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Lca Bushing

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I see many posts on here about replacing the LCA bushings. I assume I need 4 (2 each side). Where is the best place to purchase (price and quality) and about how much should I expect to pay to have them replaced.


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try http://www.taprecycling.net/

i called them last year for a lower control arm, and they offered me

the bushings for 50$ each, its better then Lexus they want 560$ for one LCA here in Quebec/Canada.

Call T.A.P. Recycling, Toll Free 1-800-765-7100 -- Local 916-631-7100

there 125$ for the kit now.

so try to order it from there and install it at a good garage place near u.

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You can try this place also http://www.tmengineering.net/suspension/daizen/make/sc.html

Daizen makes pretty good bushing IMO and pricing is not that bad. I don't know how much to have it replace. It depends on where you live and the places you go. I'm planing to do it myself this summer since mine is pretty bad also. Good Luck

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