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Is this a good buy??


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I found this 96 close by for sale but the owner claims there is a faulty ignitor. Just want some opinions on it and if It would be hard to get it fixed or not seeing as this would be my first Lexus and I’m not sure how different it is to work on them. Is there anything. 













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The LS400s aren't terribly difficult to work on, under the plastic beauty covers there's at least some working room. Honestly, one of the most frustrating things I've run into on them are connectors at the top of the engine being exposed to heat for 25 years and cracking instead of removing in one piece. One of the bigger headaches for 1UZ engines would be replacing a starter, because that's nestled right in the valley of the engine, and you'll need to remove the intake manifold to get to it. Otherwise, most repairs are fairly straightforward.

I'd advise against aiming a parts cannon at one though, since some parts can get pricey. Additionally, I'd be wary of the condition of a non-running car, insofar that I'd want to go check the codes myself at minimum.

I also want to point that in the picture of the engine compartment there's a couple points for concern other than whatever ignition problems it has, where you can see the coolant reservoir is looking low/empty, and the brake fluid looks very dark. A car won't last 270k without a decent bit of care put into maintenance, but if they've gone lax in the last 50k, you'll be playing catch-up for maintenance before components start failing.

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