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Soft Scrub Cleaning Agent Non Bleach

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I have a 1993 GS300 with 137000 miles on the OD. this car has some common issues like dull headlights and dirty stiffing leather seats. So like any new used lexus owner I reserched the posts here at the lexus club.

Someone mentioned soft scrub as a way to clean leather I checked the soft scrub web site and they do not recommend this product for leather. Hey the leather seats in my Gs300 were old,and somewhat soiled so I took a chance and used it. This is what happened, it took off the dirt it also took of some dye and in so doing the leather became softer.it was easy to use no hard scrubing is needed. I believe the leather became softer when some of the dye or what ever was put on the seat to cover the leather was removed in total or in part. Don't get me wrong there is plenty of dye left on the seats its like pealing a layer off an onion still pleanty of layers left. I Imediately cleaned and and conditioned seats with Lexol.

I then used soft scrub on my front lights and it took off all the grim that casused the headlights to get cloudy. I am pondering weather or not I need to seal the headlight glass but have done nothing like that yet.

As an aside I spattered some soft scrub on my carpet and it made a light spot on the carpet. This scoft scrub is strong mojo and should be used only when less intrusive methods of cleaning do not work. But know this stuff works.

anyone else out there ever use this stuff ? what was your experence.


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Title: Soft Scrub Cleaning Agent Non Bleach

Quote: As an aside I spattered some soft scrub on my carpet and it made a light spot on the carpet. This soft scrub is strong mojo and should be used only when less intrusive methods of cleaning do not work. But know this stuff works.

I wonder what would cause a light spot on carpet…couldn’t be bleach because the title says non-bleach, must be mojo then

I would strongly advise against the use of bleach, sorry mojo on leather hides


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Title: Soft Scrub Cleaning Agent Non Bleach

Quote: As an aside I spattered some soft scrub on my carpet and it made a light spot on the carpet. This soft scrub is strong mojo and should be used only when less intrusive methods of cleaning do not work. But know this stuff works.

I would strongly advise against the use of bleach, sorry mojo on leather hides


I agree with this 200%, KEEP IT AWAY FROM LEATHER <_<

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