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Gatorade Stain On Carpet In New Is250

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My 5 year old spilled red gatorade on the beige carpet of my new IS250. My husband is willing to replace the carpet....the cost of the carpet is approximately $650 plus labor - anyone have any idea what the labor cost will be????? Anyone have any idea how to get gatorade stain out of carpet (I've tried everything I can think of...its pink now instead of red...but still there).

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My 5 year old spilled red gatorade on the beige carpet of my new IS250. My husband is willing to replace the carpet....the cost of the carpet is approximately $650 plus labor - anyone have any idea what the labor cost will be????? Anyone have any idea how to get gatorade stain out of carpet (I've tried everything I can think of...its pink now instead of red...but still there).

Instead of replacing the carpet try to have it re-dyed. it should be less expensive. Try the dealer or a reputable trim shop.

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Honestly, try using a Magic Eraser. Go slow and see if it comes out.

I spilled a pretty big glass of wine on my friend's carpet in her apt. We "dabbed" it up as much as we could and then used a magic eraser on the rest of it.

You'll never know where i spilled it ;)

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Many years ago, we put "Stainmaster" light gray carpeting in our home. When we moved in, we didn't have grass. Because of that, we got some dirt stains on our carpet that we couldn't get out. We called the company and asked what to do. We then found out then that natural food stains were covered but dirt wasn't. Can you believe it? We didn't. But the person told us on the side to try plain old rubbing alcohol on the stain. We did and used it for years. You just pour it on and blot it up over and over again with a towel.

Examples of it working. Dog ate fushia lipstick. My carpet looked like a murder scene. Alcohol worked. Dog ate chocolate chips and threw up in 11 places. Alcohol worked. Dog...is still alive even after eating all that stuff. After those things, Gatorade sounds easy!

You may want to test this in a place that won't show if it gets hurt, but it has worked for us on our light gray carpeting for years! Good luck!

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Many years ago, we put "Stainmaster" light gray carpeting in our home. When we moved in, we didn't have grass. Because of that, we got some dirt stains on our carpet that we couldn't get out. We called the company and asked what to do. We then found out then that natural food stains were covered but dirt wasn't. Can you believe it? We didn't. But the person told us on the side to try plain old rubbing alcohol on the stain. We did and used it for years. You just pour it on and blot it up over and over again with a towel.

Examples of it working. Dog ate fushia lipstick. My carpet looked like a murder scene. Alcohol worked. Dog ate chocolate chips and threw up in 11 places. Alcohol worked. Dog...is still alive even after eating all that stuff. After those things, Gatorade sounds easy!

You may want to test this in a place that won't show if it gets hurt, but it has worked for us on our light gray carpeting for years! Good luck!

I've heard of this as well, but I thought that if mis-used or over used in one spot, the alcohol caused the adhesive backing in the base of the carpet to come apart, causing the carpet to deteriate.

That doesn't happen???

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Many years ago, we put "Stainmaster" light gray carpeting in our home. When we moved in, we didn't have grass. Because of that, we got some dirt stains on our carpet that we couldn't get out. We called the company and asked what to do. We then found out then that natural food stains were covered but dirt wasn't. Can you believe it? We didn't. But the person told us on the side to try plain old rubbing alcohol on the stain. We did and used it for years. You just pour it on and blot it up over and over again with a towel.

Examples of it working. Dog ate fushia lipstick. My carpet looked like a murder scene. Alcohol worked. Dog ate chocolate chips and threw up in 11 places. Alcohol worked. Dog...is still alive even after eating all that stuff. After those things, Gatorade sounds easy!

You may want to test this in a place that won't show if it gets hurt, but it has worked for us on our light gray carpeting for years! Good luck!

I've heard of this as well, but I thought that if mis-used or over used in one spot, the alcohol caused the adhesive backing in the base of the carpet to come apart, causing the carpet to deteriate.

That doesn't happen???

Try using "Bac-Out" goggle on the Web - we get it at WholeFoods - it is an organic product and works wonders.

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You might want to try a product called Folex Instant Carpet Spot Remover. You can get it at Lowes. It's worked really well for me on home carpet spots. You basically just pour it on the spot and rub with your fingertips. In most cases the spot just disappears before your eyes - it's really amazing. Since the spot has set in, it may not work for you. But I think I would try a bunch of different things before shelling out $650 for new carpeting... Good luck!

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