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Smog Test Blues


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My excellent mechanic here in Nevada had his shop burn down a couple of months ago, and as a result, I have a problem. He always did the smog test on my 2 cars with no problem. So when it came time to retest the 94 LS, I had to go to someplace else. The first mom and pop I went to acted like I'd brought a WMD into the shop, and they were unable to even do a test. The second place tried, but could not get a reading. The third place did the test, and flunked the car badly.

There's something fishy here, because they all say there's something about testing this particular model car that is a big deal. I know they have to use a special tool to check the RPM's, because all of the other cars in line did not have to be tested this way. The Lexus has 111k miles, and runs like a top. I only put 5K miles on it after the last smog test. Plugs and wires are 4K old. So before I am forced to go to a stealer, I'd like to ask:

What is different about a 94LS that gives testers fits?

I'm not sure what to do next...I'm sure the car is OK if I can get it tested correctly. Thanks for any help.

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My excellent mechanic here in Nevada had his shop burn down a couple of months ago, and as a result, I have a problem. He always did the smog test on my 2 cars with no problem. So when it came time to retest the 94 LS, I had to go to someplace else. The first mom and pop I went to acted like I'd brought a WMD into the shop, and they were unable to even do a test. The second place tried, but could not get a reading. The third place did the test, and flunked the car badly.

There's something fishy here, because they all say there's something about testing this particular model car that is a big deal. I know they have to use a special tool to check the RPM's, because all of the other cars in line did not have to be tested this way. The Lexus has 111k miles, and runs like a top. I only put 5K miles on it after the last smog test. Plugs and wires are 4K old. So before I am forced to go to a stealer, I'd like to ask:

What is different about a 94LS that gives testers fits?

I'm not sure what to do next...I'm sure the car is OK if I can get it tested correctly. Thanks for any help.

With all the horrors I've gone through smogging the various cars I've owned over the years, I'd bite the bullet and go to the dealer for your smog test, if they offer it. My '94 has never been smogged in the 3 1/2 years I've owned it here in California, but my thankfully trusty mechanic checks it out once in awhile, and he says that it checks out close to a brand new car. If your car is well maintained, I'd blame the techs and their test equipment. A special tool to check RPMs I do not believe is necessary; the test machine uses the appropriate spark plug wire, just like a timing light does. Other machines rely on the car's computer to tell RPMs, so what smog machine would NOT have a Toyota LTL port adapter as standard equipment? I think if they're telling you that they need a special tool, IMO that's their way of politely telling you to go and find somebody else. Yeah, otherwise keep looking around. Sounds to me like the Gen-1 cars have an urban myth that they're tough to smog among the mechanics in your area. They're not. A Lexus, like most modern cars, fails the smog test for fairly straightforward reasons, like a bad catalyst, an injector stuck open, etc., and those are not difficult issues to resolve.

HTH! :lol:

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Thanks for the help, Ross. The strange thing that the SOB testers do is that they simply lay the sensor thingy on the plastic cover over the distributor. 2 places couldn't get spark to determine the RPM's-the last one barely could, and then the car flunked. There seems to be no connectors anywhere else that they could use. They all fished around inside the engine looking for some other point, but nothing worked. As you say, I need to find another competent mechanic. Hate to go to the dealer, but maybe you're right. Thanks.

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Tex, this sounds like the classic "wish I spent the dealer money at 1st" punch line. Ross is right. There are a few thing only the dealer can handle, and in Cali, smog is one of them. It would be one thing if your indi's advised you to buy one of their O2 sensors, or gave you a recommendation in general. But for them to just flunk you in general?? That to me says "the LS is out of your league". Spend the extra $100, and get it smogged from the boys who know how to do it. Plus, you'll probably get a car wash out of it, and maybe a loaner for a few hours to abuse. Then you can pop back on here and heckle SWO that the ES's are nothing like the G35's. Hahaha...Just Checkin Steve to make sure you're awake! ;)

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I'm confused;

When my '93 LS400 was smog tested, I go to a gov't smog

facility here. They merely hook up a sensor to the exhaust,

fire it up on the dyno and run it through a driving sequence.

Passed with flying colors.

There's some talk of only testing vehicles here that have

OBDII interfaces starting next year. In that case, any shop

with the interface can do the smog test, rather than just the

official testing facilities. This may be your issue; independent

shops may be unable to properly test that era of car, no matter

who makes it.

Just a theory.

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well its a bit hard to put the tach lead on a spark plug wire when you can't get to the wires. not sure how the testing is out there, but in pa we're not required to remove anything to get to the wires. there are 3 other ways to pick up the rpm signal...

a ground lead, very inconsistent, especially on well built cars.

a battery lead, same deal as above.

an "antenna" placed in the vincinity of the distributor.

if none of these 4 ways can work, we can run it "rpm unknown" and it just gets a one speed idle test.

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I too have had a hell of a time getting smogged the past few years. It's a problem on all pre-1996 LS400's as these models do not have the handy OBD-II (on board diagnostics).

They have to use an RPM pickup tool, a silly little rectangular box that they place on various parts of the engine in an attempt to register the vehicles RPM's.

Too bad our cars are so well built and quiet, that they can't FIND the RPM's. One year I went to THREE different shops before one guy who was patient enoiugh found the sweet spot.

This year I am thinking about going to the dealership. I wonder what they use?

BTW, I am in Vegas, so TexasLexus94, I'd be curious to know what you ended up doing!



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'Knock on wood', it looks like our testing will be

confined to only the vehicles with the OBDII interface.

Earlier vehicles will be grandfathered

Of course, I may have just jinxed it by saying this...

Not in Vegas. DMVNV.com still states that all vehicles built after 1967 require a smog check using a two speed idle test. Any vehicle after 1996 has OBD-II.

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I too have had a hell of a time getting smogged the past few years. It's a problem on all pre-1996 LS400's as these models do not have the handy OBD-II (on board diagnostics).

On Board Diagnostics have been required in the States since 1980 or '81. OBD II is the requirement since '96 due to new regs set forth by the EPA. The Gen 1 LSs have the older OBD setup, but they still can be interfaced to the smog machine through the diagnostic LTL port. As an example, my previous daily driver was my much loved and missed 1984 AMC Eagle Wagon. When my mechanic smogged that car, he hooked the sniffer up to the tailpipe, and the car's computer hooked up to the machine through the LTL port under the dash. Even on a car that old, the computer told the smog machine engine rpm's, peak combustion pressure, timing, O2 sensor function, stored fault codes etc., so I think it really depends on how old a given mechanic's machine is. As for accessing a plug wire for a tach reading, pulling the ignition harness cover off the driver's side valve cover takes about two minutes, so just laying a sensor to try and pick up rpm's is not a great idea. A really good smog tech station will have the right LTL port adapters that IMO won't need anything like an inductive sensor to try and get an rpm reading. The OBD 1 computer should be able to tell the smog machine everything from the diagnostic port.

HTH! :lol:

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Wow, is life a continual lesson. Thanks for all the replies, especially those from Cal and Vegas, who have to put up with the older Lexus non OBD smog test foolishness. The problem is solved, and here is the history:

After failing the test at a Jiffy type place (and after having 2 other sorry places laugh at me, and say they could not test the 94 LS at all), I was determined to find a professional repair shop. Boy, was I lucky. I had heard about a place named Sunset Auto, on Boulder Highway in Henderson, where I live. I drove to the shop, and met the Service Manager, Mike Devine. I explained my problem. I was more than a little *BLEEP*ed, but I contained my anger, by saying that I was sure that he could test the exhaust system, and find it OK.

Imagine my confusion the next day when Mike called, and said he could find nothing wrong with the LS. So I asked him "So the smog is OK?" He responded "You wanted a smog check, too?". Turns out that while I had spoken to him about my smog problem, I had written nothing-yes nothing- on the initial work order for the LS. Duh, Duh. He had run an entire diagnostic on the car, not knowing that my only concern was the failed smog test.

The result? The 94LS is perfect. RLT-Runs like a top. Mike did the smog-it's peachy. So I asked him what machine he uses to check the RPM's-which is where the Jiffy dopes of this world were so confused. He said that he uses the same equipment they all do-but he places the RPM probe next to the accelerator, not in the engine, and not on top of the distributor cover. Wow. Then he said the best thing of all-

"We're all master mechanics here". Whew, amazing. BTW-the cost was $32.50 total. The mental midget Jiffy guy cost me $25.00 more, but it resulted in the best referral I've ever gotten. When I asked Mike if he worked on Mazda's (my other car), he replied "Piece of cake". Check 'em out, Vegas-better than the stealers, for sure. FYI-

Sunset Auto

1300 N. Boulder Highway, Henderson, NV

702 568-5353

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Sunset Auto

1300 N. Boulder Highway, Henderson, NV

702 568-5353

Great recommendation! I went there this morning and they smogged me in a half hours time.

I haven't seen such courteous, enthusiastic, and professional customer service like this in a long time.

While I was there, I observed the following:

Most people that were there appeared to be repeat customers, and the owner/service writer (Mike?) knows them by name. Even if he doesn't, he cheats and looks at the paperwork. He was very happy to have my business, even if it was only $32...he shook my hand and said, "Thank you very much, Derek. Have a good holiday."

An older gentleman was dropping his car of for a day's worth of work and without flinching, they offered him a ride. Wow. Mike went and assigned the task to one of the guys in the shop, and the worker came out HAPPY to give the guy a ride to where ever he needed!

A woman had her "get service" light on and came in to get it scanned. They scanned the car, and were able to tell her generally what was going on, but admitted that they could not pinpoint it because the manufacturer won't release those codes. He didn't charge her and told her she would have to go to the dealer who would charge.

On one wall there were all kinds of awards, and service creditials. On another, plaques, jerseys, and photos of youth league teams they have sponsered....and on the one behind me, well, let me tell you, it was wall-papered with thank you notes and letters from happy customers.

Overall, this place is awesome. It was quite refreshing in this day and age where it seems everyone in this town has their head up their you-know-whats. Check them out if you have an older Lexus in Las Vegas. I know I will be returning if I ever need anything.

Thanks for the recommendation!

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Hahaha...It's all good. This year's political arena has pretty much worn me out anyway...probably time to think about hanging up the avatar. Not saying I don't stand behind it...but probably time to retire it for something different.... :cheers:

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I agree, NC211. You're a great help with your numerous responses to drivers problems and questions. I was out of touch for 6 months or so, and before I signed back in, I deleted my avatar. You might remember it-William Jefferson Clinton. Ho, ho, have a Merry Christmas.

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Hahaha...yeah I remember that one! I appreciate your kind comments, and am glad you find my posts helpful! I've been pretty quiet on the questions lately since I figured out the wobble issue. Not much has gone wrong with the car, other than throwing weights, squeeky brakes and normal crap like that. basically, the wobble took it out of me. now, i just drive it. probably going to sell it next spring for something different to change things up. thinking qx4, g35, gs300, q45, even bmw330i or mb e320. but, who knows...who knows.... i'm only 33, and sort of growing tired of having a big cruiser.

you guys better send that mechanic a christmas card! good ones are hard to find! :cheers:

i think this avatar is a bit more my speed these days....

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Glad to be of help, ThaTRD. Mike has a tiny political sign on his inbox, with which I totally agree. NC211 wouldn't like it, but then again we're a Lexus forum, so we all "can get along". Great place.

I didn't see the sign. Now, I'm curious, what did it say?

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"Bring 'em home now."

Glad you found Sunset Auto to be as great as I experienced, Derek. I tried to E Mail them to express our satisfaction, but the business card only listed a website. Guess we'll have to spread the word the old fashioned way-at the Casino and at work. I'm retired, so I'll have to hit a bunch of Casinos. Tough life...

Robert aka TexLex

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  • 1 month later...

"Bring 'em home now."

Glad you found Sunset Auto to be as great as I experienced, Derek. I tried to E Mail them to express our satisfaction, but the business card only listed a website. Guess we'll have to spread the word the old fashioned way-at the Casino and at work. I'm retired, so I'll have to hit a bunch of Casinos. Tough life...

Robert aka TexLex

After failing 3 times around Las Vegas, I'm going to give Sunset Auto a try today. I'll post the results!


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"Bring 'em home now."

Glad you found Sunset Auto to be as great as I experienced, Derek. I tried to E Mail them to express our satisfaction, but the business card only listed a website. Guess we'll have to spread the word the old fashioned way-at the Casino and at work. I'm retired, so I'll have to hit a bunch of Casinos. Tough life...

Robert aka TexLex

After failing 3 times around Las Vegas, I'm going to give Sunset Auto a try today. I'll post the results!


These guys are the best. If you own a car in Las Vegas GO TO SUNSET AUTO! In and out in lws then a 1/2 hour. I will not use anyone else.

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