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2016 Obama's America


2016 Obama's America the movie  

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Well one thing we can all agree on is pull their aid and pull out.....i AGREE COMPLETELY. Then let the vacuum begin. But will our goody two shoes in Congress do this?

Also pull all immigration visas from these folks...no more school for the future terrorist. Let them go to France and England where they have turned their societies into garbage.

Yeah, and let's get rid of the blacks too (future gang bangers), and the Mexicans (future drug dealers), and the Germans too (friggin !Removed!'s - oh wait, I'm German), and the Jews as well (too many complaints). Oh, and the British as well, because we all know they're really here for the Queen to take title to the country. French? Bye bye, and take your Freedom Fries with you. Canadian? Get out too for unleashing Celine Dion on us. Let's see, who am I forgetting that clearly poses a future security threat... Well, the democrats have to go, because clearly theyre terrorist lovers. The republicans have to go, because clearly they're eco terrorists with their love of fossil fuels. Southern Baptists have to go, because god and religion plays too heavily in the manner of which they live their lives (don't worry southern baptists, remember, everything happens for a reason, now pop a squat and get to steppin'). The Carholics have to go, because they'd feel too guilty if they weren't included. !Removed! and Ho's have to go, because theyre nagging !Removed! terrorists.

So, following your suggestion Lenore, that basically leaves just two left standing worthy of an American education - the Native Americans (none of the !Removed! ones though) and Ron Paul. I'm sure the Indians would love to have their country back, and Ron Paul would love to share a toke on the ole' peace pipe (again).

So when is the mother ship coming to pick you up? I'm scheduled for sometime around Kwanza (have to pay my property taxes first). Hey, last one out, make sure you grab the Declaration of Indepence first! Don't need that thing laying around anymore, for the sick, the tired, the poor, the falsely persecuted to stumble upon after we're all relocated back to our home land. Good run America, enjoyed the couple hundred years of existence....

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Also pull all immigration visas from these folks...no more school for the future terrorist. Let them go to France and England where they have turned their societies into garbage.

Wow...just wow.

Put your Klan hood down lenore. Not everybody that is a Muslim is a "future terrorist". Your children aren't terrorists even though Timothy McVeigh bombed Oklahoma City. Or...maybe they are.

So when is the mother ship coming to pick you up?

Unreal. Sad thing is' date=' a lot of people in this country believe as he believes, the ignorant, racist, bigoted isolationism. Anybody who[/font']'s not like them is somehow the enemy, anybody who looks like they might be muslim is a terrorist. These are the kind of stupid morons who can't believe Obama could possibly be a naturalized American because of his name. People like Donald Trump throw that around for publicity, he doesn't actually believe it, but a lot of people do. Really scary.

To make a statement like all muslims should be denied visas, and to say "let them go to France and England where they have turned their societies into garbage" is an across the line. Keep racist statements like that for your rallies Lenore.

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I just read an article where in Tripoli, Libya, and angry mob of whatevers have decided to use violence to protest the pending visit of the Pope.... by burning down the friggin' KFC restuarant! :o :lol: :lol: :o :lol: :lol: :blink::lol: :lol:

I'm in tears over here laughing!!

"Hey, Habibbi, did you hear the Pope is coming?"

"What? That's horrible, we need to protest!"

"I agree, but how?"

"well, first we will enjoy a box of extra crispy from the infadel, then we will burn it down!"

"Yeah!! That's a great idea Habibbi! Dog !Removed! to the Colnel"

6 hours later...

"Hey, Habibbi.....I'm hungry again... Want some smothered n' covered?"

"Yes! And we shall burn it down to protest the removal of J Lo' from Infadel Idol!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

What a bunch of idiots!!!

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quote: "Also pull all immigration visas from these folks...no more school for the future terrorist. Let them go to France and England where they have turned their societies into garbage"

When I say pull their visa status I mean every country that attacks our embassies, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, one by one eliminate them as a friend of the US by their actions. This would send a clear message that we do not tolerate their garbage. I said nothing of any other groups. Just wanted to make that clear. I would immediately send home any others that support their views. If they want to be American, support our system, so be it.

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The country doesn't attack our embassies, there are dangerous and militant people living within those countries that do. The Libyan army didn't attack our embassy. We can't exactly denounce Libya because there are dangerous people in their country...we've got dangerous people in our own country...everybody does.

My point is we shouldn't be there expending our resources and putting our people at risk if there's no interest in it for us, and if we're continually rebuffed by the people of that country. If they don't want us there...we should leave. Our presence there by its very nature destabilizes the region.

To make the leap though that if any American is ever killed or hurt or if any American installation is ever attacked in a foreign country by citizens of that country that we should immediately pull out, pull all our aid, deport their citizens, and cancel all visas is more than a little extreme.

Things like this happen. In 1986 a car bomb went off outside the USO in Italy, in 1987 there was a car bombing at our embassy in Rome. Should we have cut all ties with Italy, deported their citizens and cancelled all their visas?

In 2007 our embassy was attacked in Greece...should we cut all ties with Greece, deport their citizens and cancel their visas?

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