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Everything posted by msrc2

  1. There's one for sale (used, private party) in todays Atlanta Journal Constitution. Level 1, 500 miles. $48,000.
  2. While I understand the benefits of rolling or coasting the 400H, I can't possibly think of a more boring way to drive.....
  3. I just picked up my RX400 from a suburban Atlanta dealerabout a week ago. I put my deposit down in late May 2005. Delivery was about 1 month later. Black/Black with all available options, plus some dealer installed accessories. Currently they have 1 demo on the lot, but NONE for walk-in sales. Dealer link:: http://www.lexusgwinnett.com/index.html
  4. Has anyone had luck with the Motorola V3 Razr on Cingular?? Thanks!
  5. I've been reading about the Prius stalling problem as well. Seems to affect '04 and '05 models as well. Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=100...cLI&refer=japan
  6. Just my .02 ... I came here looking for specific discussion on the 400h. I could really care less about the 300/330. As more vehicles are delivered, the 400h community will grow. This is a brand new vehicle with new technology, and the potential for its own topics. Separate them......
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