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Checking Fluid Levels In Es350


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When I went to my dealer to check out the new ES350, I popped open the hood and was greeted by a black plastic cover which completely covered the whole engine compartment!!

I HATE THIS!!! It's no longer a simple thing to look at your fluid levels or any other engine component without removing this plastic cover. This is very inconvenient, in my opinion. Sure, I know that this is the wave of the future, to make everything look streamline, and other auto manufacturers are headed this way also, but I guess I'm from the old school.......I like to see everything immediately, especially when the weather is bad. How much less engine noise does this covering afford? Maybe a couple of decibels at most!

What's your feeling about this "new technology"? It sucks! :chairshot:

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I like the covers, etc. I always remove them & keep them removed. The Maxima's cover is sitting in the basement. You'll also notice there is no way to check the transmission fluid level. It's not some new thing. Several OEM's have been covering the things up completely for 5-7 years already.

Toyota (Lexus, Scion) is historically the world's greatest copycat. They let everyone else do something first, then they just go in & do it better!

JC Whitney, or someone along those lines, has a kit to add a dipstick to a Camry v6 transmission, but not the newest gen yet. Not sure if I would trust it, but eh.

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Our sales guy said they will help to keep the engine cleaner. I dought that considering most of the air flow is coming up from the bottom of the car anyway. But wiping it off with something like Armor All will be easy.

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^ it does.

Most of the airflow comes from the bottom of the front of the car, runs up into the engine bay, thene xits the bottom rear of the engine bay. Relatively little runs out the back, top side of the hood.

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The cover are not all for looks, they actually are for aerodynamics. They help reduce negative pressure in the engine bay, improving fuel economy and wind noise.

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