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Issues With Deep Snow

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Yesterday we had 14 inches of snow at my house here in Colorado Springs. It was that very heavy, very wet type of snow. Here is my question: Can you have any problems with the electrical motors or any other electrical components on the 400h with that type of snow getting that high up in the undercarriage? I haven't looked underneath yet, but you would think that the electric motors would have vents for cooling. Can very deep levels of snow get into those vents and cause problems?

If have read other posts about going through snow but not regarding deep snow getting caught up where it shouldn't.

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Right after I posted this question here, I thought of calling the dealer. The guy in the service department said that the electrical motors and components are sealed and there should be no problems - other than getting high centered which happened to some SUV's yesterday.

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...a bit unrelated, but this reminded me of when my brother and I were curious as to whether we could put tire chains on his Subaru's tires. We called the service manager at the dealership and the first thing that popped out of his mouth was "WHERE YAH GOIN, ALASKA????" We still laugh about that one.

Seriously, though, I strongly suspect that the RX400h was proof-tested in heavy snow, long before it was released to the public. I wouldn't worry a bit. :cheers:


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I wouldn't worry about the hybrid system, the traction control is designed to protect the hybrid system from any damage due to wheelspin or anything like that.

The RX400h...or any RX however wouldn't be my first choice at all for deep snow. Thats best saved for real SUVs with low range, or even high range locking 4WD. The RX doesn't have much ground clearance, and with the TRAC being hyperactive because of the hybrid system being so sensitive to wheelspin you'll almost never see power spread to the rear wheels.

In all honesty, I'd venture a guess that a FWD and an AWD RX400h would fare about the same in the snow because of the hyperactive TRAC.

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