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Rear Shaft/axle Issues

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Can someone talk to me about this? I took my 07 IS250 (purchased new) to the dealership for its 38,000 mile checkup. Yep, very low milleage for a car this age. Everything checked out fine except that they came back and told me that the rear shaft, axle are in "critical" condition as they are leaking profusely. Got a quote of $2700 for replacement. In talking to some car-nut friends, I have been told that at such low mileage, this should not be happening. I was told by the service rep that this can happen in our rough winters (MA), and with a car this age. When I said, "But it has only 38,000 miles on it, and it is kept in a heated garage." He then said, "Well, this can happen also when a car isn't getting enough use." Uh-huh. He could be telling me the truth, and I am planning on getting a second opinion from an independent mechanic, but does this sound right?

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No way should that happen unless something it the road struck it or something. I wouldn't expect that problem with 138,000 miles much less only 38,000. I would take the car to an unrelated Toyota dealership and ask them to check the car using a classic dumb act. Don't mention anything about anything, just say you want a check up. If they come back and say all is fine you know you were about to step in something. Most automotive service centers, even those with national names are known to hire people who are less than honest. A second opinion, even if it costs $100 might save you $2600.

let me know the scoop.


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your rear shaft is leaking? did you checked yourself? place a carpet/mat beneath the axle and lie down and take some pics

are you experiencing any problems while driving? any irks, jerks etc?

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Thanks for the helpful responses. So, this is the update. Bear with me. I am a little bit angry right now, but I know I just have to accept what is happening and move forward.

I was shocked at the quote of nearly $3,000 to replace the rear axle/shaft on my IS250. So upset, I decided to check with an independent mechanic in my area. My daughter goes to this shop and she has had nothing but excellent work from them. I also checked out their reputation among local friends who have used their services. The consensus is that this is an excellent shop and that they are honest and reliable. Took my car in on Monday. Got a quote of $650 for the job. Was ecstatic. However, a friend of mine, also a Lexus owner who uses my dealership, warned me that Lexus makes it difficult, if not impossible, for independents to order their parts. Sure enough, got a call from my local guy this morning. He said that he is forced to order the parts through the Lexus dealership, and that he could do the job for $2200. A savings of $500 is nothing to shrug off, so I told him to go ahead and order the parts. My feeling now? I am not going back to my dealership. I went off and told my partner that I was considering just getting rid of the Lexus altogether if this is how they do business, but he pulled me off the ceiling and convinced me I was still better off just getting the repairs done and keeping the car.Going in on Monday to have the work done.This mechanic has my business from now on. Dealership? Unless absolutely, postively necessary, no more.

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I had a similar issue but my car had over 200,000 miles at the time. Are you hearing any noise from the axles? It would be a loud clicking/thumping sound.

Your post doesn't mention if the car is AWD or rear wheel only. If AWD, it may be impossible to find re-manufactured axles. I drove my car for several months with loud axle shafts while hunting for replacements. I finally found a wrecked 07 IS250 AWD in a junk yard. I bought both axles for $200, then had a local shop swap out the bearings and rubber boots at a cost of $75. Thereafter, I installed them myself. Very tough job, not recommended unless you have all the right tools, time and knowledge.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having a pulling or jerking to the left when I drive on the highway. But I don't hear any clicking. I was told my left rear axle has a leaking axle grease. The mileage is about 88k.

I think I may have hit something on the road.

Someone here mentions that a "jerking" or "pulling" feeling can happen. Is that common with a bad rear axle? The alignment is ok.

Also, is it safe to drive if it is a bad axle?


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Dear Mogur

I personally believe that axles dont go bad this easily, they are built as much strong as they can be

It is not wise to jump to a conclusion that the axle has gone bad, are you feeling a sudden jerk every time you are driving the car? it is much better to have a look beneath your car and inspect what is going on, post some pics if possible

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Just some more information--the fuel tank had to be replaced because it had a puncture. I don't know if the mechanic damaged the left rear drive axle when replacing the fuel tank.

Everytime i hit 40mph or above, I feel a surge of power that pushes the car forward and throws off my steering. It's an AWD, so i don't know if this is because of the bad axle.

In this situation, assuming it's a bad axle--can the boot only be replaced or does the whole axle have to go?

Thanks...any help/suggestions would be appreciated!!!!

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