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Posts posted by ArmyofOne

  1. They didn't replace the door skin. That's why I chose this shop(the other Lexus cars in there and a friend's recommendation also influenced my decision). However, never in a million years did I think they were going to put bondo on the car because of the inseverity of the damage and the repair price. The damage was so minimal that I would have brought the car to a pdr guy had the paint not been scuffed. My ES had one of its door skins replaced, and the inside seam's paint is chipping away(I think you showed me the same thing on your car too. A common thread with the skins??); it really turned me off. Luckily, there is a lifetime warranty on the work. I hope I don't need to use it ever again...


    the issue is notwith the skin, but with the application of paint. my car was severly damaged in a hailstorm (softball sized) in 1994. it was repaired, and the entire car was repainted, but rather than removing and installng the cladding, they just taped it off, there is a paint seam there. also, the paint peel was from poor prep work on mine. they didnt remove any parts to repaint my car, they just sanded down fast and repainted. they didnt sand under the ridge of my doors and so the new paint never stuck well. then water got in there and it all wnet downhill from there.

    when you are in town, call me if you want to meet up. you have my #. you can come out and lounge by the pool/have a place to sleep till your car is fixed. :D

  2. hi guys, i was having lots of problems with my car. overheating, transmission slips, engine knocking, you name it. I realized that i had almost no water coolant in the engine or whatever you want to call it. so i had to add a lot of coolant, a lot, several liters. and it finally filled up, there is no leak. so i guess i had overlooked that. my car works much better now. I only have one problem that i need advice with.

    one motor mount is gone, or several, i dont know. I can tell because the engine jumps every time i shift from p to d. I looked at the engine while somebody else shifted it, and it did it. And i had had that problem with another car, so i can notice when i see it.

    My car is a 94 es300 with 155k on it, I did not paid much for it, maybe 5K a about two and a half years ago. The car is in excellent condition, very good interior, the works.

    should i have the mounts fixed? is it worth it for this car?

    I only plan to drive the car for maybe another 2 years or until i reach 200k miles.

    what do you guys think.

    sure, the mounts are fairly easy repair on most cars. i havent donethem on an ES, but they cant be that difficult. they can be expensive though, up to $140 for one of them i think.

  3. Excellent, thanks... maybe it's just low. It must be based on your description.


    mine does it too. but i need a coolant flush...bad :blink:

    This is a little different, but on a previous car, I heard the same noise coming from the dashboard... and I also had steam (condensation) coming out of the vents when I would turn the corner. It turned out that the place where the A/C drains out (the thing underneath the car, not the tailpipe) had been blocked by a leaf and there was like a gallon of liquid that had not been able to drain, which is what had been causing the condensation. Maybe something like that is the cause of your problem?

    not unless it is clogged with oil, the ENTIRE right side of my motor is covered with OIL, and when my CV joints ent in october, they slung grease all over the motor, i will go check that.

    thing is, its done it since i got the car in september, i doubt its the cause, but worth a look. thanks!

  4. Marriage Part I

    A typical macho man married a typical good looking lady. After the wedding, he laid down the following ground rules:

    "I'll be home when i want, if i want and at what time i want, and i dont expect any hassle from you. I expect a great dinner on the table, unless i tell you that i wont be home for dinner. I'll go hunting, fishing, boozing, and card-playing whenever i want with my old buddies and you won't give me grief about it. Any comments?"

    She replied with:

    "No thats fine with me, as long as you understand this rule of mine: There will be s*x in this house every night at 7:00, whether you're here or not!"

    **OWN3D!** (DAMN SHE'S GOOD!!"


    Marriage Part II

    George and Pam have a bitter quarrel on the day of their 40th wedding anniversary.

    George yells: "When you die, i'm getting you a headstone that reads "Here Lies My Wife-Cold as Ever!"

    Pam Screams back: "Yeah?, Well when you die, you'll recieve one that reads: "Here Lies My Husband, Stiff At Last!!!"



    Marriage Part III

    Mike, a Doctor, and his wife Angela are having an argument at the breakfast table. Mike gets up in a fit of rage and yells: "And you ain't no good in bed either!!!"

    He heads to work extremely steamed, but calms down on the way. When he arrives at his practice, he calls her to apolgize. Angela finally answers the phone after about 10 rings! He is so irratated he can't stand it. He asks:

    "What took you so long to answer the phone?"

    Angela replied: "I was in bed."

    Mike asks: "In bed, at 7? Why so early, what were you doing?"

    Angela says: "GETTING A SECOND OPINION!!!"

    (**OWN3D** Again...NIIICE.)


    Marriage Part IV

    A man has six children and is very proud of that fact. He is so proud that he calls his wife "Mother of 6", in spite of her persistent objections. One night, they go to a party. The husband decides it's time to go home, and wants to find out if his wife is ready as well. But she is on the other side of the room. He yells at the top of his lungs:


    His wife, irritated by her husbands lack of discretion, replies with an equally loud shout:




    Marriage Part V: The Silent Treatment.

    Randy and his wife Carol were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddnely, Randy realizes that the next day, he would need Carol to wake him at 5 AM for an early Business Flight. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, "Please wake me at 5 AM." He left it where he knew she would find it.

    The next day,Randy woke up, only to discover it was 9 AM and he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go see why Carol hand't woke him up, when he noticed a piece of paper next to him on the bed. It read: "Its 5 AM, Wake up!."


    The bottom line is, Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests. God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece!


    My girlfriend sent me those...hope you enjoyed!!!

  5. oops, ya I meant to say she would had a busted tranny and you would have had a wrecked Lexus.  Bad nonetheless.  Skip barber driving school, sounds pretty cool.  Are the classes expensive?

    mine was ~$4,500 in 2000 i think. Maybe more/less now though. That was including airfare/hotel/rental car as well. I took the class at Laguna Seca Raceway in CA. My dad sent me, as he was concerned for my saftey.

    you can check them out here at www.skipbarber.com

  6. they are having one (a NEW one) put in... its one of only 15 that were kept in stock at this dealer after the production stopped.  the bill is $4,564.38.  they are letting us keep the old one, so we can get it rebuilt if we want, but the thing is, the dead tranny has a hole in the case about the size of a quater, so even if it was fixed, it might not last. im probably taking it so i can rebuild it in my spare time and maybe sell it on ebay or keep it as a spare.  i have a friend who can weld the case hole shut.  i really know very little abotu autmatic trannies, so it will be a learning experince if i decide to take it on.

    That's good that they are putting a new one in. I would trust a new tranny versus a rebuilt one. If you could rebuilt the old on and sell it that would cool.

    BTW, i forgot to mention above, that right before it went, i saw fluid gushing out from under her car for 5 seconds or so and it soaked thefreeway in front of me!!!, i knew something was up!  i had to swerve but i got caught in it and went sliding, almost lost it and hit a K-Rail (concrete freeway divider)...good thing i saved it, that would have sucked!  i didnt realize how slippery that stuff is.

    Yikes, that would have been bad. Not only would you have had a wrecked tranny, but a wrecked car. Good thing you didn't lose control.

    well it would have been my car that wrecked, hers had the busted tranny, i was following her in the lex. it was nasty, thank god for skip barber driving school. B)

  7. Oh I see.  Shame that you spent that much and it's peeling.  I imagine removing the steering wheel is a pain in the neck, so I can't blame you for deciding not to send it back.

    Removing the wheel is really quite simple-2 hex screws hold the air bag, un clip the connector for the airbag, undo the nut that holds the wheel on, and the wheel pops right off with a steering wheel puller. However, mine is a little trickier because of the Lexus phone control on the wheel. :( Lexus interiors are pretty easy to disassemble!

    The ES will probably be gone by the summer as it is primarily a driveway orniment at the moment since we have more cars than drivers at the house. Who knows though...I was supposed to sell it when I got the LS last March, so it might hang around a little longer, and if so, I'll get AS to redo the wheel if they agree! lol

    HOW MUCH ARE YOU SELLING IT FOR!!!?????? (PM me PLEASE!!! so as not to get off topic)

    OT, im really discouraged by your trobles balke, i was going th send my moms chrysler wheel in to have wood done, and they were going to do some pieces in matching wood for the doors and dash for it by subcontracting them to a connection they have.

    but i guess it may not happen now. i can only imagine what the TX heat will do!!


    I think it's been on maybe 1 or 2 hwy trips. lol 11 years and only 125k=10.5k miles a year.

    i may have you beat:

    15 years, 142,564 miles as of today...someone thats good at math calculate that, im too lazy

  8. This is the procedure from my Haynes manual (for a refill after a drain):

    1.  Close and tighten the radiator drain.  Install and tighten the block drain plug.

    2.  Place the heater temperature control in the maximum heat position.

    3.  Slowly add new coolant (a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze) to the

         radiator until it's full.  Add coolant to the reservoir up to the lower mark.

    4.  Leave the radiator cap off and run the engine in a well-ventilated area until      

         the thermostat opens (coolant will begin flowing through the radiator and        

         the upper radiator hose will become hot.)

    5.  Turn the engine off and let it cool.  Add more coolant mixture to bring the level

         back up to the lip on the radiator filler neck.

    6.  Squeeze the upper radiator hose to expel air, then add more coolant mixture

         if necessary.  Replace the radiator cap.

    7.  Start the engine, allow it to reach normal operating temperature and check for


    The same procedure is used for both the 3MZ-FE and the 1MZ-FE engines.

    is that what causes that? my 90 ES250 does that all the time...i need to do this then? only thing is, my heater works great!

  9. Wow, that's like a freak accident what happened to your transmission.  Explains why everything was damaged in the tranny.  Good thing that Chrysler hasn't given you a hard time about this.  Is Chrysler going to replace with the whole transmission with a new one or are they going to put a remanufactured one in there?  Oh ya when is the car supposed to be ready?  Hehe, you should tell your mom to get the 300 with the hemi in it.  It's not a bad looking car (I actually like it), very retro styling, but I wouldn't mind driving it especially with that V8 in it  :D .

    they are having one (a NEW one) put in... its one of only 15 that were kept in stock at this dealer after the production stopped. the bill is $4,564.38. they are letting us keep the old one, so we can get it rebuilt if we want, but the thing is, the dead tranny has a hole in the case about the size of a quater, so even if it was fixed, it might not last. im probably taking it so i can rebuild it in my spare time and maybe sell it on ebay or keep it as a spare. i have a friend who can weld the case hole shut. i really know very little abotu autmatic trannies, so it will be a learning experince if i decide to take it on.

    BTW, i forgot to mention above, that right before it went, i saw fluid gushing out from under her car for 5 seconds or so and it soaked thefreeway in front of me!!!, i knew something was up! i had to swerve but i got caught in it and went sliding, almost lost it and hit a K-Rail (concrete freeway divider)...good thing i saved it, that would have sucked! i didnt realize how slippery that stuff is.

  10. I too was a little dumbfounded that they put bondo on my LS4. It was an $1850 job, but their labor rates were in line with the other shop I spoke with. They used a Lexus dealer that charged them $725 for the lower cladding.  :o

    As a follow up on the defective work the shop did, I brought it to them Monday morning, and I had the car back by lunch time. They buffed the scratches and somehow they are completely gone. I want to call the shop back to find out what products they used. There was some white paste residue near the grey cladding. What do yall think...a really strong compound with a rotary buffer?? The work done to my car now looks great!!


    that doesnt change the fact that theydidnt do it right the first time. you really shouldnt use bondo on doors, they flex too much. first door ding you get there, the bondo will crack. the paint wont stick for long (a few years, tops) and the bondo will eventually crack and fall away all together.

    they should have replaced the door, ask them if they did that, (i highjly doubt they did).

    actually, an easier way, knock ont he area with your finger, does it ound like metal, or wood/fiberglass?

  11. Yes.......you are toooooo  High..................

    Silvermate hit the nail on the head about Depreciation.....it just kills you (and me!)

    My 99 is just like your Dad's (except @ 70k miles)  - I could probably get $18-19,000 for it........paid $22,500 just two years ago......  So, in two years I've lost $4 grand ---not good --it's just the way it is... :(

    my Chrysler Concorde Sticker Price was $41,500 brand new (Alaska Dealer Markups are BIZZATCH!!!) after my moms company discount (which gets us to 3% above invoice) it came out to $37,550. now, 3 years later, the car is worth $9,000. talk about depreciation...thats the only thing i hate about american cars!!

  12. take the same advice as SW gave you for your brake worry.

    find another 2001 ES and drive it.  See if you can recreate the noise.


    possibly not an engine sound per se. there are bearings on the shafts where they go into the transaxle case i believe, and i think they go bad. i know my car is doing something similar, but its 15 years old. bearings really wear according to milage though, so how many miles do you have?

    i agree with the above comment, find another one and drive it.

  13. The tranny is already going out on the car and it only has 53k?  What's wrong with it (e.g. torque converter, solenoid)?

    we thought the tq converter was acting up, so we took it in and they said it was slipping, and then they had a look and the shaft inside the bell housing was missing a few teeth, so the removed it and opened the tranny up (since they had it out anyways) up, the solenoids were fried and the gears were missing a few teeth. i will say this much, it is a quiet car. didnt even hear the noise it should have been making. it turns out there was nothing wrong witht he TQ converter execept it was slightly worn...they are going to replace it for the price of the part while they are in there, so some money will be out of pocket, a few hudred, maybe 5 but i think thats a small price to pay.

    now listen to how this happened.

    it was just in, it was to have one of the linkages replaced. when it broke, one of the bolt heads that holds the linkage to the outside broke off, the head fell off inside the case. it was banging around inside the case and it got caught in all the gears, then punched through the top of the case, putting a hole in the case. they said it probably didnt get launched out of a gear fast enough until my mom got out on the highway, at which point it flugh it out from in between the gears and smacked a hole inthe case. i was following her, all of a sudden, she lost all gears, all she had was reverse. we were going around 60 and she sai the car just felt like it suddenly slipped into neutral. it had been giving her some VERY hard shifts (after the linkage was replaced) and we were on our way back to the dealer. she coasted to a stop and used reverse to get off the highway more into the grass. and it only got her about 15 feet before the car came to a sudden halt. with a loud POP. we lost reverse too.

    total bill is $3800 and counting on the invoice. thank goodness its under warranty.

    chrysler has given us ZERO issues about replacing it. they have been most helpful in fact. the dealer informed my mother that they would have to call D/C corporate to get approval faxed over for the warranty repair, and i thought they were going to give us beef. but they have been nothing but cooperative. my mother (who drives a large amount of miles right now, about 7,000 a week) has a Chrysler 300 for a loaner (the limited, not the C) and she is liking it. maybe she will trade up! ;)

  14. There are stories of kids selling cookies, lemonade, hot chocolate,etc and donating into thousands of dollars.  One kid in Vancouver selling cocoa was only 6 years old.

    add another one to the list, motorola is donating 2 way radios and other equipment to the rescue workers. i dont know exactly how much, but those walkie taliies arent cheap!

  15. let's give some fact about hundred of thousand (if not millions) people died under Saddam? 

    Only during the late 80's and beginning of the 90's when Saddam was forced to take retaliatory action against rebel factions who were trying to take control of Iraq away from him. Likewise the American military would gun down 100,000 war protesters too if they tried to march into the White House and assume control.

    During the Clinton and early Dubbya years (1992-2003) it is estimated only a few hundred rebels were killed by Saddam. That means if Saddam was still in power today, the 100,000+ Iraqi civilians and 40,000+ Iraqi soldiers we have killed (plus the 500,000 we have severely wounded) would still be alive and well.

    The German !Removed!'s were as hypocritical as we are. On the one hand they'd mourn innocent victums of a Sicilian volcano or landslide while at the same time planning to invade the country and kill any Sicilian who got in their way.

    Does the subject of this topic mention Saddam?? or does it mention anything about iraq? US government maybe? NO

    Keep this thread on topic...

    If you want to talk about Saddam then create your own thread and dont *BLEEP*e in this one! :angry:

    thanks steve and thienn for getting the subject back on topic.

    My church's disaster fund has now reached $3,000. thats cool. it just keep sgetting bigger too. not bad considering we are a congregation of less than 150 people. anyone else donated? you can also donate at the top of the site through a link in red.

    also, some of my local wal marts are accepting non perishable food donations to be shipped to the affected countries via Fed-EX and UPS Complimentary shipping B) its good to see the world come together in times of crisis. it give me and many others hope that there still is hope for the world. :)

  16. it really angers me that so many people are against freeing an opressed nation.  it also offends me personally, as i know many people who put their necks on the line

    We're against the killing of 250,000 people and counting mainly to be assurred there is no interruption in the supply of crude oil flowing out of the Middle East to our shores in the years ahead.

    Ask yourself this:

    If a space alien came to our planet and transported all the Middle East oil over to their own planet would the American military establishment still want to occupy Iraq? Of course not because their would be no future return on our investment (in terms of lives and dollars). So the "war" is primarily about oil, not to free politically oppressed people.

    For the same reason - a lack of a return on investment - the American military doesn't go into Rowanda and other politically oppressed areas around the world where the people are poor, uneducated and have no valuable resources that we could ever use like crude oil, rare minerals, etc.

    I didnt ask you for your for his political views, instead you trashed my thread which was originally meant as informative and remorseful. I'f i wanted your opinion on the war in iraq, thats what this thread would have been titled. :rolleyes: :chairshot:

    We're against the killing of 250,000 people and counting mainly to be assurred there is no interruption in the supply of crude oil flowing out of the Middle East to our shores in the years ahead.  

    OMFG im so sick of people saying that. and put up a link that says 250,000 people and i'll believe it. I'm in the war, are you??? (well, not in it per se, but all i have to do is tell somebody i want to and i can see it first hand). the media doesnt even BEGIN to give the complete picture. I know what its about. You dont seem to have the slightest clue. PEOPLE DIE. Its war, and it happens. Move on. Yeah its sad, but we wouldnt get anywhere if it didnt happen. and 250,000 people? My !Removed!. The US Military is not Atilla the hun. If you have a problem with the US Miltiary, then you have a problem with freedom. None of us want to be there. But we will always do our duty. Freedom isnt free and it's a lesson that people like you have yet to learn. I hate to use the word nieve but... <_<

    I have a friend over there right now that was in fallujah. He said there were 10 year old KIDS firing at him. so WTF!. When there are 10-14 year old kids picking up guns and shooting at you, are you not going to shoot back? And before you answer, put yourself in the situation so you can honestly answer. Anyone who picks up a weapon in iraq and proceeds to shoot american soldiers will be shot back at. No if's, ands, or buts. Its the american policy not to fire until fired upon. One of the first things you are taught in the army. They are called the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. look 'em up.

    BTW, are you familiar with the country artist named Toby Kieth? Perhaps you should look up his Lyrics to "An American Soldier".

    here, i'll even make it easy for you:

    I'm just trying to be a father,

    Raise a daughter and a son,

    Be a lover to their mother,

    Everything to everyone.

    Up and at 'em bright and early,

    I'm all business in my suit,

    Yeah, I'm dressed for success from my head down to my boots,

    I don't do it for money, there's still bills that I can't pay,

    I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway,

    Providing for our future's my responsibility,

    Yeah I'm real good under pressure, being all that I can be,

    And I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong,

    I just work straight through the holidays,

    And sometimes all night long.

    You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door,

    Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady, hey I'm true down to the core,

    And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price,

    I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrafice,

    Oh, and I don't want to die for you,

    But if dyin's asked of me,

    I'll bear that cross with an honor,

    'Cause freedom don't come free.I'm an american soldier, an american,

    Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand,

    When liberty's in jeopardy I will always do what's right,

    I'm out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight.

    American soldier, I'm an American,

    An American,

    An American Soldier

    i stand ready to apologize to you (even though i shouldnt since you hijacked my thread) if/when you can furnish credible proof of your 250,000 casuality figure....until then, stay the out of my thread if you have nothing constructive and ON TOPIC to say. Make your own if it so upsets you. That its all. We are done here.

  17. i have the other cars i can drive, but oddly, my favorite for in the city is the lex.  it's peppy enouh to scoot me around town, and gets ok mileage, and is super easy to park.  the Chrysler Concorde Limited is a very comfortable car, dont get me wring, #1 but the transmission is going out...#2 my mom and i share it (i helped her buy it).  ...its mostly the highway/road trip cruiser. the F-150 is the haul-stuff-around vehicle. its my dads for the most part, but i use it alot too. and the 68 Charger R/T (see sig) sucks in everything except a straighht line (too much HP!!), gets crappy mileage (5-8 in city...S/C Sucks!!) has no power anything (including brakes/steering) and is in perfect condition (doesnt see snow, mainly because with all that HP (its highly modded) it would not move, it would just sit there and spin). thats my dad and i's baby, and its in storage for the winter.

    so i have 3 cars to choose from on a daily basis, but for my needs, i almost always choose the lex, its the most practical. B)

    Ah I see, I noticed you changed your signature too to reflect what you have told me. Having a choice of automobile to suit a situation is very nice luxury. My mom actually wants to get a truck next to supplement the cars we have because she's always buying stuff that sometimes doesn't fit her car.

    yes, i simply copied and pasted my signature from ClubLexus. i thought it was here too lol. it is a nice luxury, but i try not to take it for granted.

    BTW, the chrysler is BACK in the shop again, this time for an entirely new tranny. :censored: Whe warranty saved our butts! (total is going to come out over $4k) car has ~53,000 miles (covered under the 7/70 powertrain)

  18. Have fun if/when partying this evening. If you drink, call a cab or designate a driver, and above all, BE SAFE. I dont want to hear about any of our beloved members not making it home. I'm going to a party, but its just around the corner so i will be walking. and i urge all who might think about drinking and then driving to FIND ANOTHER WAY TO GET HOME!

    best wishes for another year!

    on a side note, i found out the day after christmas, i dont go active duty until May 31st. :)

    best wishes to all!

  19. I'm sacrificing some money to help. THEY REALLY NEED ALL THE HELP ANY OF US CAN GIVE! :closedeyes:

    i have given through work. a 4 digit sum, and i also gave $500 to a coworker whose family is homeless right now, so he could be that much closer to getting them all over here. how many others have given?? my church has as well.

    it really angers me that so many people are against freeing an opressed nation. it also offends me personally, as i know many people who put their necks on the line, and 1 who has died. you would think if anyone would be agaisn the war it would be me, since i have lost one of my very close high school friends.

    but the way i see it, what better way to honor him, and the other troops thathave died, than to go and fight in their stead? now im done with the WOI subject, drop it please. thats not what this thread is about. its about informing the site about the quake. if you have an opinion on the war, i kindly ask that you take it elsewhere please.

  20. Oh, okay.  So you can smoke at Motorola, but not in the Army reserve. Now tell me about that hemi Charger, does that smoke? (tires that is).

    No, you can't smoke at motorola, and i dont know how he passes his drug tests (we have them every 3 months, on site), and quite frankly its NOMB. i could care less, until he involves me. since then it hasnt been a problem. Near as i could tell he hasnt showed up stoned.

    And yes the charger will burn out till the tires pop. burn-outs, wheelies, whatever moves you... :D

    PharmGuy, thanks for the props. I'm glad it didnt show up too, i would have had some explaining to do, though my C.O. would probably have let it by given the situation (he is pretty leniant)...especially since it hasnt shown up before and there wouldnt have been just barely enough to trigger it. But nothing was found, i was clean as a whistle. :)

    as for sal (real name salvador), im not worried about him, his time will come.

  21. I dont even put my opinion on the war ut anymore, it just *BLEEP*es people off. He was probably just trying to get a rise out of me cause of my occupation, but its all good. Thats why i do what i do, and thats why my dad did it fro 28 years, and thats why my grandfather did it for 30 years...so that he can have that opinion. B)

  22. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/2...uake/index.html

    jeez, thats crazy. i lived in anchorage, alaska most of my life. and i never felt anything near the strength of a 9.0. the strongest i have ever felt was a 7.1.

    crazy stuff. they dont happen often in that area (india and thailand) but when they do, its BIG. there were tsunami's associated ith this earthquake. prayers and thoughts go to those wounded/missing/dead and their families.

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