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Dealer Chipped Paint On My New Is250

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Hey guys. Have a little bit of a rant about my dealer. First of all, they scratched my car on its very first car wash. It only had 200 miles on it at the time. They had the scratches buffed out and it all appeared okay. Fast forward to last week (I've had the car less than a month), I took the car in to have the tint redone since it was bubbling. I paid for the tint job through Lexus. When I got my car back a day and a half later, there was a chip in my paint down to the metal. It measures 2 cm X 2cm. There are also alot of swirls in my paint like they dried my car (which is black) with a towel. There is also the possiblity of course that whoever they had buff my car, buffed in the swirls and it is now showing up after a couple of washes. They have agreed to fix it by having it "touched up" which doesn't make me happy but I'm not sure what will besides a new car that they haven't had a chance to screw up. I asked about a written guarantee against the "touch up" fading or chipping while I have the car. He said to go ahead and let them fix it then see what I think. I asked him what he thought would be fair compensation for their mistake. He offered the 15,000 mile service free. This made me want to laugh since it's only worth $200 and I never want to step foot in that place again. I mean, I brought him a new car and they want to deliver a car back to me that has been touched up. My question is, how well should a touch up job hold up? Should I ask for something specific to be done? What about the swirl marks? They said they would fix those but I want to make sure that it is fixed right.

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dont let them screw up your paint anymore. my suggestion (i only skimmed the post i might have missed something) just tell them they need to pay for a full & complete detail. they should agree to that and if they do milk it a little more. your best bet is to ask SW03ES what to do though. hes into this stuff and has more experience in the paint world.

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You've learned an important lesson here my friend, NEVER let the dealer wash your car again, and CERTAINLY don't let them buff it. Dealerships don't pay the "wash boys" they call detailers enough for them to care how they treat your car.

Here's what you do, find a good professional detailer and let them bring the car back to like new condition, and send the dealership the bill. The detailer can help with the chip too. The dealer will want to do it themselves, tell them NO, IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS are they ever to touch the paint again.

When I was detailing for profit, 50% of my business was cars dealers trashed just trying to wash them.

The reason the swirls came back is because they never removed them in the first place, they just used a glaze and hid them. You need the vehicle machine compounded and polished to remove them for good, $150 or so.

As for compensation, $200 is reasonable for a chip that size and for the swirls. I'd have taken the free 15k maintenance, its more than $200 (closer to $450). You've got to be reasonable, mistakes happen. You have to remember 99% of people don't care, thats why dealers don't invest funds in hiring real detailers. You want the chip touched up before you want a panel thats been repainted. Where is the chip?

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, I am really sorry to say this but your car(bumper) can get scratched when it is in service.

I usually drop my car in the morning and pick it up when it is dark.

Because I am a loyal lexus customer I just drove out after services.

One day, I had found a thin deep scratch in the front bumper(passenger side) couple days later.

I was so mad but there was no way to prove it. I know it's from dealer because I just parked my car in the garage after service.

Maybe I had really bad luck but I learned my lesson.

Check you car before and after...............................

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