 yrs old, a year older than me and Alex) and that the real person (like me :blushing: ) will win in the end.

Well we'll see... lol. But she forgot to give me her present she got from her trip to Spain! grrrr! lol. <_< :wacko: :)

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Maybe it's time to tell A that you love hanging around with her, but please leave T at home next time as he's not a pleasnt person to be around. Ask if he treat's her the same way when everyone isn't around (except that might upset her, just an fyi). Don't want to get into an argument.

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Maybe it's time to tell A that you love hanging around with her, but please leave T at home next time as he's not a pleasnt person to be around. Ask if he treat's her the same way when everyone isn't around (except that might upset her, just an fyi). Don't want to get into an argument.

It's alright, as my friend told me, I'm the nice and mature gentleman here, I'll be nice to them even though he isn't nice back to me. But what really surprised me was that my friend even commented to me about that! I was like "So Jay how's Tim?" and he told me he was mad at that fool cuz he didnt say a word, didnt even say "hi" or "hey whats up man" or something.. So yea, he's the sore loser lol. I mean maybe he's just being too overprotective, but geez you *BLEEP*ed off my friend who's 25 yrs old and MARRIED. lol. :chairshot:

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enjoy the ride!

I'm doing that, by enjoying my cars! haha. :D

But my afternoon drive yesterday was MORE FUN when she was in my car.. :P :P Except the part that I try to preserve the new car smell of my 4Runner, and apparently she had lotion on which kinda smelled inside my 4R, so I had to sacrifice a little for my car. :( lol :P

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Ok, she was in your car? Maybe Tim is jealous. Get used to COMPROMISE & SACRIFICE - that's what relationships are all about!! New car smell is a small price to pay to have her in your life (or car as the case may be).

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Haha, I still dont know if Tim has a car! But as i mentioned in my prom thread, I said that there was one time, after school, I saw them in front of the school so i pull up in the front and got out to talk to her. Then she leaves Tim (for a moment) and comes to me. Then this is probably what's running thru tim's mind "wtf, who's this rich-!Removed! idiot that drives a brand new Toyota 4Runner (cuz he could only see the front plates, and I have my plastic dealer plates on the front lol) ?" lol. I mean if i were in his place i'd be jealous too! lol.

But yea, haha, i have sacrificed the new car smell before.. so its ok. lol. The worst smell that ever stayed was that one morning me and Alex went to starbucks before school and she put lotion on INSIDE my car, so that thing smelled in my car for like 2 weeks! lol. <_< :whistles:

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Well, if you look at this from Tim's POV, then he might have a reason to be jealous of you. Remember - there will be a lot more fish on your sonar as you get into the big ocean of college. Your head will be spining! In two months, you'll have a whole new outlook. ;)

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Well, if you look at this from Tim's POV, then he might have a reason to be jealous of you. Remember - there will be a lot more fish on your sonar as you get into the big ocean of college. Your head will be spining! In two months, you'll have a whole new outlook. ;)

Jealous in what sense or way????? That I'm too nice, that I have nicer stuff (not bragging or putting the fool down), what what WHAT??!?!? lol. My friends think I'm toooooo nice to her, and to Tim himself even though Tim treats me like $hit. But hey, I'm just trying to be the mature gentleman here! lol. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I don't really care that much, but it sounds to me like you're trying to move in on his girl and that's why he's a !Removed! to you. I would be too. Look at it from his POV for a minute and you'll look like an !Removed!.

Not to be rude here, but - couldn't you guys just discuss this saved by the bell crap on e-mail or IM or something other than dedicating a forum post to this.

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Next time i'm gonna bring a folding chair and :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: lol

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LOL. Oh u guys... Then i will find MYSELF unconscious when Tim finds me with her..... :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

SW, can I club Tim in the head instead, and pretend it was an "accident" and then I can go and comfort her for her "loss" and then happy ending??? lol.... Doubt that would work, but I would NEVER hurt my Alex... :P

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I don't really care that much, but it sounds to me like you're trying to move in on his girl and that's why he's a !Removed! to you. I would be too. Look at it from his POV for a minute and you'll look like an !Removed!.

Not to be rude here, but - couldn't you guys just discuss this saved by the bell crap on e-mail or IM or something other than dedicating a forum post to this.

well let's put it this way, at least we're not putting up polls about either cheese nips, or cheese its, like in the 4Runner forum. hahaha... :P

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well let's put it this way, at least we're not putting up polls about either cheese nips, or cheese its, like in the 4Runner forum. hahaha... :P

Ohhhh, I vote for cheese its. Hehehe - just kidding! :lol:

I thought "General Discussion Forum" mean it was open topic... did I not understand that correctly?

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I thought "General Discussion Forum" mean it was open topic... did I not understand that correctly?

CORRECT! So you wanna start a cheese it/cheese nip thread now?? lol... :lol:

Yep, she's my baby lol

So, you hit her over the head & she stuck around.... does she share in that point-of-view?? I'm thinking not. :whistles:

Hey what about the idea of me hitting TIM over the head! lol... Knock his lights out! haha :whistles: :whistles:

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So, you hit her over the head & she stuck around.... does she share in that point-of-view?? I'm thinking not. :whistles:

Well...somebodys had to pay for her painful recovery...

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