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02-06 Transmission hesitation problems

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I just had it done, not entirely sure this was the most recent reflash as the guy still didnt know anything was new.

My invoice reads:

EG5017 or maybe 7315 W

Its better but still kinda notchy in places, any insights?

It says on my invoice: Performed TSV EG5017 ECM, Transmission Recalibrated.

So, I guess you got the right upgrade.

My update:

I took the car out today to do some chores, which included city & hiway driving. I still feel that the shifting of this transmission is as good as I can expect on any automatic. Previously I couldn't say that! I didn't notice any notchiness at all. The shift points were changed for the better in my estimation, and the shifting is extremely smooth.

I was wondering whether this upgrade is similar to the Canadian models, because they never complained about hesitations? Also, I wonder if the car still meets ULEV specs.

From what I can see, the electronic throttle was really never at fault. If it was, I can't see how this upgrade was able to fix the hesitation, unless this upgrade affected both the transmission and throttle.

I might be wrong, but due to the fact that the shift points are different, the fuel economy might suffer slightly in city driving. But I don't care! I'm completely happy. :D

I might add, I'm still using Regular grade fuel even though Lexus still suggests Premium. I was using Premium for awhile, but I honestly didn't notice any difference in performance.

Now I can say....This car is great!!!

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I'm sitting in my dealership as I type getting this update done while some other work is being done to my car. I hope the results are as good as some of you say they are. This is one of the issues that has always made this car a bit less than perfect to me.

As with SW03ES, my service advisor wasn't aware of this update. I brought in a copy of the TSB, so hopefully they load the correct update.

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I dont think they can load an incorrect update, I think the old ones are replaced when a new one comes out.

As I've driven mine around the rest of the notchiness has gone away, I'm now happy with the upgrade. There at first there was a little kicking after the throttle was engaged but thats gone away.

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I dont think they can load an incorrect update, I think the old ones are replaced when a new one comes out.

As I've driven mine around the rest of the notchiness has gone away, I'm now happy with the upgrade. There at first there was a little kicking after the throttle was engaged but thats gone away.

You're exactly right about the update. I had this discussion with the service manager. They download the newest software from Lexus into their computer and put it into some sort of reader that plugs in under the dashboard and transfers the new update into the cars ECM. When Lexus has a new upgrade the older one is scrapped.

I'm happy to hear that it's working out for you. :cheers:

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So far the update seems to be a significant improvement. We'll see how it is after the car learns my driving style.

As amf said, the transmission now acts like the automatic transmissions we're all used to. It's great!

Now if I could only get my dealership to take care of all of these rattles I'm having, I'll be 100% happy with my ES.

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Mine is MUCH better this morning! What a huge improvement, I was so thrilled on my way in this morning I called my service manager to give him my feedback.

The only sad thing is that it took them 3 years to finally get this right. Basically I think the transmission now does what I've been doing myself all along, applying light throttle and letting the system shunt the power. The transmission just does that on its own now. Real pleased with it, makes me want to roll down my window and tell every ES owner I see.

What rattles are you experiencing obsidian?

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What rattles are you experiencing obsidian?

I used to be able to pinpoint just a couple, but now they seem to be all over. Most of them seem to be more prominent in colder weather although I can still hear a bunch of them in warmer weather.

Not much help huh? Let's see, here are a few specific ones:

-Rattle coming from behind spedo

-Rattle coming from driver’s doors when cold (similar to rattle in rear doors prior to the weather seal fix)

-Flapping noise (sort of like a plastic bag in the wind) from drivers door at speeds higher than 60 mph

-Rattle from behind glove box

-Popping noises around windshield in hot weather

-Rattle coming from behind nav

-Others where I can't identify source

I guess I always seem to have a bad experience whenever I bring these up with my dealership. The first few they took care of, no problem, but more started popping up. One time, in their attempt to fix a rattle behind the nav unit/climate control, they scratched the climate control bezel. Then, when they replaced the climate control bezel, they scratched the nav bezel. After they replaced the nav bezel, the rattle came back. It has been very frustrating visiting the dealership over and over again only to have their careless technicians give me my car back in a condition worse than what I brought it in and also to not have the problem fixed.

Recently the service has been abysmal. I find myself waiting far too long for things that used to take seconds. They always seem to "run out of loaners" now and I end up waiting for hours at a time. There is one service manager there, Adam, that seems to have the Lexus mentality with service and the customer as a priority. He always takes care of me and makes things right. Unfortunately, he's not always on duty when I'm there.

My most recent visit is for a problem with the driver's seat belt. It is not retracting properly and makes odd noises. It's a safety hazard. I had an appointment last Thursday, for which I was told a loaner would be available for on the phone. I arrive on time, waited 15 minutes for a service advisor to take care of me, had the problem written up, demonstrated the problem to a service technician and then was told that they had ran out of loaners and I would have to wait a couple of hours. That was not acceptable to me. At that point, they tried to convince me that there was nothing wrong with the seat-belt and that it was functioning normally. I had to go to another car in the showroom and demonstrate that my seat-belt was not functioning normally before they had acknowledged again that there was a problem with mine. At this point I had already been at the dealership over and hour and was late for an appointment. I decided to make an appointment for another day when a loaner would be available and come back. When I left, I immediately called Lexus Customer Care and filed a complaint. I told them about how they had promised a loaner when in fact none was available and about the poor service I had gotten. This was the first time I had ever resorted to calling them.

Yesterday, I brought the car back (I drove a different vehicle between Thursday and Tuesday as I didn't feel entirely comfortable that the seat belt would restrain me in an accident). I had called ahead of time to confirm that a loaner would be available; I was told one would be. I arrived and one again they had all of a sudden "ran out of loaners." I was very upset. My service advisor (the same one as before) told me that he could guarantee that it would be done in under an hour if I waited. I wanted to problem fixed and I reluctantly chose to wait. An hour went by and my car still wasn't done. Luckily, at this time Adam, the service manager, came on duty. He was able to immediately find me a loaner and had me on my way.

This morning, I picked up my vehicle. (Luckily they didn’t accidentally wash my car this time, I always ask them not to wash it as I get it hand washed). I tested out the seat-belt and it had the exact same problem, even though they had replaced the seat-belt. I was already late for work, so I told them to have my service advisor call me when he got in. I still haven’t gotten a call yet and he was supposed to have been in over an hour and a half ago.

Wow, I didn’t even realize I had typed this much. I guess I’m just venting. This is kind of out of the scope of this thread.

Maybe I'll try a different dealership. This one is close and convenient, but it may be worth it to visit another one and see what kind of service I get.

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Wow...havent had any of those issues. I had the rear door rattle, the rattle at the base of the windshield, and a rattling rearview mirror and thats it, all have been fixed under warranty.

I would try a new dealer, my guess is they're creating rattles while trying to fix other rattles.

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What rattles are you experiencing obsidian?


My most recent visit is for a problem with the driver's seat belt. It is not retracting properly and makes odd noises. It's a safety hazard. ... At that point, they tried to convince me that there was nothing wrong with the seat-belt and that it was functioning normally. I had to go to another car in the showroom and demonstrate that my seat-belt was not functioning normally before they had acknowledged again that there was a problem with mine. At this point I had already been at the dealership over and hour and was late for an appointment. I decided to make an appointment for another day when a loaner would be available and come back. When I left, I immediately called Lexus Customer Care and filed a complaint. I told them about how they had promised a loaner when in fact none was available and about the poor service I had gotten. This was the first time I had ever resorted to calling them.


I had a 2004 ES330 and damn near got flattened by a semi due to the hesitation. That was one reason I traded for a 2003 LS430 (with lower mileage :D ) this spring. Glad to hear they finally got the transmission problem fixed.

Now, the seat belt thing: I got an official Lexus recall notice just before I traded the ES330 for the LS430 (early spring). It took them a half day to fix the belt assembly so they gave me a loaner (they always do, even rented a car from next door for me once) AND because my tank was already full, gave me a rain check for a full tank of gas for my trouble, all courtsey of Lexus national.

It troubles me that your dealer isn't on top of things and worse that you didn't get a recall notice from Lexus. Did you buy the car new? If not, the original owner probably got the notice. In any case you should check that Lexus has your VIN number registered in the Lexus Owners database so you get notices of things like this straight from the "mother ship."

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I had a 2004 ES330 and damn near got flattened by a semi due to the hesitation. That was one reason I traded for a 2003 LS430 (with lower mileage  :D ) this spring. Glad to hear they finally got the transmission problem fixed.

Now, the seat belt thing: I got an official Lexus recall notice just before I traded the ES330 for the LS430 (early spring). It took them a half day to fix the belt assembly so they gave me a loaner (they always do, even rented a car from next door for me once) AND because my tank was already full, gave me a rain check for a full tank of gas for my trouble, all courtsey of Lexus national.

It troubles me that your dealer isn't on top of things and worse that you didn't get a recall notice from Lexus. Did you buy the car new? If not, the original owner probably got the notice. In any case you should check that Lexus has your VIN number registered in the Lexus Owners database so you get notices of things like this straight from the "mother ship."

That "campaign" was for the passenger seatbelt. I did receive something about that in the mail and had that taken care of.

This dealership has never filled my gas tank anytime I take my car in for service. In fact, frequently the loaners will only have a half a tank of gas. When I first got my car almost 2 years ago they used to vacuum everytime, but they have since stopped doing that as well. They do wash the cars still, but I always ask for them not to do that because their automatic wash scratches the heck out of my paint. Two times before they forgot to not wash it, but they did pay $150 each time for my detailer to clean up their mess. Now I put a large sign on the dash saying "No Wash" everytime I bring it in for service.

I'm going to give another dealer a try, it may be worth the longer drive.

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crappy car wash? I haven't had that problem with Longo Lexus here in Cali. They seem to wash the car even better than I can. and i use the good stuff; meguires.

I think i'm gonna bring in the ES to get the patch. You guys say it makes the car feel peppier?

Last time I was at a red light, an '02 v6 camry beat me. I didn't gun it, but the old man driving the camry probably didn't gun it either. His car appeared to go faster. Maybe it's because my ES feels like a boat and doesn't have enough horsepower to tug its weight.

I have to say, my best ride is my 98 v6 camry. This thing listens to me. When i press the gas, it responds quickly.

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Yeah I never have the dealer wash my car, if you watch the kids wash it with brushes and dirty rags you wont either.

As for a tank of gas, no Lexus dealer gives free tanks of gas for service. There are only certain recall campaigns where the owner gets a free tank of gas. When they replaced the transmission in all 04 LS430s they gave owners a $200 gas card.

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So this transmission fix is the real deal this time?

I think it's as good as it's going to get. I'm truly happy with the performance, so far. :)

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As for a tank of gas, no Lexus dealer gives free tanks of gas for service. There are only certain recall campaigns where the owner gets a free tank of gas.

Not true!!!

When I had my ECU reflashed, I chose to wait for the car. My service advisor noticed my tank was just below half, so he gave me a slip to fill my tank at the gas station they use up the street. I got $21.50 worth of free gas. It may not be their standard of practice for every customer, but for me on that day, I got free gas with my service.


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Update on my tranny reflash.

It has been almost 1500 miles since the reflash. (A round trip from Boston to Toronto will do that to your odometer)

1. The shifting is still very pleasing to me.

2. There is no joggle at 40 mph.

3. The shifting on the highway is very nice when passing and getting up to speed rapidly.

4. Only once did I feel the dreaded redline and no shifting. However, it was from 10 mph, I floored it, going up a steep hill while turning right coming out of a mall.

5. I am in learning mode too, so I am still getting used to the shifting. I keep expecting the old tranny to come back. So far so good.

My travel to Toronto and back was all major highways. I averaged 29.5 mpg for the entire trip, and it was mostly driving 75-80 mph.

I will post in two or three tankfuls the mpg for around town driving.


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Update on my tranny reflash.

It has been almost 1500 miles since the reflash.  (A round trip from Boston to Toronto will do that to your odometer)

1.  The shifting is still very pleasing to me.

2.  There is no joggle at 40 mph.

3.  The shifting on the highway is very nice when passing and getting up to speed rapidly.

4.  Only once did I feel the dreaded redline and no shifting.  However, it was from 10 mph, I floored it, going up a steep hill while turning right coming out of a mall.

5.  I am in learning mode too, so I am still getting used to the shifting.  I keep expecting the old tranny to come back.  So far so good.

My travel to Toronto and back was all major highways.  I averaged 29.5 mpg for the entire trip, and it was mostly driving 75-80 mph.

I will post in two or three tankfuls the mpg for around town driving.


Ahhhhh..........that's what I love to hear!

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Update on my tranny reflash.

It has been almost 1500 miles since the reflash.  (A round trip from Boston to Toronto will do that to your odometer)

1.  The shifting is still very pleasing to me.

2.  There is no joggle at 40 mph.

3.  The shifting on the highway is very nice when passing and getting up to speed rapidly.

4.  Only once did I feel the dreaded redline and no shifting.  However, it was from 10 mph, I floored it, going up a steep hill while turning right coming out of a mall.

5.  I am in learning mode too, so I am still getting used to the shifting.  I keep expecting the old tranny to come back.  So far so good.

My travel to Toronto and back was all major highways.  I averaged 29.5 mpg for the entire trip, and it was mostly driving 75-80 mph.

I will post in two or three tankfuls the mpg for around town driving.


Sounds great. I'm having mine done next week. I hope it works!!

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Update on my tranny reflash.

It has been almost 1500 miles since the reflash.  (A round trip from Boston to Toronto will do that to your odometer)

1.  The shifting is still very pleasing to me.

2.  There is no joggle at 40 mph.

3.  The shifting on the highway is very nice when passing and getting up to speed rapidly.

4.  Only once did I feel the dreaded redline and no shifting.  However, it was from 10 mph, I floored it, going up a steep hill while turning right coming out of a mall.

5.  I am in learning mode too, so I am still getting used to the shifting.  I keep expecting the old tranny to come back.  So far so good.

My travel to Toronto and back was all major highways.  I averaged 29.5 mpg for the entire trip, and it was mostly driving 75-80 mph.

I will post in two or three tankfuls the mpg for around town driving.


Sounds great. I'm having mine done next week. I hope it works!!


I too have a 2002 Model, would you recommend the reflash to anyone with this model year?

I'm averaging 27.5 mpg but will take more if I can get it. :whistles:

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The  5 speed transmission on my new '03 seems a little strange. If I drive about 35mph and then slow down to about 5mph and than try to accelerate there is a hesitation. It's as if the transmission can not decide on what gear to go into. When it finally does there's a slight lurch forward. Can this be adjusted?


As of may 2005 there is an updated computer logic available,this works very well it will require about 1 hour at youre dealer to reflash

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The  5 speed transmission on my new '03 seems a little strange. If I drive about 35mph and then slow down to about 5mph and than try to accelerate there is a hesitation. It's as if the transmission can not decide on what gear to go into. When it finally does there's a slight lurch forward. Can this be adjusted?


As of may 2005 there is an updated computer logic available,this works very well it will require about 1 hour at youre dealer to reflash


Did you happen to follow my posts up until the present? The quoted post above was over 2 years old!(QUOTE(amf1932 @ May 20 2003, 07:45 PM)

:wacko: Then read my post #344 in this thread about two pages back.....it discusses fully about the new re-flash that I had done at my dealer. <_<

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I too have a 2002 Model, would you recommend the reflash to anyone with this model year?

I'm averaging 27.5 mpg but will take more if I can get it.:whistles:

NM, yes, I suggest you do it.

It is not perfect, but it is a far cry from the 2002 programming.

It will take a little time to learn you habits, but it is much better than what we had.

As for the mpg, I am still getting 22-23 for around town and 27-30 for highway.


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