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Bless The Troops


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I just wanted to say thank you and GOD BLESS those ole' boys and girls who make this possible....the United States/BRITISH/ETC... Armed Forces. For if you read this with sand in your teeth an wonder if your home questions you??...well don't....because we all remember and live by that feeling we had...and still have...back on that sunny/foggy/hot/warm/clear/happy/sad/birthday"me"/proud/embarrased/love-makin'/ Thursday morning back in 2001. And if you ever think we don't support you, or don't think we respect you...well, yet again...DON'T!

For all the B/S on the airwaves, and for all the RESPECTED opinions out there about these modern times. I beg you to just accept this random posting on some random car website as proof to our loyalty to the fact that WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE RESPECT YOU!!! and... WE WE WE WE WE WE WE WE.....won't dishonor your fallen protectors with our STARBUCK's Monday morning quarterback horse*BLEEP*. Some of us might not like war, and that is human. Some of us might be too quick to flip off the safety, and that too is human...and more like me. But for those Seals, for those Rangers, for those Shadows...and especially for those Lejune boys out there...well...Toby's still has 23 hotties, and 1 ugly......and she's waiting for you to honor that marriage proposal right before deployment!!! Keep the sand above, anger below, and focus right on the laser marker.

I wish you a merry chirstmas, gunslingers! :cheers: And I thank you!!!!

Oh, and those from Jax....semper.... ILM is waiting!!!!

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TELL IT NC!!! I too have been recently riled up, because I'm hearing these so called LEADERS say that we WILL NOT win overseas! Politics aside, GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS and may we not forget them in our prayers and NEVER stop supporting them!

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Amen! And well spoken. North Carolina has been hit hard by this war, as we're mostly military with Ft. Bragg, LeJune, Pope, Havlock and a couple others. But yet you go into those towns...those towns that are nothing more than a half a dozen stop lights surrounding a military base....and ask them what they think about all of this...well...I'll tell you what they say. They say "I'm probably going to lose my business, home and wife/husband...but these colors do not run". It's amazing to see, and especially to meet, a person with his/her back against wall, with nothing left to loose and mouths to feed that harbors that same anger, that same feeling of panic to address a problem, that we all had back in 2001. I'm honestly not trying to spread a political view, and please don't take my avatar into consideration. All I'm saying is to please find a hole-in-the-wall breakfast house in your neck of the woods that serves a military base, and go there on some random Sunday...drink your coffee....and just listen. Eat the "special", read the paper, and listen to those around you. You'll be amazed...trust me....you'll be amazed! :cheers:

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I agree wholeheartedly. God bless our troops, they do as they are asked to, it is too bad that so many Americans forget that the freedom they have are because of the military. Coming from a military family and being a Vietnam veteran myself I am disgusted what the media does to the morale and fortitude of our proud veterans. God it would be nice if for once you turn on the news and they covered the good being done, I don't know if it can last with the blasting by the enemy within that constantly attacks the military and the supporters of our country. In past generations it would have been treason, now it is accepted. Living on the Left coast where all the left wing Berkely, Los Angelos, Seattle, and anarchist that constantly do things like make their cities military free zones, I find my stomach turning. Every time the news attacks another insurgent rises to the surface with zeal, believing they are winning, using our media as a barometer to their success. Suicide bomber, no it is a terrorist, insurgent, no it is a terrorist. Say a prayer for all the brave and gallent men and woman that sacrifice their lives so you can enjoy yours living in suburbia, with three cars, and the freedom to move freely with safety. Remember the troops when your babies attend school and enjoy the Christmas plays, soccer matches, and the mall shopping. Please support your troops, they are the last true heroes, not Katie (commie) Curric. Merry Christmas, and happy new year to all and God Bless.

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God, I wish we had our military bases nearby, unfortunatly the politicians closed down the three bases we had, and the nearest base is 40 miles away, But yes when you see a serviceman or woman go up and thank them for their service. My son is a Reservist, cop, and I bless everyday that he is safe, but would never undermine his beliefs in what he does for us all. I love the little towns like Jacksonville NC, after all the marines there are what provided my first grandaughter. And truely what a wonderful town, the people are by far the most wonderful, friendly, and supportive folks that I have ever met. God Bless America.

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Amen! And well spoken. North Carolina has been hit hard by this war, as we're mostly military with Ft. Bragg, LeJune, Pope, Havlock and a couple others. But yet you go into those towns...those towns that are nothing more than a half a dozen stop lights surrounding a military base....and ask them what they think about all of this...well...I'll tell you what they say. They say "I'm probably going to lose my business, home and wife/husband...but these colors do not run". It's amazing to see, and especially to meet, a person with his/her back against wall, with nothing left to loose and mouths to feed that harbors that same anger, that same feeling of panic to address a problem, that we all had back in 2001. I'm honestly not trying to spread a political view, and please don't take my avatar into consideration. All I'm saying is to please find a hole-in-the-wall breakfast house in your neck of the woods that serves a military base, and go there on some random Sunday...drink your coffee....and just listen. Eat the "special", read the paper, and listen to those around you. You'll be amazed...trust me....you'll be amazed!  :cheers:

NC, thanks, you have no idea how much it means to me, and the rest of the army, that we have loved ones who stand behind us in our time of need. We need to stay focused, and in order to do that, we need the support of our friends loved ones and family back home. the wives, and children, baking cookies to send to daddy in Iraq, even though when they get there they will be stale and hard, daddy will still pass them out to all his battle buddies, and they will all enjoy them because they are from HOME. and they are made with love. the wives are at home kniitting blankets to send to their husbands, and even through the stitching is crooked, or the colors dont quite match, we love them, cause they are from home. Sned us anything, we dont care, cards, candles letters, just keep us going. Now, more than ever, is when we need your support.

These small towns around military bases (WATERTOWN NY :blink: ) are exactly as you describe. people all around losingtheir homes, business, lives, but they still wake up every morning and put their flag in their front yard, and get in their hoopdy and drive the commute to work with a ribbon on their hood or their trunk.

To those who support us, and to those who dont:

We dont do it for the money, or the rush, we do it for you. For the people who are out there selling us our papers, and cooking our meals, and fixing our heaters and our cars, because in all that you do, we cant do what we do without the civilians.

Freedom is not free, and If we dont fight for it, all those souls (some 48,000 in vietnam and closer to a quater million in WWII) who fought and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, would have dies in vain. My dad gave half of his life to serve this country, and this country gave us many great things. thats part of the reason i am where i am today, serving our country, to give back to the country that gave so much to us, and to take my fathers place and step up to the challenge. I hope every day that i can amount to even half the man that he is. To show you just how strongly i feel about this, my girlfriend just broke up with me because of my job, and my last Girlfriend, of almost 3 years, cut it off because she "couldnt handle it". well you know what, NOBODY is gonna tell me i cant do this job, thsi job is a part fo me, and if they dont like the job, then they dont liek me, it comes as a package deal.

...I don’t do it for money, there’s bills I that I can’t pay

I don’t do it for the glory, I just do it anyway

Providing for our future’s, my responsibility

Yeah I’m real good under pressure, being all that I can be

And I can’t call in sick on Mondays when the weekend’s been too strong

I just work straight through the holidays, and sometimes all night long

You can bet that I stand ready, when the wolf growls at the door

Hey I’m solid, hey I’m steady, hey I’m true down to the core.

And I will always do my duty no matter what the price

I’ve counted up the costs, I know the sacrifice

Oh and I don’t want to die for you, but if dyin’s asked of me

I’ll bear that cross with honor, cause freedom don’t come free.

I’m an American Soldier an American

Beside my brothers and my sisters, I will proudly take a stand

When liberty’s in jeopardy, I will always do what’s right

I’m out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight

American Soldier, I’m and American, Soldier."

I think we all know who sings that, and it rings true. But, when we are deployed, we dont try to fight for the world, or for freedom, its all too big to grasp. We just hope we are strong enough and brave enough to fight for 9 year old katie, who will turn 10 while I'm gone, so that she may have the opportunities that i had, and many more. (no she isnt my chilld, she's my cousin, but i would take car of her should the unthinkable happen, I love her as if she is my own.)

My friend wrote me a letter from the sands of bagdad, it said this:

"Josh, you dont know how good it was to get your letter, even though it was written 4 months ago. it takes awhile to get mail here.... There is still fighting here, but its slowing down. We still lose people every day, and its hard, I lost 4 guys from my unit to an IED explosion on the 12th of november. they didnt even knwo what hit them. my good friend from basic was clearing a room on thanksgiving weekend, when he was shot and killed. You just dont realize ho wthick the *BLEEP* is until you are in it. and by then its too late. I'll see you when you get here. take care"

So to all those who support us, thanks, and to all those who dont, guess what, you do it anyways, whether you want to or not, you file your 1040 form every year right?

Like tracy Lawrence says, Time marches on. And so does the Army. Take care, and happy holidays.

Oh, and if there are any families fo soldiers on this site who have soldiers deployed or who are deploying, feel free to contact me for support. we have to take care of each other.

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J...forever remember your words:

my girlfriend just broke up with me because of my job, and my last Girlfriend, of almost 3 years, cut it off because she "couldnt handle it". well you know what, NOBODY is gonna tell me i cant do this job, thsi job is a part fo me, and if they dont like the job, then they dont liek me, it comes as a package deal.

you will find that this theory will lead you to true love and defining success. Now, it'll cost you trips to Target on most of your Friday nights.....but they'll be the best Friday nights of your life!

The differnce between arogrance and sucess is simple; One is scene...one is felt.

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J...forever remember your words:

  my girlfriend just broke up with me because of my job, and my last Girlfriend, of almost 3 years, cut it off because she "couldnt handle it". well you know what, NOBODY is gonna tell me i cant do this job, thsi job is a part fo me, and if they dont like the job, then they dont liek me, it comes as a package deal.

you will find that this theory will lead you to true love and defining success. Now, it'll cost you trips to Target on most of your Friday nights.....but they'll be the best Friday nights of your life!

The differnce between arogrance and sucess is simple; One is scene...one is felt.

Absolutely. Plus, i really want her to be happy, even if that cant be with me. You saying its good that ti happened?

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