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Posts posted by ArmyofOne

  1. bearings in the alternator pully. lexus's are not supposed ot make noise. even my 15 eyar old lexus doesnt make any noises like that. take it to a private mechainc if it bothers you that much. but if you are able to, i woudl change the belt yourself, ill bet that stops it...remember some of these techs dont know a scredriver from a socket wrench. :)

    there are many many dealers across america that have signs that say "ASE Certified". this will not nessecarily mean that all their techs are certified, IIRC they are only req'd to have one ASE Cert. Tech for every 5 regular techs. Just FYI. granted, these are lexus dealerships, and we like to think better fo them then that, but i know for a fact, that some chevy, doge, ford and even some BMW dealers do it this way.

    EDIT: yes i know the master tech said that...LOL.

  2. OK, I bought a 1993 ES300, beautiful exterior and interior, with 109K on the speedo.  The car was advertised on e-bay by a seller with mostly praising feedback, saying what great cars they got from the seller.  The ad said it was meticulously maintained, had a brake job recently and new tires.  It did have new Cooper tires on it.  I test drove the car and only noticed a clunk in the rear as I went over a bump or pot hole, so I bought it, thinking new struts would be about $50.00 each.

    I took it to Sears today to have the struts and brakes inspected.  The brakes and all four struts are shot, plus the power steering pump is leaking (but no oil on the ground).  I told the mechanic that I just bought it and it was a trade in at the Beverly Hills Lexus dealership and it was supposed to have been well maintained.  The mechanic AND service mgr. said it had never seen regular service as far as they were concerned.  I had called the B. H. dealership on Friday and they said it had only been serviced by a Lexus dealer twice — once in 2000 and again 9/2004.  In the last service, they advised the owner to have the timing belt and water pump replaced, and the CV boots, which are shot and leaking today.  The owner declined.

    I paid $6,195.00  Here is the link to the e-bay ad:   


    Doesn't that look and sound like a spectacular vehicle?

    I called the seller this afternoon and told him what Sears said.  He said he doesn't write his own ads and is going to fire the photographer/writer.  Big deal.  He said if I leave negative feedback it will put him out of business, but only offered to refund $200.00.  I figure it's going to cost $1200.00 for Monroe struts and 18,000 mile brakes at Sears, plus the timing belt and power steering pump.  Sears is having a "sale" on their strut labor at 1/2 cost. I probably shouldn't put Monroe struts on to begin with, though.

    I'd appreciate any advice I can get.  I feel like a fool and I'm not in a good mood, needless to say.  Just don't say "Why would you buy a car on e-bay?"!!!  :)

    Thanks in advance.

    Seller mdr777 assumes full responsibility for the content of this listing and the item offered.

    i say screw him, i dont car if it will put him out of business, if it will, then do it! leave all the negaitve feedback you want. cause that is just wrong.,

    granted..."mechaincally" there is nothing wrong with it, most cars with 109K that are 11 years old are going to need struts/a few maintenance items, but for crying out loud! thats rediculous to say the car was meticulously maintaned when it wasnt./..go after him. good luck. if he is a business call the BBB.

    here is the deal, tell him you want him to pay for the repairs (ALL OF THEM) and if he refuses, tell him you will leave him negative feedback.

  3. My friend had a leak in the radiator of his 95 Es300, so he got the radiator replaced. The mechanic put an aftermarket one and when he went to the shop to pick his car, the car was spewing out white smoke. The mechanic told him that it is because of worn out valve stem seals and head gasket, his point is that the car never had a problem before the radiator change. I know that the white smoke could be due to antifreeze burning, is it possible that when the mechanic replaced the radiator he screwed up something else?

    His tail pipe is very clean and that car never smoked before or got abnormally heated up. What could get wrong after the radiator replacement? Is mechanic responsible for this?. He told him to drive it on a highway and after it get heated up , the problem disappear, I think this is just BS and he wants to get rid of the problem.



    DO NOT LET HIM DRIVE IT OFF OF THE PROPERTY, if he does, (depending on laws in your area) then the mechanic is no longer liable to fix it. i have dealt with this before. the mechanic could have caused it yes.

    it depends,did your friend let the car overheat? if not then its likely that the mechainc ran the car with no/low collant, and blew the headgasket. for future reference:

    White Smoke= Collant Burning

    Blue Smoke= Coolant+oil Burning

    Black Smoke= Oil Burning.

    there are instances however, where the car with a bad headgasket will spew white smoke only, for instance where the coolant is leaking into the cyinders and bruning, but the oil is not leaking into the coolant system. its rare, but it does happen.

    check the color of the cooland and the oil. the coolant will look like mud and the oil will look like a grayish sludge when/if a headgasket is blown.

  4. i broke the OEM one on my contour at 190,000 miles, i was doing 90 MPH at the time.  it just snapped, the motor started sputtering, so i pushed the clutch in and it died.  i pulled off to the shoulder and tried to restart, it wouldnt.  i figured it ws the timingbelt, got in the trunk and got out my tool kit, popped the hood and pulled the cover off, sure enough. ;)

    iterference or no?

    nope, the 2.0L Zetec is a non interference motor. i put a new belt on that weekend, and changed the WP and all the pulleys, timed it and was back on the road, it only took 4 hours. (2 people)

    a ford contor TB and a Gen 1 LS TB are two completely different situations.........

    yes i know that, i even said that...and mine didnt bend any valves. i snapped it 3 times. the 4th time i changed it before it happened.

  5. if its not the belts, it is the pulleys, or at least, one of them anyways. sometimes the bearings in those pullyes go bad and they will whirr.

    since the speed of the serp belt is constant and it doesnt go any faster when you rev the engine, the noise wil stay the same, no matter what speed. the only difference will be the noise from you motor/road noise (its a lexus for Petes sake, what road noise?? LOL) will increase to the point that it will drown it out.

  6. i was wondering if y'all could tell me what the role of the Roman Catholic Church was in the Creation of music of the middle ages. as i understand it, they were the ones that developed it beginning with pope gregory the great, hence the nameGregorian chant...what do you guys know about it...i have serious writers block...HELP!

    BTW, the class is Music Appreciation 2316.


  7. 95 LS 400. Can you just replace the pads? Rotors in excellent shape.

    Toyota / Lexus rotors have a minimum thickness spec listed in the factory repair manual. A micrometer is used to measure the thickness. Generally, by the time the pads need replacing for a 3rd time, the minimum thickness spec. will have been reached or exceeded. This is assuming you use factory original pads at replacement time. Aftermarket pads - especially metallic pads - can wear down the rotor much quicker. So that's one reason it can be false economy to get inexpensive pads at a Autozone / Pep Boys type place instead of factory pads from an online discount Lexus dealer like Sewell Lexus in Texas.

    i have dealt personally with Sewell Lexus, they are near me. Very Respectable Dealer to work with. very honest. i highly reccomend them.

  8. i was quoted $299 P&L to do my contour, BUT, a contour is not a lexus. if youre foing to recarpet, pop for the little extra cash and get a custom carpet, like berber or something. it is surprisingly only a little more expensive than using OEM replacement.

    also, carpeting is not that hard to do yourself. i did it in my moms Concorde. it is Black Berber-type Carpet (dont recall the brand exactly got it at the home depot though), for a house LOL. the estimate for my moms concorde with OEM replacement was $359 IIRC.

  9. well first see if some cleaner wax will take it off if it doesnt then use some 2000 grit sand paper and a sanding block and slowly try to sand only the paint once you hit black paint just use some rubbing compund to polish the sanded paint and its should be better than new!

    as for tar you can try use WD40 or something of that nature like an oil to kind of rub out the tar. armorall sells a tar remover if the WD doesnt work but its almost the same thing

    I've heard that Clay Bars work really well for removing crap like that. I've never tried, nor seen it done. Just passing on the info. If anyone can confirm or nix the comment. Go for it.

    a claybar will work, but only if its not on in huge drops. try a rubbing compund, then about 5 coats of poishing compound, then about 3 coats of wax and polish. you will have to keep up with it afterwards cause the rubbing compund feels like wet sand. it will literally stip the clearcaot if you arent careful. but if used properly, it will work. i have used it on many cars, including my dad's mint 1968 Charger R/T. after a few good waxes and poishes, the swirls will disappear.

    EDIT: you can also use a razor blade if they are concentrated in droplets, but be CAREFUL.

  10. i broke the OEM one on my contour at 190,000 miles, i was doing 90 MPH at the time. it just snapped, the motor started sputtering, so i pushed the clutch in and it died. i pulled off to the shoulder and tried to restart, it wouldnt. i figured it ws the timingbelt, got in the trunk and got out my tool kit, popped the hood and pulled the cover off, sure enough. ;)

  11. i found it. according to the data, you are correct...i apologize for being an !Removed!...but why then, for so many years, has the wool been pulled over peoples eyes? after doing a google search too, theres soem pretty compelling evidence as well. i still stick with my desicion to use them because i knwo how to use them, but anyone who doesnt car should just get a normal filter, because if you do it wrong, it could cause issues. i never knew this.

    thanks for the info jragosta, i dont knwo what got into me... :blink:

  12. jragosta: my dad has forgotten more about engines than alot of people will ever know. i know quite a bit about them too if i do say so myself :P  i would NEVER knowingly put info on this board that would cause damage to another persons vehicle or cause personal injury.

    im not even sure which comment you are referring to, but i jyst wanted to throw that out there, if we didnt knwo anything about cars, we wouldnt be in this coversation.  people who dont knwo anything about cars dont worry about what oil is in it, they trust the speedylube to worry about that.

    No one ever disputed that you know a lot about cars.

    But when your advice conflicts with the manufacturer's recommendation, I am simply recommending that people go with the manufacturer.

    Lexus designed the car. They've tested the car for millions of miles. They've collected reams of scientific data. They have to offer a warranty on the car. They service hundreds of thousands of cars.

    It's not very likely that your experience exceeds that.

    it sounds to me liek you are a person who will never do a performance mod to their car for the reason that its not directly reccomended by the manufacuter...and thats cool, but if you read up on synthetic, you will knwo why its better. again, im sorry i get defensive, but when i see potential misinformation i jump on it, and maybe i do jump the gun a little bit, but dude, synth is a must for anyone who is looking to make their car last a long time. yes, your car wll likely last long enough with conventional oil, but when i buy a car, i will drive it into the ground. i guess i was assuming others do this as well. my apoloigies.

    but WHERE does my reccomendation Conflict with that of toyota/lexus. just becuase they say you dont need it, doesnt mean they advise against it, which is what i take you to mean when you say this:

    But when your advice conflicts with the manufacturer's recommendation, I am simply recommending that people go with the manufacturer.

    i understand your reason behind your suggestion...it is a safe one. i am simply throwing out an alternative. show me one single place where Lexus/Toyota Reccomends against a synthetic oil, and i will retract my suggestion. no hard fellings. B)

  13. As you've pointed out in a different thread, these are not racing cars. What makes sense for a racing car doesn't necessarily make sense for a family car. Racing cars require every ounce of HP they can get. More importantly, racing car engines are rebuilt many times as frequently as a family car. Also, the mechanics working on a racing car have much more experience than the average Lexus owner.

    i know that, my dad and i race his charger frequently, however this particular car does not require a reubild every five races, nascars do require them every 500 miles, so i see your point.

    I've explained this before. I have a PhD in Chemistry and spent most of my career studying filtration. I'm not relying on a vendor's unsupported claims.

    :) cool

    The testing that you showed on the K&N site is not quite useless, but close. They're not measuring the right things.

    i will research this a little bit more, but i dont see how they could make filters for over 35 years and not know what the hell they are doing...im sorry.

    This type of filter requires very, very careful installation. A little bit too much oil and you can screw things up. A little bit too little and filtration stinks.

    not arguing that, you are correct.

    but even when properly oiled, it's not as good a filter as a good pleated OEM filter.

    i dont believe that, i dont care how much education you have, i refuse to believe that one without proof. it is in many ways as good or a better filter than a paper filter...depends on the application. call me hard headed, or set in my ways.

    I'm glad that you've never seen an engine damaged by a K&N filter. That doesn't mean it can't happen.

    you are right, that doesnt mean it cant happen, but i have been around cars and engines my whole life, and am practically an expert on certian ford and mopar cars...20 years of K&N and bnever seen a problem.

    Furthermore, given your extreme bias toward the K&N product, I'm not so sure you'd notice even if there was engine damage. You'd probably blame it on something else.

    that smarts man...i cant believe you said that. that offends me. im not going to ignore the facts, but i know what i know. i have been around engines long enough to know how to troubleshoot and diagnose them properly. dammit i sure as hell would tell someone if the filter caused damage to their engine. and i sure as hell would admit if it caused damage to mine. dont jab at me like that again please. that was completely uncalled for. <_<

    Bottom line is that my Lexus cost $34 K. All my years of filtration testing say that the K&N is not as good a filter as the standard filters. Not to mention that not a single car manufacturer makes the K&N standard. Why not? Obviously because they have to warrant the engine and they don't see the K&N as being adequate. I'll pay the $10 for a good air filter.

    again, thats your right.

    im done here, my opiniopn has been stated. i apologize for being pushy to jragosta, my fault. i was simply trying to make a point, i did it in the wrong way. i edited the post.

    i dont want to be in this thread cause im not here to make enemies...but i dont feel like being insulted or made to feel infreior, so im out of this thread. problem solved. B)

  14. I have yet to buy a Lexus but will be soon.  However I am concerned with the maintenance cost for these vehicles.  Is the ES cheaper as far as oil changes than the GS430? 

    Also can someone tell me what to expect as far as reliability and operating cost on these two vehicles, are they about the same(aside from hP)?

    appreciate any help on this subject


    It's a Lexus which means minimum maintenance. When maintenance is due, it is a Lexus which means labor of about $85 an hour. The GS has higher cost than the ES for maintenance.

    Oil changes should be the same $$$ except the LX 470. Though I change the oil myself in every Lexus I have owned.

    THe ES and GS are according to JD Power the most relable cars in their class.

    whats so different about the LX 470??

  15. I want to change my air filter, 1995 ES300,

    I found these filters online


    They all cost a bit different, so what diference does it make, do some filter better then others?

    they actually perform differently...by perform differently I mean some let more air pass through than others also depending on the different material used some clog faster than others...

    K&N is washable and resuable pays for itself within a couple of years...they also let a hi flow of air through which in turn improves performance...

    This has been discussed several times in thie group.

    While the K&N filter is washable and might save you a few bucks, the performance gains are going to be insignificant.

    More importantly, you run the risk of damaging your engine from inadequate filtration or dumping oil into your engine which will foul your plugs - and possibly your O2 filter.

    I'd suggest staying away. Get a good quality pleated filter.

    ill only say one thing...

    35+ years of filtration, i think they know what they are doing...that is all. (Click here)

    ok maybe ill say more. i have NEVER EVER heard of a K&N filter ever causing a problem with any engine...ever. you want to talk about inadequate filtration, those cone filters you put on the end are no good, but the panel fliters that sit in your stock airbox have EXCELLENT filtration capabilites, and the fact that you say the oil will get down in the intake, this is true, if you DOUSE the filter in it. you are only supposed to use a little bit. you would have to have the fliter literally dripping in oil when you put it in the airbox to have any ill effects. and even then it would only screw with the MAF...

    and inadequate filtration...its no wonder NASCAR uses these filters...

    granted you are entitiled to your opinion, and i can resppect that. the performance gains are insignificant, true enough, but it WILL NOT damage your engine if used, and installed properly. and that is a fact.

    and if someone cant install an average air filter correctly, they dont belong anywhere near a car...

    High Air Flow with Excellent Filtration

    Designed to Increase Horsepower and Acceleration

    Washable and Reusable

    Will NOT Void Vehicle Warranty

    Lasts up to 50,000 miles before cleaning is required depending on driving conditions

    10 Year / Million Mile Limited Warranty

    Emissions Legal in all 50 US States.

    Economical, a K&N Air Filter Will Last the Life of Your Vehicle

    Works with Original Equipment Manufacturer Vehicle Electronics

    Environmentally Friendly, K&N Reusable Air Filters Reduce the Volume of Disposable Air Filters that end up in the Nation's Landfills

    We Take Air Filters Seriously - For over 30 years we’ve manufactured serious air filters completely unlike traditional disposable filters. Our air filter is designed to achieve high, virtually unrestricted air flow while maintaining filtration levels critical to ensure long engine life. The secret to our success lies in the unique characteristics of our filter medium that was originally developed by K&N all those years ago in the dust, sweat and tears of desert motocross racing. We just wanted to win races and stumbled on a cotton filtration technology destined to be great. Our high flow cotton gauze air filter is washable, reusable and built to last for the life of an engine. The filters consist of four to six sheets of cotton gauze layered between two sheets of aluminum wire mesh. This media is then pleated and oiled to enhance its filtering capabilities and overall performance. The result is an air filter that allows dramatically more air into an engine, is washable and reusable, and will protect your engine for the life of your vehicle.  

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