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Everything posted by nc211

  1. This is a prime example of why I'm trying to find a replacement vehicle for my aging GS430, with only 64k miles on it now. My #1 gripe with the two lexus cars I've had, is the inability to pinpoint problems. Either they're very easy to identify (rare), or you end up wasting a ton of money trying to find the wornout part (most likely). If I have a bushing that is bad, I want to be able to lift the car, look at it, and say "yep, there's the broken bushing". Not this "well, it feels like it's around this area of the car, but they all look good" stuff for me. My GS, around 40 mph at a steady pace, shakes from the rear. I'm pretty sure it's either the tires, or a rear carrier arm bushing. But, I've already written one too many threads that started like this, and have come to the conclusion that there are just too many alternatives out there to spend the money on, and life is just too darn short to spend under a jacked-up lexus anymore.
  2. I tell you what fellas, these times are tough on everyone. It is a frustrating time for everyone in general, for those without a few coins in their pocket, and for those with them. You do realize what BofA was doing to me right? They were simply trying to snake back the tiny amount of interest they paid me on the sizable amount of money in the account. The following will make me sound bad, but for those who know me, know I'm not (all the time). I kid you not, after returning to Chitcago on the Sunday following the 4th of July, within a 60 minute window, I was hit-up with charity requests. Now, I'm not a heartless dirtbag who doesn't give, I do give, a lot. But, and I'm not stretching the truth here at all - two people came to my door (even though I have a no solicitor sign on the white picket fence), telling me that if I didn't give them a $20 donation, the poor little girl in their flyer would die of some horrible disease. I gave $5 to both seperate solicitors. I realized we didn't have any milk, so I went to the store, a whole 1.5 miles away. Sitting at the stop light that exits my neighborhood, knock knock knock on my window, a story about if I didn't donate, the fire department wouldn't be able to save the innocent children who had fallen victim to fire. $10 bucks. I get to the store....March of Dimes at the entrance telling me if I don't donate, I'll be killing a bunch of cancer kids. $10 bucks. I buy my milk, head back out of the store, and again, March of Dimes. I told the lady I had already given. She said $10 bucks helps, but doesn't heal the pain of the innocent children. I had enough, told her to vote for healthcare reform and walked away. Get in the car, gas light is on, drive across the street, standing there pumping my gas and minding my own business, a lady with a bucket in one hand, and a flyer with a picture of a child in the other, comes walking up. Before I even let her open her mouth, I honestly said "go across the street, they've got your money, I'm tapped out". You know she said to me? "Nice Lexus". Well, that worked...$10 bucks. Heading home, sitting at the same light as before, I see the bucket man heading my way...I hop the curb, go through the bank parking lot and get my broke !Removed! out of there! One hour and one gallon of milk = $45 dollars and a horrible sense of guilt. We get people knocking on our door all the time. The best though, was some teenager dude who clearly was in it for the money, rang my door bell at 8:30pm, not 10 minutes after we finally got our son to go to sleep (which the door bell woke him up screaming). I ripped that dude a new one! All I heard was "good eveni..." before I laid into him like a ticked off racoon. Doubt he'll be getting is "mission trip" to Cancun springbreak!
  3. Banks, always open and friendly if you want to open an account. But, God Help You if you want to close an account! Back in March, I withdrew the funds from our savings account at BofA, in the form of a cashier's check issued at the local branch. I was told the account was "closed". 4 weeks later, I receive a notice that I've been charged $35 dollars for insuffecient funds in that account, at the tune of $0.36 cents. Reason? The BofA employee who issued me the check, gave me $0.36 of accrued interest before the interest was to be issued to the account. Long story short - after calling BofA corporate - they transfered $0.36 from my checking account and "closed the account". Fast forward to this past saturday. I get a notice in the mail from BofA, telling me my savings account was $14.64 over drawn, and if I didn't make a deposit into the account within a week, they would refer it to a collection agency. FIRST time I've even thought about that account since I thought I closed it twice in March. Truth of matter, they didn't close it, and started charging me $5 monthly service fees on it. I get on the phone, hot as all heck, to get this cleared up. Two $5 fees were refunded back (June/July), the third (net of the original $0.36 = $4.64) I am told by the branch manager, is not refundable because it is over 90 days old, which locks the ability to refund the money. She also informed me that it was my fault, because I didn't review my monthly statements. Not wanting to spend my Monday in jail, I kept my cool when I told her "why should I pay you for a job that, twice, I've fired you from?" TWICE BofA assured me that account was closed. Where it stands now: Got the $4.64 refunded back to me, and the account has a $0.00 balance....but....still isn't "closed". Round and round we go... I swear, I've had stalker ex-girlfriends that were easier to get rid of than this stupid savings account! Where did our original savings go? Back home, to our local credit union in NC, which has never given us a single problem with anything. Lesson to the wise: If you close an account at your bank, get it in writting that it is actually closed! And triple check it over the next few weeks to make sure it is closed, otherwise, you could find a naughty little ding on your credit report someday, and not even know it. I have perfect, flawless, excellent credit that I have worked very hard for. No way in hell I'm going to let BofA ding it over $0.36!
  4. I'm willing to bet he's probably wondering why in the heck he wanted that job to begin with! I wouldn't touch it with a ten billion mile pole! You know what the sad thing is? He's starting to make "W" look good (or, at least better) in the minds of many. The man he has thrown under the bus countless times, is starting to creep up behind him. In connection to these documents that are currently being wiki-leaked, and how they spell out Iran's connections to the terrorists that a former President kept talking about... :whistles: I bet I know one Texan sitting under a shade tree with a glass of lemonade, muttering to himself "I told ya' so..."
  5. Kyle - not saying good deal / bad deal here. Just wanted to toss some numbers out before you sign the lease agreement. With all of the "close out" specials starting to hit the automotive world in general, and with interest rates at record lows across the board, several places are offering 0% financing on 5 year terms now. Some are so desperate, they're offering 0% for 6 years. It's going to continue to get better as the 2011 models hit the floors too (always does). $829 a month equates to either $30,000 in rent payments for 3 years, or $50,000 in ownership payments on a 60 month schedule. At 0%, you're buying the car 100%, not paying interest to borrow the money (ok, maybe a couple hundred in hidden fees and such "app fee, doc fee, etc..") Plus, you don't have to give the car back, worry about mileage limits, damage waivers, etc... Just food for thought before pulling the trigger. Umm....I haven't been on in a bit...notice somebody has a new avatar picture!!!
  6. Thanks guys, haven't had any problems since. I'm 99% convinced it was the baby benadryl we gave him the night before. Although the number on the bottle hasn't been added to the recall list, they've expanded it to include other products. Not a lot of media coverage on it. All has been well here though, back too 110%, and getting ready for #2, a girl, to be named Annie Grace.... 11/6/10 is the date!
  7. $3.09 (premium) here in Chitcago. $2.69 (premium) back in NC.
  8. I think the deciding factor isn't between the two cars, but the road conditions in your area. If you've got rough roads, then I would go with the Lexus, as you know the ride will be more foregiving. If you've got smooth roads though, then I'd give the BMW a try. Granted, the 335 twin-turbo engine I think has had some hiccups, but since it's been out for a couple of years, I would think many have been corrected. It was a new engine to BMW, and you know how that can go sometimes. But, given both cars will be covered under warranty, and you can probably get the service plan included during negotiations on the BMW, I'd say give it a try. They sure are fun to drive! I spent the past few days back home in NC, driving my inlaws 06' X3 - really like that car! You do hear and feel more of the engine in the BMW than you do in a Lexus, but I think that's a given for most cars in general.
  9. PS: The internet "tab" still shows the site as being unsafe though, but it functions normally.
  10. Good to go, Steve! No more messages or java install requests on either of my Windows 7 computers!
  11. It's SWO's David Hasselhoff fan-club site isn't it? I knew it!!
  12. Steve, I get it on every page I navigate to within the forum. It kept coming up (haven't checked my home machine yet - still at the office). I'm running XP at the office, and it runs fine. I think it's the Window's 7 guys that are getting this. I'll post up the exact message I get on the software the website wants to install on my home computer later tonight. It's something from Sunmicrosystems (or microsun, along those lines), something about a java pack.
  13. I don't get the warning on the home Windows 7 computer anymore either, but I do still get this messasage along the top of the screen that the site is attempting to install some Java update via Microsun systems. I deny this, but it won't go away. What's up with that?
  14. I agree guys, this thread is starting to smell like stale fish. I appreciate all the help and insight, but I think I'm just running circles now and need to pull the trigger on something and be done with it. I'll post up what I end up with!
  15. I'm getting it too at home, and when I click the "ignore" button, I get this pop-up bar at the top of the screen asking me to allow some kind of microsun program to be installed/updated. I don't allow it to install, and everytime I click to move to another page, the warning comes up. Are all of you running Windows 7? I'm running XP at the office, and don't get the message. Running 7 on the home computers, and get the warning. I'm guessing SWO has been lurking over on the Infiniti boards, talking about how nice the G series is, and how he wishes he had one.... Sorry...been a while since I've made that joke!!
  16. Well, didn't buy that one either. Even though the carfax was clean, it had clearly been in a front - driver's side, accident. I was able to bring it home for the evening, where I could spend some time with it. Spent about 2 hours crawling all over it, hook up the code reader, etc. It was looking like a true winner, until I started running my fingers along the panel seems. Everything was looking good, until I got to the front. About a 2cm gap between the lines in the inner headlight assembly and the center grill. My internal alarm went off, and started looking harder in that area. Bumper was all messed up, and then realized the headlight washer's didn't work. Crawled under, and found a couple of thing hanging. Wasn't sure if it was just cosmetic or not, as the sheet metal was perfect and from what I could see, the impact beams looked perfect as well. Took it to my mechanic....wrecked in the front quarter panel, and driver's side airbag had been repacked. He pointed out some stuff that I had missed. Suspension damage too. I took the car back and passed on it. I looked at three others in that range...all had a similiar story to tell. Some were obvious, and some were harder to spot, but learned how to look at the car from my mechanic. As badly as I want the X3, I'm not even close to considering one that isn't perfect. Coming to the conclusion the BMW brand is just too much of a comfortable stretch for me, for a car that probalby won't get driven but 6k miles a year, if that. Did have a nice suprise though towards the end of the day when heading home. I decided to check out the passat wagons one more time. Last time I looked at them, it was on an 07' VR6 4motion with all the bells and wistles. Dealer said "certified", but really meant it could be certified on my $2,500 dime. I passed on it. I did drive it too, and wasn't all that impressed with the feel and the noises of the engine. I decided what the heck, I was out, had the time, and was curious about the 2.0 Turbo engine on a FWD setup. Drove an 08' yesterday with 15k miles. NIGHT & DAY difference between the two cars. The 2.0 turbo was extremely quiet and smooth. Has all the pep you could ever want, with some to spare. Shifted like my lexus too, and felt great to drive. I wasn't just really impressed, I was willing to buy it, had the check in my bag, if it weren't for the missing sunroof option. I drove it easy, drove it very hard, drove it over very rough roads, and smooth roads. Spent about 45 minutes putting it through it's paces. It was excellent. The absences of the AWD system really lightens up, and livens up the car. You could pack a frat house of furniture in that thing too. I had the code reader with me, no codes. Had every option except the roof. All of this car, still under original bumper-bumper warranty to 2011 or 36k miles, plus the certified extended bumper/bumper warranty for an additional 2 years and 20k miles, and the VW maintenance package as well....for $19,900 asking price? The dealership's manager showed me the car's history. He sold it new, serviced it, and actually proved to me the original owner only got rid of it because his wife wanted one of these Tiquans instead, for the big sunroof. The original owner was actually there (older gentleman) in the dealership having the oil changed in the Tiquan. They were willing to let me take it, all-in, for $18,500, out the door. Man, say what you will about VW's history - and I won't argue with it, but, you've got to admit, that is a very tough deal to disregard because of a few internet postings on edmunds (in a sea of postings) about problems, and some teenager working in Best Buy saying never to buy a VW, as his is a nightmare - the tweaked out GTI out back. $19k for a handsome 06' BMW X3 in the 50k mile range with two years of CPO (or 3rd party) warranty, or $18k-$19k for an 08' - 09' gorgeous passat wagon in the 15k mile range with remaining original warranty + extended VW certified warranty + maintenance plan. I've got to admit, the VW drove a lot nicer than the X3, given its car platform vs the mini-suv platform. I can live with FWD in the winter up here. If it's that bad outside, I just won't go anywhere, or take the train to the office, or the 4runner if needbe. After driving the 2.0t engine for the first time, I can see why they dropped the V6 engine altogether for this car. They've really got that engine refined quite nicely, pulls exactly like a V6 with I4 mpg's, and significantly quieter in the cabin of the car (I think that's also due to the FWD and not AWD mechanicals too). Are they as realiable as a BMW? Nope, much more of a roll-the-dice scenario. But, we're not talking about a Yugo here either, where the driveshaft is going to just fall out on the highway and the car explodes because you turn on the hazzards. Sensors/servos/etc going bad, yeah quite common. But, as long as they pay for it, and give me a loaner while they do it, I'm ok with that. Heck, at these prices, if I hate the car in a year, I'm still not going to take a hit to the wallet when I'm running to the Toyota dealer for a Camry. Once again...my focus is shifting.. You think reading this stuff drives you nuts, trying being me! I'm going insane over this! I know I have to replace the GS, or face new tires, and figure out what's loose in the back suspension (I know the lower front CA's bushings are starting to crack too). Whatever's loose in the rear, really shows when you're driving steady at about 40mph. The rear wobbles and hops, feels almost exactly like a torn driveshaft flex-coupling on the differential. Dare I even suggest a certain monster thread from several years back that I started about chasing a damn wobble in a certain 95' LS400. I still get nightmares thinking about that sucker! PS: Why are the wagons dying off in this country? I know Volvo isn't going to ship anymore V70's here after this year, and heard yesterday the Passat Wagon is getting retired too this year (not sure if that's true or saleman pressure). What gives? Correct me if I'm wrong here, but weren't we all just talking about how bad the SUV's were to the planet just 24 months ago? And yet, all we're doing is making them smaller and cheaper at the cost of the wagon series? Just because they're smaller, doesn't mean they're easier on the mpg's, as most are either FWD, or AWD, not selectable 4x4 when you need it. The BMW X3, real world, averages about 15-16mpg's on a highly tuned 3.0 I6 engine. Guess what my 4runner averages with it's awd V8 setup .....15-16mpgs. Yet, the Passat wagon averages north of 25mpg, but the Tiquan is to be it's replacement, a smaller interior, less aerodynamic, certain to be lower mpg's and far too much stress on a 2.0t engine in an AWD platform. I don't get it..... Maybe they'll figure it out in about 5 years when someone reads the Subaru playbook and looks at their numbers.
  17. I slipped out today to take another RDX on a test drive. As I was driving it, with the saleman in the car jabbering about all the techno-gizmos the RDX had, an X3 came by. I found myself speeding up to check it out without the saleman even noticing. I've got to have a BMW X3. It's the only car I honestly really want. Everything else just feels like I'm looking for 2nd place, even though several are nicer and probably better. This itch just won't leave me alone, and every single time I see one, I get mad as heck because I don't have one. Found one this afternoon with a 7year/100k warranty. Turns out....from the same place I bought the Lexus from, and the same guy, who not only knows my style of car buying, but respects it and likes the straight forwardness of it. Remember, I bought the Lexus for a tick under $13k in March of 09, they were asking $17k. Local car, serviced 100% by BMW dealer. 06 (avoiding that new 6 speed transmission mess in the 07-09), silver, fully loaded with everything. Stay tuned...... ;)
  18. Smooth, aren't the LR2's a maintenance nightmare though, like most Land Rovers? I'm curious man, with your ability to see what's going on at auction, in your opinion, what is the typical "spread" between a car sold at auction and on a dealer's lot? Say, a 2007 Acura RDX with 40k miles. I might be timing this wrong, as it just doesn't seem like $20k in cash buys much of anything that isn't north of 60k miles and out of warranty anymore, or bare-bones. I'm starting to think (1) wait for summer to pass (2) shop outside of Chitcago (3) wait for the double-dip in the recession to hit. 12 months ago I could walk into a dealership with a wad of cash, and not make it out the door with it in my pocket. Now, not so much, unless I want to buy something that has been wrecked and north of 50k miles. I'm about to just say f'it and wait for the fall to come, when we all know the economy in general slows down with people's attitudes of wrapping up their summers. I just got back from looking at a 07 TSX with 30k miles, white, CPO, for asking $21k. Trunk all scratched up, moisture in the headlight, and misaligned front bumper lines, missing plastic parts inside. WTF?
  19. I know man, this is an insane process for me! I have NEVER had this much trouble before! It's hard for me to find an SUV that works for us. We've already got the 4runner, which is a complete winner on all levels. Don't want or need two of them. Don't need a Sequoia/Land Cruiser sized vehicle, yet. Can't find a wagon (beyond the obvious perfect choice of an Outback - blame my wife on that one) that works either, unless I'm willing to go "naked" on warranty within 12 months. Have too much hair left to sign up for the minivan land. So, that leaves me in the sedan world, or the hatchback world. No hatchbacks ring my bells for a 4 door 4 seater. Hate the VW GTI interior, and again, it's VW. So, it's sedans with fold down rear seats. The cars you mention either (1) don't have fold down rear seats (2) are rear wheel drive - I don't want in the winter here anymore - (3) puts me back in the CPO price range of BMW, which I'd be fine with, if I were willing to spend $25k-$30k on a second vehicle, which I'm not willing to do. I'm in the $20k range. The Lexus ES would be a logical choice as well, but again, no folding rear seats. I need a vehicle that if we're going to buy something that needs some room, won't require me 100% of the time to take out the car seats and leave the wife/kids at home while dad takes the 4runner. I also need a car that on those winter days when it's predicted to snow a few inches, I'm not leaving the wife and kids at home with a rwd 300hp Lexus that offers a "button" for traction control. That doesn't work for me anymore. Buying my GS430, albeit a wonderful car, was a mistake that I admit to. I listened to what I "wanted" over what I "need" when I bought it. Now, I'm listening to what I "need" vs what I "want". I need ability and coverage. I want a BMW. The two don't line up under $25k, so it's a balance. I also like the MPG of the TSX. Since 70% of the driving around here is actually just sitting in traffic, no need for a big V8 in a sedan setting. Granted, sure is nice to stomp on it and get ahead of traffic in a blink of the eye, but those opportunities are rare at best.
  20. Thanks fellas! We had a 3D ultrasound this past weekend to 100% confirm this news - very cool technology, 100% girl! Last Monday, we couldn't tell, but the ultrasound lady was leaning more towards girl. That just drove us nuts (and we were super nervous already). Wife had a normal visit the next day, doctor decided to try again on the ultrasound. He was 90% sure it was a girl. Made us feel much better, but still, that 10% was lingering in our minds...so, for $40, we went to one of these "First Peek" places for the 3D technology. Confirmed, girl! Why can I pay $40 for an ultrasound whenever I want it, but our doctor's office can't do but two throughout the term for insurance reasons ($500 a pop)? Makes no sense to me, at all. Anyway - the car hunt continues - I'm focused on Acura now. I was within an inch of an X3 this past weekend. I wanted that car so badly - it was an 07' sports package with all the bells and whistles. Had 47k miles, still had normal warranty until 2011 / 50k miles, then could be CPO on my dime. I...just...couldn't...do...it. My better half, the sensible side, would not shut up about buying a used BMW with only 3k miles left of warranty (not talking about my wife, talking about that little voice in my head). God, it was one of the most frustrating experiences I've had in a long long time. But...sometimes you get lucky when you don't realize it. BMW X3 forums are set-up much like ours here. The #1 sticky post of complaints? The 07-09 automatic transmissions, the GM6. Not sure if GM built it, but it sure does seem to be a sizable problem for the car. Glad I passed on the car. Drove two Acura's this past weekend, both 07's, both CPO's. First one - the RDX - a 2.3 turbo mini suv. Love the interior, love all the toys. Don't love the engine. The turbo is not smooth with it's power delivery, and creates a lot of noise inside the cabin, sounds "rough". Rides a little hard too. Second - the TSX - LOVE IT! It's basically the European version of the Honda Accord. It's got a 2.4 4 with 205 HP. Rear seats fold down which satisfies the IKEA cargo situation. Has front wheel drive, which helps the winter issue. But, what it has that I really really miss from the Mazda, and has become my #1 favorite option - triptronic transmission. The RDX has this too, but in paddle format, not stick format, which means you've got to be at 10-2 to do it. I love the ability to slide the gear knob over and then bump up and down through the gears. If the IS250 AWD had the ability to fold down the rear seats, I'd give them a serious look too. I've all but given up on the wagon idea, and the small SUV world as well. Can't find a wagon that doesn't make me think I'm buying someone else's problems. Smaller SUV's just ride rough or have interior designs that bore me to tears, or are bare-bones. Looked at a couple VW Tiquans...no thanks. Talk about a problem waiting to happen. A 2.0 turbo engine pushing AWD on an SUV is just not a good balance for reliability purposes. So, my last option is front wheel drive, with fold down rear seats. It's hard to argue against the TSX, especially when you can buy an 07' fully loaded with NAV, CPO'd, with less than 30k miles, for $20K out the door. There's a lot of good choices out there too. It's my understanding that they really discounted the leases on these cars, making the residual price to buy at the end of a person's lease term higher than the value of the car. Just like my old 01' Maxima. Great car, but too many out there for the residual prices to hold against the actual market values. Nissan wouldn't negotiate, so I turned it back in. Seems to be the same situation with the TSX's. Given the go-go days of 06-07, this might be the case with several cars (not just Acura). Might be the way to buy into a CPO car? I have noticed that most of the BMW's coming to market from the auctions are either the X3's or 3 series sedans (07-08) with the basic "lease packages" of leatherette and silver trim pieces. Just can't bring myself to pull the damn trigger on one. 95% of me wants to sign the document, but that 5% just won't let it go. X3's seem like great cars, built like a tank, drive really nicely, just love them. But man, if you get a bad one, you're in that rabbit hole pretty deep. Without a slam-dunk warranty for several years (which puts them out of my price comfort zone), just can't do it. I'd be paranoid everytime I drove the thing. Honda however, well, we all know their reputation. Plus, a 7year/100k cpo warranty sure sounds a lot better to me than 12months/3k miles on a BMW. You can really feel the "european" character in the TSX. Certainly doesn't drive like an Accord, and doesn't punish your back like the tighter set-up of the TL. By the way....whoever is in charge of the new designs of Acura, needs to stop watching the movie Transformers. They totally screwed up the entire line-up with these new designs, in my opinion. Although, the big RDX looks pretty damn nice. Who knows....maybe become the next 4runner someday.
  21. Well, found out today some very good news! #2 is...a....GIRL!!! One boy, and one girl..... I'm LIVIN, and my little troopers are now heading for retirement! Huge news around here, as my wife (and I) really wanted a girl. This news makes a WORLD of positive difference for us here in Chitcago! On the car front news: Looking like 07 or 08 decked out BMW X3 CPO. Meeting with my guy tomorrow to look over the offerings in a massive Ohio auction going on now. A few white ones in the lineup. Still under bumper bumper warranty, so not too worried about it. Will know more later!
  22. Interesting thread, cduluk. I know how you're feeling. I've been raised on airplanes. My dad is a retired air force bomber pilot, my uncle is UPS #1 Senior retired 747 pilot, I've flown with him in both of his restored Sterman open-cockpit bi-planes, and flown them myself. I travel quite a bit with my job now too. And, I can tell you, that I too have a growing fear of flying these days. It's not the take-off, or the flight itself that scares the crap out of me, it's the landing. With soooo much air traffic these days, system is strained pretty badly. With this strain, they've compacted the times between take-offs and landings to like 20 seconds, instead of what we used to have of about 45 seconds. This compacted time is just on the edge of a plane's slipstream to settle in the air. Most of the turbulance you actually feel on a plane these days, is nothing more than disturbed air from a previous plane. Landings are getting hairier and hairier now. I've done one-wheel landings, almost seen the wingtip scrape, and front-wheel-first landings. All nearly gave me a f'n heartattack! Now, with that said - given all the flights that happen now, and the actual percentage of problems occuring, i'd have to say flying the F U friendly skies has probably never been safer than today. You've more of a chance of getting your ticket punched by driving down to the store for a coke, then flying from Boston to LA in a Cesna. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Do like I do...chew the hell out of some Nicorette!!! 4mg - Cinnamon Surge - 190 count - $60 at costco....greatest stuff for us nicotene fans on earth!!!
  23. I think BMW is in their "prime" right now for getting things more right than wrong. They all go through their cycles. Hopefully MB is coming out of their "dark decade". For all of the horror stories we've all "heard" about BMW, how many times, in all honesty, have you actually personally known someone to have one that was built over the past 10 years that was a real and true nightmare? I've only personally known of one, a girl in Birmingham back in 2001 that bought a 2001 325 wagon, which I think was towards the early years of that entire model series in general. Of the comments I've read about the BMW's, specifically the 3 series, there appeared to be problems with roofliner glue on some, some kind of subframe mount in the back on ragged-out coupes, a few noises in their VAMOS timing system, and the 01-04 5 series cooling issues. None of these are really that far out of the ordinary, especially considering how BMW tends to push the driver to "drive" it. Granted, yes, there are those horror stories out there, but I think that could be said for all cars in general, including Lexus. I think Toyota is flirting with their "dark decade" right now. Seems to be quite a few more complaints about the newly designed line up over the past couple of years. If they are entering that phase, I'm quite confident it won't be nearly as bad as others, and they'll make the turn-around much quicker. At the end of the day...they're just cars. Technology and such has made leaps and bounds over the past 10+ years, which I think is seen in the quality of products in general. When was the last time you had to call the TV repair man? Or any appliance for that matter? I can't think of a single call I've had to make on anything over the past decade, other than my two Lexus cars. Which, even then, given their ages and mileage, werent all that out of the ordinary. Heck, i'm still on the same cell-phone (RAZR) from over four years ago, and refuse to replace it until it finally dies, which doesn't seem to be anytime soon. I must say, my GS has held up exceptionally well up here in Chitcago. It amazes me how tight and rattle free that car still is, given the environment it's operated in for so long. They do built an exceptional quality vehicle, no argument there!
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