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Problem - Remote/alarm 'chirper' Died


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This has been covered here and there I have found, but there was never a solution posted so I am asking again for me.

We have had our car over a year, a 2000 ES300. Yesterday the 'beep-beep' when you remote unlock the car died. The car still unlocks, trunk till remotely opens, etc, but there is no beep.

One could say the battery in the remote, yes? However it does not chirp with BOTH our remotes and both remotes are full remotes not valets.

Could it be a fuse in the 'chirper'? Something else? Any ideas?

Lexus of Baton Rouge (2.5 hours away) says bring the car in. :blink: Um...no.

Is it something simple to fix?

Thanks in advance.

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choco: If you do a search you will find that several of us have the same problem. Most have not been able to figure it out. I have tried that knob and it still does not make the key chirp. I hope someone can enlighten us to other ideas. Later, George

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  • 2 weeks later...

have you checked to see if the volume knob for the "chirp-chirp" underneath the steering column has been turned off?

Well...there you go! I did not know that existed and could not find that advise anywhere. Wow. Why couldn't the Lexus dealership tell me that?? I feel like calling them in the morning. Bah.

Someone above mentioned their 'key' doesn't chirp. My 'key' has never chirped, is is supposed to? Cannot imagine why it would.

I did miss the car chirping though, it is helpful to know when I have actually engaged the thing or when on the rare occasion I lose my car in the parking lot. :blushing:

Thanks Again!!

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