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Thanks for the article Lenore.

My first impression is where's the comparable math? The authors throw out bushels of percentages and "facts" without sourecing the statistic or credit for study results. Even in the so called detail reference. I would have liked to have seen a comparrison of the authors figures to other conclusions such as the New York Times or the Congressional Budget Office.

Regarding the limitations of doctors you can use or hospitals available for your choice, remember many of us who have been in insurance plans such as HMO's or PPO's, have been used to this for years.

Another issue, hopefully, that will be helped by the Afordable Healthcare Act, (its not Obamacare actually, remember Congress passed the bill), is the astonding loss of payment for hospital Emergancy Room care. As you all know, hospital Emergancy Rooms have become the primary care center for millions of uninsured across the country. By law, a hospital Emergancy Room cannot refuse treatment to ANYONE who presents at an Emergancy Room for care. As I've may have mentioned before, my wife is the Chief Administrtive Officer in a Midwest Hospital System. Each year they deliver MILLIONS of unpayed for caare. People think that since they are a non-profit institution, they have have a magic treasure hidden in a hollow tree deep in the forest. There is no source of reimbursment. Thats why you see fund raisers, foundations to raise capital funds for replacement of old technology. The hope is that the Afforable Health Care Act will provide insurance for all and in turn will provide funds to hospitals to cover these huge loss's that are just getting bigger.


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Yes emergency rooms have lost a lot of money, but wait till next year when millions loose their health care coverage. I think this one sided decision for a solution was not very well thought out. There are better ways to skin a cat. This is what happens when they pass bills that they don't read. As For HMO's I love mine, but fear in the end it will be destroyed by THE Affordable care act. (man what a bunch of garbage) Considering only 15% were uninsured now we disrupt the 85 % in search of a solution. Typical poorly ran government program.

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My son-in-law's father is a CFO of a major hospital, and has studied the Affordable Care act carefully. He says we are in for a major disaster. The Act by his opinion and mine is nothing more than a direction that the administration wants to destroy the insurance industry and go to a one payer government program much like what is in CUBA. The communist fed act is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth, eliminating the middle class and making the rich richer and the poor subservient to the whims of government. Think about it the poor will have health care for free, and the rich could care a less about increases to their premiums as it really doesn't affect their income. The middle class are the ones that are feeling the pinch. This bill is bankrupting this nation under the powers of the IRS which will become the police state of the new Obama nation. He has brought this up at board meetings the terrible financial stains on the hospitals and doctors and they just don't get it. He says they think it is just going to be like status quo of the past with money still available. THe only ones making out in this deal are the radicals, rich, and poor. Middle America which became prosperous after World War II is going to be destroyed under this shift of medicare to Obama care and the eventual demise of a truly great Medical System (medically speaking not necessarily fair in coverage). It would have been much better to allow cross state competition and tort reform with an clause protecting pre-medical conditions from exclusion. The Harvard types have wanted to destroy our capitalistic form of economy for a long time as they want all pain and suffering to be felt by everyone. "Change" is nothing more than a Trojan Horse hiding the real direction that they want this country to head. These are nothing more than not Socialist, but hardcore Communist inflicting their radical ideas on our great nation. They are anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, and anti-rights. Thank you Lyndon Johnson for starting this movement years ago in your great society ideals. Now we have progressed to a people that want to neither work or have any civil liberties and feel government and the nanny state is the solution to their loss of integrity and the will to succeed. How sad we as a nation are no longer the super power and nation that stands for liberty and justice for all. We are in self destruct until we get rid of the old guard and the present Communist that lead us into oblivion. Those are my thoughts on what face us in 2014, and sadly if we don't wake up and get back to our values and can do attitude we are doomed.

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