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Dratted Cat Scratches- Anything I Can Do?

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One week old "new to me" 430 had a visiting cat at a relative's house to jump on the car and left a calling card of a few scratches when getting down- in the clear coat only I think. Do I have to live with them, or will anything help? (Short of professional help.) Thanks. I was trying so hard to keep it perfect! Oh, well.

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Do the scratches catch your finger nail when you run over them? If not, then you have hope.

I good swirl remover followed by polish followed by wax/sealant should do you just fine. Machines like the Porter Cable random orbital work great for things like this.

Do a search in the detailing section for more detailed info.

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What color is your car? If it's white or silver, you may not be able to see that the cat's nails went through the clear into the color.

If you're 100% positive the scratches are only in the clear, and are still too deep to polish out, you can have the area re-clear coated at a body shop. Won't cost more than a couple hundred, and the scratches will be gone, along with any other light scratches or ugly rock chips etc.

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That won't remove the scratches, the new clear will just settle into the scratches and you'll have lines in the paint.

The only option short of a repaint is to polish the area by machine. I've never had trouble getting cat scratches out.

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