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Rx Windshield Optical Distortion

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In test driving multiple RX 330s and RX 400hs in the past month, we're noticing a fairly evident optical distortion in the upper portion of the windshield where the gradient shading begins. Whatever image you're looking at through this part of the windshield displays a bit of a "fun house mirror effect". Particularly for a tall person, this seems like it could be objectionable, since it's part of a 6-footer's main view area.

Are there other current owners who notice this...and do you find the optical "bending" an issue? Is Lexus addressing this? Thanks for your input.

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I haven't noticed this in the 330s I get as loaners, and I'm 6 foot tall.

Typically that happens either by a flaw in the glass or because the glass has to make a bend in that area they just can't get right. Have all the RX's you've driven with this problem been recent?

Welcome to the LOC, BTW :cheers:

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In test driving multiple RX 330s and RX 400hs in the past month, we're noticing a fairly evident optical distortion in the  upper portion of the windshield where the gradient shading begins. Whatever image you're looking at through this part of the windshield displays a bit of a "fun house mirror effect". Particularly for a tall person, this seems like it could be objectionable, since it's part of a 6-footer's main view area.

Are there other current owners who notice this...and do you find the optical "bending" an issue? Is Lexus addressing this? Thanks for your input.

Yes I noticed this on the drive home from the dealer :(

I had it into the service center and I looked at another 400h there as well as drove a new 330 for the day and they all have this problem.

It is slighly less noticiable in the 330 because I think the seats are a little softer and you sink in more. I noticed that I sit higher in the 400h even with it adjusted all the way down.

The problem, as I see it, is that the windscreen takes a slight bend near the top to fair in with the moldline of the roof. This bend is just slightly below where the tinting starts. You can see where it is by lookin at the pillers.

Another explanation offered by the service mgr was that the additives placed in the glass to produce the tint may have caused the distortion due to slightly differernt optical and thermal properties... but I find this unlikly to produce the degree of distortion that I observe. Most likley the bend, as far as I'm concerned.

What can you do about... nothing. Just crouch or slump in your seat ;)

Perhaps they need a ANOTHER warning lable on the visor...

CAUTION: Moutains in the distance are larger than they appear

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It would seem that a quality-oriented, luxury manufacturer like Lexus would be very interested in the '06 RX 330 and '06 RX 400h windshield optical distortion – and want to take steps to correct it. Yet Lexus does not offer an email address on their website that we can find to report it – only phone contacts.

It would be great if anyone who notices what we have and finds it objectionable (in a $50k vehicle, in our minds, the windshield view should be pristine and 100% undistorted), nicely contact Lexus Customer Assistance by phone to report the issue so that it can be examined and rectified by the manufacturer. Multiple reports probably are one of the most expeditious ways that they will be made aware and the issue ultimately resolved.

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It would seem that a quality-oriented, luxury manufacturer like Lexus would be very interested in the '06 RX 330 and '06 RX 400h windshield optical distortion – and want to take steps to correct it.  Yet Lexus does not offer an email address on their website that we can find to report it – only phone contacts. 

It would be great if anyone who notices what we have and finds it objectionable (in a $50k vehicle, in our minds, the windshield view should be pristine and 100% undistorted), nicely contact Lexus Customer Assistance by phone to report the issue so that it can be examined and rectified by the manufacturer. Multiple reports probably are one of the most expeditious ways that they will be made aware and the issue ultimately resolved.

I'm with you. I still have a ton of surveys that have been sent to me over the last few months... I plan on including this complaint on every single one of them...

Where else can we call or complain to besides the service center?

Personally, I would like to see this corrected (if possible). However, I would not want my car to be the first one to get the new windscreen... I would want a chance to evaluate the new design to see if it is worth the risk to my cars integrity to have the windscreen removed and replaced.

I'm worried about scratching the paint, water proofing, wind noise, squeeks... down time, etc.

Frankly tho, I can't see even Lexus (as quality and customer oriented as they are) spending a lot of effort to fix a problem that only affects maybe 5% of their drivers). Food for thought.

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Call 1-800-25-LEXUS. There is an email you can use too, but I'd call and write.

Not that big a deal no, but this is the sort of thing that would bug the hell out of me personally every time I drove the vehicle.

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I got my 400h in May and within a few months the windshield distortion was giving me headaches when driving long distances. It is subtle and most people don't even notice it when they get in the car for a short ride. My Lexus dealer has been great, but I'm on my 4th windshield now and each has had the same problem. I've given up and now traded cars with my wife. She is shorter and it doesn't bug her.

I sat in a RX330 in the showroom and didn't notice any problem in its windshield.

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I got my 400h in May and within a few months the windshield distortion was giving me headaches when driving long distances.  It is subtle and most people don't even notice it when they get in the car for a short ride.  My Lexus dealer has been great, but I'm on my 4th windshield now and each has had the same problem.  I've given up and now traded cars with my wife.  She is shorter and it doesn't bug her.

I sat in a RX330 in the showroom and didn't notice any problem in its windshield.

Have they all been OEM Lexus windshields?

Maybe try an aftermarket windshield from someone like PPG.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Finally I see others are also bringing the issue of optical distortion. I had bought a new GS-300 (2006) in July-2005. I saw distortions in rear windshield and showed it to dealer. He eventually agreed to replace my vehicle (nice for the dealer to do that). See my post (titled : Image Distortion, distortion viewed in rear windshield)

The new vehicle now had distortion in the front windhield (passenger side).

Since then I have tried to contact Lexus. Even wrote a letter to Shigetoshi Miyoshi (GS-300, chief engineer). But never got a reply back.

I have driven loaners (RX and ES) and all have the distortion to a lesser or greater degree.

Lexus glass quality is not acceptable ... at least to me, and a few others it seems. Lexus must pick up their act.

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  • 1 month later...

Just got my RX400h 4 days ago. Love it, but I have already noticed the optical distortion. I thought it was my glasses until I saw this thread. I notice it when going down a hill and looking up towards the next hill through the upper portion of the windshield. It was rather strange. When I got to flat roads again, all was fine. I haven't driven the car for a long enough time to find out if it will give me headaches or whatever so I don't know if it will be a problem. Any feedback from Lexus since the last post?

I live in the one hilly area of FL, if I took it back to the closest dealership in Tampa, which is flat, they would think I was nuts.

Great car though

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Just got my RX400h 4 days ago. Love it, but I have already noticed the optical distortion. I thought it was my glasses until I saw this thread. I notice it when going down a hill and looking up towards the next hill through the upper portion of the windshield. It was rather strange. When I got to flat roads again, all was fine. I haven't driven the car for a long enough time to find out if it will give me headaches or whatever so I don't know if it will be a problem. Any feedback from Lexus since the last post?

I live in the one hilly area of FL, if I took it back to the closest dealership in Tampa, which is flat, they would think I was nuts.

Great car though

Just bought my RX400h yesterday. After reading this thread I actually searched for the distortion and found it. Seems to be part of the product. I'm 6'4" which is the fun part. With this said, my driving thus far (limited) didn't bother me, didn't really notice unless I focused on it. I also noticed when I wore my polarized sun glasses some/all of the effect went away. Perception or fact, who knows. Interesting. But not an issue for me at all.

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