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Saw this on ebay and was wondering if anyone knows anything about it or has tried it. How much additional horse power could I hope to gain from this and does anyone have any additional ideas for horsepower improvements?

Secret Air intake weapon-r


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Saw this on ebay and was wondering if anyone knows anything about it or has tried it. How much additional horse power could I hope to gain from this and does anyone have any additional ideas for horsepower improvements?

Secret Air intake weapon-r

My first impression is that it's a bit of a gimmick, and that any additional power is going to come from the less-restrictive air filter. There's not enough information on their web site about the design to see if the principle actually works. It appears to be two parallel tubes, which is actually more restrictive than one tube of the larger diameter. They don't explain how they actually cause the velocities to be different in the tubes. They don't show any comparison power graphs from different dyno runs. Why? Don't they have them? They have videos of various cars during their dyno runs, but nothing to indicate the effect of their intake. Their photos of their vacuum test show plastic tubes, not an intake. Why? Velocity, pressure, and flow are all related, but they make the blanket statement that higher vacuum always equals higher flow, which is not true. It also indicates a higher restriction upstream of the gauge. Think of a shop vac with the suction end plugged.

I am skeptical because there are simple, inexpensive tests they can perform to prove that their intakes work better than others (i.e., stock vs. weapon dyno runs), yet they offer none of that on their site. Without proof of dramatic power increases, I would pass on it.

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