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Please Help! Anyone Know Where I Can Buy A New Or Used Steering Ra


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UPDATE 12-8-09: Thanks to member Billydpowell, I have a nice working solenoid that I will be installing soon!!!

Please if anyone can recommend how I can get either a new or used steering rack solenoid for my 1991 LS400, please let me know!

I found one on ebay that was on a wreck. Guy said he would take $40 for it. He said he would test it and let me know and put it on as buy it now, but he never has. I called him twice, one time he said he would check it, then one time he said he forgot and now I am to the point where it seems like I am begging and its getting ridiculous. I CANNOT afford a rack, or even have someone put it on, so a used solenoid that works is going to be my only hope. I have called ALL local junkyards and the few that even have any LS400s have already sold rack and all. :(

Called the local Lexus dealer and he said its sold with something else and its $800!!! :blink:

Its starting to look like I am going to have to run this thing in the lake.

Thanks in advance.

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I have never been abile yo findanyone selling just the selonod by itself so I understand. Have you tried doing a used parts requist over the internet to check with houndreds of used parts dealers at on time? If not just google lexus used parts and a link or two will come up. Ask for a used rack, or call the dealer back and get the name of the part the selonod comes on and ask for that.

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I have never been abile yo findanyone selling just the selonod by itself so I understand. Have you tried doing a used parts requist over the internet to check with houndreds of used parts dealers at on time? If not just google lexus used parts and a link or two will come up. Ask for a used rack, or call the dealer back and get the name of the part the selonod comes on and ask for that.

Yeah, those two were the only ones I have found so far. The other said he would take $50, then when I asked if it had been tested, he never replied. I asked twice. Oh well.

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Please if anyone can recommend how I can get either a new or used steering rack solenoid for my 1991 LS400, please let me know!

I found one on ebay that was on a wreck. Guy said he would take $40 for it. He said he would test it and let me know and put it on as buy it now, but he never has. I called him twice, one time he said he would check it, then one time he said he forgot and now I am to the point where it seems like I am begging and its getting ridiculous. I CANNOT afford a rack, or even have someone put it on, so a used solenoid that works is going to be my only hope. I have called ALL local junkyards and the few that even have any LS400s have already sold rack and all. :(

Called the local Lexus dealer and he said its sold with something else and its $800!!! :blink:

Its starting to look like I am going to have to run this thing in the lake.

Thanks in advance.

can you take a photo of it? or get a part #

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Please if anyone can recommend how I can get either a new or used steering rack solenoid for my 1991 LS400, please let me know!

I found one on ebay that was on a wreck. Guy said he would take $40 for it. He said he would test it and let me know and put it on as buy it now, but he never has. I called him twice, one time he said he would check it, then one time he said he forgot and now I am to the point where it seems like I am begging and its getting ridiculous. I CANNOT afford a rack, or even have someone put it on, so a used solenoid that works is going to be my only hope. I have called ALL local junkyards and the few that even have any LS400s have already sold rack and all. :(

Called the local Lexus dealer and he said its sold with something else and its $800!!! :blink:

Its starting to look like I am going to have to run this thing in the lake.

Thanks in advance.

can you take a photo of it? or get a part #

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Here is a photo of it.... this is not the one on my car, but one from someone elses car on this site.... the part where someone has, "is this the solenoid" is indeed the solenoid. This unscrews from that part on the bottom of the sector.


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The solenoid valve doesn't appear to have it's own part number separate from the Pressure Control Valve Assembly, 44020.


Given that, I doubt you'll find anyone selling the solenoid by itself, much less the assembly from the rack.

However, I would try craigslist in various cities. If you can't find one in your area that you can drive to, someone may be willing to ship it to you.

Here's a couple listings for parts in my area:



Hey, how 'bout a parts car close to you:


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The solenoid valve doesn't appear to have it's own part number separate from the Pressure Control Valve Assembly, 44020.

Oh of course not... this is what the dealer wants $800 for I guess. Morons. They want more money! :rolleyes:

Thanks for those links to those others... maybe I can luck up with one of those selling the solenoid only. That local $995 parts car is too much for me.

If not, I guess I will "beg" that other guy again. This is ridiculous. Maybe now he realizes its a part of the rack and dont want to sell it now? <_<

Honestly, if not, I will have to sell the car for whatever. I owe around $2100 on it and cant get that for it like this. I will have to actually have to take out a personal loan, pay it off and get the title, just so I can sell it at a loss. Make payments on a car I dont even have. Bummer huh?

Definitely the last LS400 I will buy (said that before, but I mean it this time because this car is ruining me) unless something happens with my job situation and I can afford to work on junk. ;)

Well, I am going to bed... no need in fretting over it tonight.

Thanks again.

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go here:


there are 8 different illistrations, and find the actual part, location and any help,

then show us what you need and some of us will try to help.

you can roam around in that section and try to find what you need.

you help us and we will help you.... because I dont know what you are looking for??

but the Dallas-FtWorth is a big area, and I will try....

give me something to work with....

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One of our forum members on the UK club is always breaking LS400s so it might be worth sending him a PM to see if he would be prepared to take one of a worn rack if the solenoid is OK and post it out to you in the USA.

If you want to give it a try his username is benfur ( just do a member search on LOC UK)

This guy has helped my and other members out in the UK several times and he is very helpful and good with the prices and delivery.

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is this it? in the middle? the solenoid, two wires, with the screen that gets clogged up?


billy, up a little early this morning, eh? I guess you missed my post #7. I linked that page and called out the PN.

It's great of you to offer to help.... Here's someone that has 2 400's their parting out in Bedford (just listed today):


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Well it sounds like changing the solenoid is a guess at what the problem is. As mentioned in the prior thread on this there are numerous other reasons for stiff steering and the solenoid isn’t even mentioned in the top 10. So it seems like a lot of trouble to source a solenoid that might not solve the problem.

That said lets think about this. A solenoid is a electromechanical device to move a plunger that can do many things but in this case likely redirects or blocks fluid flow in a port of the steering rack (too regulate pressure at higher RPMs I suspect). Solenoids simply are a coil of wire and a moving plunger.

Test 1: Get a DVM (digital volt ohm meter) and with an ohms setting measure the resistance across the two terminals into the solenoid with the cable unplugged. It should read something between 4 and 20 ohms. You’re looking to see the coil has not gone open circuit here. If it reads a very large number or no reading at all that means the coils is open (a wire is broken in the coil) and the solenoid has failed for electrical reasons. You could maybe rewind the coil bobbin but not a simple thing to do.

Test 2: If test 1 passes then measure from on contact of the solenoid to the ground. You are looking to see if the coil has overheated, melted off insulation, and now in electrical contact to chassis ground. You want a high reading here. >10k ohms or better yet no reading (infinity).

Test 3: If test 1 and 2 pass then the problem with the solenoid is probably mechanical. This might be good news. This could mean the plunger is just stuck within the coil of the solenoid and disassembly, cleaning, and light lubrication may be enough to fee it up. If you can’t move the plunger within the coil then this is your problem and unless something is bent it is probably fixable.

Test 4: If the plunger moves freely then maybe it’s the mechanism downstream in the rack that is stopping the plunger from moving freely. Again could just be a sticky component that upon cleaning and lubrication will move freely again.

Test 5: If all these tests pass then you should double check to see if +12VDC is ever being applied to the solenoid by the ecu. Maybe you can jerry rig a couple wires to the solenoid and then to your DVM on DC volts setting and see if you ever get 12VDC. Be careful to tape up wires so you don’t short solenoid control signal to ground (could damage ecu sending circuit.

Anyway if you have the time these tests won’t cost you any parts and may give you more reason to pursue the used part or turning your focus onto another part of the steering system.

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OK, the man in Bedford has a 94 LS400 and he will sell the solenoid for 30.00 but he cannot take it off, and at 75 I dont much want too either. I am sure I can get a nephew to go with me and get it off. I dont know how much trouble it is to take it off, but I would need to pay him something. Let me know if you want to persue this, we will be buying blind, so it is your $$$ let me know. bp

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Well, I am not sure at all to be honest with you. Most people seemed to think it was the screens on the rack solenoid and while it was dirty, it was not horrific. Anyway, we got it cleaned and it didnt help... not at all. I was then told to test it working by listening for a click when the ignition was turned on... my dad stayed under the car, by the unit and it didnt make not one utter of a sound when I switch the ignition on. We then ran direct wires from the battery and powered it up that way and it still didnt click. So....... I was assuming that was probably the issue.

To add to its behavior... this morning when first started the steering worked perfectly for about 5 seconds, then it was like a switch was turned and steering was hard again. Same thing when I left work at 5:30.... I had my hand on the wheel, started the car and it easily moved... I started to turn the wheel and it went 1/2 turn, then instantly became harder to turn. Now, I do indeed have my idle-up valve plugged, but its my understanding that this is only noticable at low speed turns at low RPMs. I can even take my engine up to about 2500 and its still stiff, even when moving. Also it didnt do this until about 3 weeks after I did the idle-up valve, so I dont think thats it.

Honestly didnt think I would have such issues crop up so suddenly on this car and I thought for sure that several other would have experienced this and known exactly what it was. Also, I always thought if something did happen I would accept and deal with the situation, but this has been the darndest problem I have ever had on ANY car before. I am really not a DIYer at all and even what I have done is an achievement for me. lol. Actually my dad has done most of this we have already done and its the holidays now and he is really busy and I really dont want to bother him with this and I really cannot afford much more here with this car. Some of those "test" I am not really that comfortable doing. I do appreciate that info though... maybe I can find someone that will do those steps that wont charge a fortune.

Well it sounds like changing the solenoid is a guess at what the problem is. As mentioned in the prior thread on this there are numerous other reasons for stiff steering and the solenoid isn’t even mentioned in the top 10. So it seems like a lot of trouble to source a solenoid that might not solve the problem.

Test 5: If all these tests pass then you should double check to see if +12VDC is ever being applied to the solenoid by the ecu. Maybe you can jerry rig a couple wires to the solenoid and then to your DVM on DC volts setting and see if you ever get 12VDC. Be careful to tape up wires so you don’t short solenoid control signal to ground (could damage ecu sending circuit.

Billy.... thanks that will be great. Let me see whats going on this end first, as I have found a couple of others, but the sellers are dragging their feet. I didnt take mine off... my dad did, but he got it off in less than 3 minutes. As you can see in the above pic of someone elses, it basically turns off and you have to unplug it. $30.00 would be awesome and whatever your nephew would charge to remove it... then there is shipping. Its not that heavy though. It would be nice though if the owner had some way of testing it before he removed it. Its supposed to make a click sound when the ignition is turned on (not started though). If not, its not working. Also once out, the screen are visible... and those would need to be good as well. LMK what you think your nephew would have to have to remove it, shipping and if it can be tested before removed..... I would be abliged. Thanks again!

OK, the man in Bedford has a 94 LS400 and he will sell the solenoid for 30.00 but he cannot take it off, and at 75 I dont much want too either. I am sure I can get a nephew to go with me and get it off. I dont know how much trouble it is to take it off, but I would need to pay him something. Let me know if you want to persue this, we will be buying blind, so it is your $$$ let me know. bp
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ok, if it comes off quickly, $10 would take care of Jon, it is about 30 miles from carrollton to bedford, so thats no problem either. I have not been there to see if it can be tested, the man said he had no way, so we will just have to see what happens, let me know what you want to do. oh, I think $5 will send it to you

you really need some way to check yours.... why it works on start up and then quits, makes no sense..

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ok, if it comes off quickly, $10 would take care of Jon, it is about 30 miles from carrollton to bedford, so thats no problem either. I have not been there to see if it can be tested, the man said he had no way, so we will just have to see what happens, let me know what you want to do. oh, I think $5 will send it to you

you really need some way to check yours.... why it works on start up and then quits, makes no sense..

Thanks. Well thats $45 and that sounds fine to me. I guess for $45, it would be worth a chance, but thats 30 miles drive for you, so I could send an even $50... at least you can buy a couple of gallons of gas.... I would not feel right if I didnt send you something. I put out that "apb" for one and only had a very few replies... couple seemed like scams to me, but who knows. It this point, I am desperate.

Surely its OK on that car. Is it like a wrecked car or something? Does he know if it was steering good when the car was last driven? One of the main things is that the end that screws up into the rack has a round end on it and all around the plastic end, there are screens in it... very small and fragile. Mine has a small hole in it... even when we took it off, so I suspect its either been off and cleaned before or maybe even a replacement.

Yeah it is strange how I sometimes will have power steering just fine for only a very few seconds or moments when first started, but this is only occasionally... not always.

I am really upset with that guy on ebay that was supposed to check on that one for me for $40. First time he emailed me and said he had it and for me to call him. I did... that was about 3 weeks ago. He said he would check it and for me to call him back or email him my phone # again. I did two days later had to call him back... said he had actually forgot and was sorry, but would check the next day and he would call me and let me know. He never did. I have sent him two emails since then through his ebay auction and he wont even reply now. Why, I have no idea. Maybe he realizes its part of the rack and dont want to seperate it now after he said he would. Oh well.

So yeah, I will probably definitely get you to try to get this one for me... (just let me hear from this person that said they had one for $30 and they were going to test it, but I know how that has went, so I am not really depending on that deal, but I will let you know by tomorrow evening when I get home from work) ... I would appreciate it. PM me your address and I will send you the money, unless you have a Paypal account? I have the money in there for that, as that was how I was going to pay for the one on ebay. If not, I can get a money order and mail it to you.

Many thanks again in advance.

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Billy... sent you a PM. Yeah, if you can get that for me, I would appreciate it. LMK where to send the money and how. I can send a money order, paypal, etc. Whatever is best for you.

I am desperate at this point. No one else has replied... I think I have got alot of spam from those so-called parts places. <_<

Thanks again!

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Billy... sent you a PM. Yeah, if you can get that for me, I would appreciate it. LMK where to send the money and how. I can send a money order, paypal, etc. Whatever is best for you.

I am desperate at this point. No one else has replied... I think I have got alot of spam from those so-called parts places. <_<

Thanks again!

your mailbox is full.... please send 50. paypal charges me a fee to receive $$$.. thanks.

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Thanks. I just sent it to your Paypal... $50.

Gee, those mailboxes dont hold many messages do they? :)

OK Tony, it is on the way, priority mail, it looks good, car was smashed on drivers side so I think it will be a good one..(they had to be driving it).... and I hope it was your problem.. let us know.

I talked him down to 25, gave my nephew 20, it was difficult to jack up on soft ground (been raining) and get it broken loose, then it was a snap. that left me 5, so I sent it priority, 4.95.... so I beat you out of a nickle.... if I ever come that way I will look you up and we will go spend it... glad to have been a help... cheers. bp

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Ah, that sounds great Billy! MANY THANKS! I am praying this is the problem.. if not, I will have to continue on until I can figure it out, or try to talk my mom into letting me sell it and give her my Mercedes. ;)

Oh yeah, I bet it was a task jacking it up on soft ground and getting under it... thats a risk too, especially on soft ground! Its been pouring rain here as well for a couple of days. I had mine on ramps on the concrete and I was still skittish to get under it. lol.

I would have felt bad if it had of fallen on him! :( Glad it went well though. :)

I am going to get my dad to put it on.... I could not figure it out. I am glad he was able to get it off.

lol.. yeah we may can split a piece of .5 cent bubble gum. lol

Well, thanks again a million and I will let you know when it arrives and I get it on there. Fingers are crossed for east steering again!

OK Tony, it is on the way, priority mail, it looks good, car was smashed on drivers side so I think it will be a good one..(they had to be driving it).... and I hope it was your problem.. let us know.

I talked him down to 25, gave my nephew 20, it was difficult to jack up on soft ground (been raining) and get it broken loose, then it was a snap. that left me 5, so I sent it priority, 4.95.... so I beat you out of a nickle.... if I ever come that way I will look you up and we will go spend it... glad to have been a help... cheers. bp

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Tony you will want to "wash" the screens and get them clean.


you might want to read this... I read his (just his) comments from start to finish and found out some good info about (deep)cleaning the PS pump... spend a little time and check this.


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Thanks. Yeah, we will clean those screens. I did that on my old solenoid with that 3M adhesive remover as suggested by someone else. It did clean up very well.

UPDATE - I was able to find one of my old threads on how to remove the reservoir only... once the weather breaks I am going to do that next... too much rain and cold this week. Hopefully we can at least get the solenoid on there when it arrives, then I will definitely try to clean the screen in the pump.

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