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Speeding Tickets


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Nope. The song is "Paradise By The Dashboard Light", the album is "Bat Out Of Hell" released in 1977, the artist is Meat Loaf, and Jim Steinman takes the songwriting credits. But I think he got significant creative input from Todd Rundgren and Rundgren's entire studio at Bearsville Sound.

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My next door neighbor gets speeding tickets all the time. He just told me yesterday that he has to go to driving school. Like SWO, I am pretty good a reading the road and traffic which is you main defense against speeding tickets. I also use a high end radar detector and usually a CB.

I speed on the Interstates, sometime 20-30 or more over. I usually try to stay below 20 over as that is RD in many states. I do not run red lights or do other stupid stuff in town as that is a waste of a ticket in my opinion.

The other day the state police assn called soliciting money. I told them if they want money from me they have to catch me.

Running 72 in a 35 may be safe, but it is like asking for an RD ticket as many small towns set unrealistic speed limits to generate cashflow. Check out reasonable drivers anonymous website for comments on this.

I have many friends who are cops howver in general cops seemed to have developed a nasty attitude in the past few years with all their no tolerance, no jokes, we are superior antics. I respect them for the job they do and have written my legislative reps over the years. This is a waste of time because the ultra-conservative safety !Removed! run the country now so we will never see any changes in limits (except down).

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  • 3 years later...
I'm not protecting you at all, I'm calling you a moron for doing 72mph in a 35 and complaining about getting a ticket. You got nailed, get over it and be glad you're not in jail and still have a drivers license. If it were around here you'd be in the slammer and licenceless for at least 6 months. The speed limit isn't meant to be followed when there are "people around". For all he knew you were some drunk looney. You didn't take it like a man, you're whining about it.

6 years of driving experience? HA. You are aware that its commonly accepted that it takes 5-7 years of driving for a person to reach AVERAGE competence level with the majority of the driving public right? Thats why you pay $300 a month for insurance until you're 25. I pay it too. I've taken advanced driving courses that lower mine somewhat though. Your SC400 doesn't make you a race car driver, niether does your 6 years of driving experience. You've never wondered why you pay more than older people? You're a higher risk because people our age have almost half the accidents when we make up only about 20% of the driving public. Did you think that was the insurance company out to get you, just like the cop?

A perfect driving record doesn't mean you drive lawfully or safely, it just means you haven't been caught. Stay perfect for 25 years then come talk to me.

Go to court with that explanation, make the judge's day.

Well put SW! I remember the day you handed me my !Removed! for doing 83 in a 55 and getting busted...

Going to iraq changed me for the better i think. No matter what anyone told me, before i went, i was reckless. redlining it from every light in ever gear, rubber and smoke flying on a daily basis. in addition to the wear and tear on my car, it was wear and tear on my driving record. In 3 months i got nailed for 71 in a 55, 37 in a 25 (on post, and in my defense, speed limit dropped suddely, BUT i wasnt paying enough attention) and 83 in a 55. i hadnt had my liscense even 3 days when i got 124 in a 65...My dad knew a cop so i got off fairly clean...but i shouldnt have, maybe it would have saved me from the other 3.

Point is, i didnt go to iraq and spend 15 months doing route clearance (Blown up by 23 IED's, i have pix if you want to see them), just to come back kill myself in a car wreck being stupid. I now obey traffic laws, and even though i own a radar detector, i use it for one purpose only. To know where the cops are and when they are clocking me. I rarely break 80 on an interstate, and never break 75 at night...though 5mph makes little difference in an accident.

Did it every occur to you that if a deer had run out in front of you at 72mph, you would have been FUBAR'ed. period.

Suffice it to say, the only traffic law i break (on purpose) is the speeding one, to a lesser degree...i obey them in town and only take myself 5-15 over on the highways. I even got myself a car with a digital speedometer so i could not feign ignorance.

Do not worry though, as you grow older, you will make smarter choices...hopefully.


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How do these guys find these 4 year old threads??? Isn't there a "delete" feature on the server after a few years? Josh, when this thread started, weren't you getting ready for your prom? Hahaha... ;)

By the way, Josh, my little brother-in-law just received is deployment orders last night. He's supposed to be national guard MP, but has learned he's being reassigned to the tank battalion. He's heading to training on how to drive and fire, then going to Kuwait in Jan, and has already been "stop-losted", so he'll be in Iraq for at least a year.... Those tank guys pretty safe over there?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking through all the posts I've made to research my a/c & happened to run across it. So anyways after all is said & done, yea I've been married for almost 2 years & things change, I haven't been pulled over in over 3 years & haven't hit 3 digits in probably the same amount of time also, it's called life & other things become more important to live for. A story that many in life & probably many on this BB have gone through.

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