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My Dealer Has *5* Ul Es350s On The Lot!


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if you're 5'8" or in that ballpark and you think front seats are cramped, then boy are you spoiled. you might last 10 minutes in a 3rd world country average vehicle.

I'm 6'0" and who cares if I'm spoiled or how long I would last in a third world country vehicle. I make a lot of money and I drive expensive cars, I don't want to compromise my comfort. The IS is a great car, just too small for me just like the 3 series, the C class, and a lot of other cars. Thats one big reason I like the ES, its a great value but it has the size and silhouette of a midmarket luxury car (its bigger than a 5 series BMW and the Lexus GS).

Why should I be expected to pretend I'm comfortable in a car I'm not comfortable in because I'd be "spoiled" if I'm not or because I "wouldn't last 10 minutes in a third world country car" I'll never have to drive? Thats like telling someone they have to like brussels sprouts and eat them because there are starving people in Africa, makes no sense.

The world is full of people with different likes and dislikes, you like the IS, I don't. I might like it for a weekend tool around car but I probably would buy a 3 series coupe in that range instead. To drive every day though? I wouldn't even consider it. Doesn't mean its a bad car. From your discussions on here you obviously don't like the ES, the color mine is, and think those things are "old people things", have I once told you you're crazy or that you're "spoiled"? No, because you have differing likes and dislikes to me and thats fine.

come on man, i understand you make a lot of money, I myself make tons of money, matter of fact members with late model lexus cars on here all probably make a good salary. why do you think you need to remind me all the time? this must be the seventh time i have read that u make a lot of money and drive a nice car. those who make money id assume also are good readers. Please refer yourself to my post once more "if you're 5'8" or in that ballpark" correct me if i am wrong but there is quite a difference between 5'8" and 6'0". you just wouldnt have enough headroom in an IS, heck i cant even see the traffic lights sometimes and im 4 inches shorter. but when did i ever tell you to go buy one?

also, id love to see where i posted that i dont like the ES. in fact your colors fine, i just find it funny you would choose it on an ES when ur 21.

I am also just about 6' and would not want to have people riding on the backseat if I was driving the IS. The IS is a great car but it is also much smaller than I would want as an everyday driver.

granted the backseat is small with a tall person up front, most people could ride in it, i know i can, but i will admit its tiny, and dont like to be back there for long periods of time, but by all means it can be done. at the end of the day its still a lexus and is still comfortable whether i can stretch my legs out like in my 745 or not.

its funny i didnt intend on the IS being my daily driver, however lately ive been driving it to & from work more often.

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In what way is the ES bigger than the GS?

Interior passenger space is larger, its not larger on the outside.

come on man, i understand you make a lot of money, I myself make tons of money, matter of fact members with late model lexus cars on here all probably make a good salary. why do you think you need to remind me all the time? this must be the seventh time i have read that u make a lot of money and drive a nice car. those who make money id assume also are good readers. Please refer yourself to my post once more "if you're 5'8" or in that ballpark" correct me if i am wrong but there is quite a difference between 5'8" and 6'0". you just wouldnt have enough headroom in an IS, heck i cant even see the traffic lights sometimes and im 4 inches shorter. but when did i ever tell you to go buy one?

also, id love to see where i posted that i dont like the ES. in fact your colors fine, i just find it funny you would choose it on an ES when ur 21.

I'm not trying to remind anyone that I make a lot of money, and I am well aware of the average income ranges for specific Lexus models and I am very average. My point was soley that I see no reason to comprimize what I want out of a car because I have the ability to purchase exactly what I want. You call me spoiled because I find the IS too small in one post and then say of course I'd find it too small in another. 6'0" is not that tall. My point is people who have the warewithal to purchase cars in these price ranges (including you) don't make decisions because they're "spoiled" and that saying I shouldn't think the IS is small because I wouldn't last 10 minutes in a third world country car" doesn't make any sense. That was my point.

As to why I've discussed my purchasing power with you several times before thats because you seem extremely interested in my buying habits and why I do the things I do. In fact you've asked me about my business on a number of occasions, and asked me why I purchased the car I did when I did at least twice. You're bringing it up, not me.

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when i mention spoiled I'm not saying it because you bought an expensive car, that would be stupid to do so. that would make me a hypocrite since i have done the same. when I say "you" in this paragraph im referring to the reader not SW03ES directly.

but I'm finding it difficult to see why u think I'm calling u spoiled. u clearly established you're 6 feet tall, and i merely said that if u were around 5'8" and thought the front seats of the IS were cramped then you were spoiled i am 5'8" and have plenty of legroom. Four inches is quite a difference, it is immaterial whether 6'0" is tall or not.

please familiarize yourself with if/then statements. if you don't apply to the if, then the then does not apply to you. you are four inches taller than 5'8" so by no means are you spoiled, in my opinion at least.

is it a crime to express curiosity in your buying/choosing habits since you yourself have mentioned that they are quite far off from others your age?

and i don't recall asking why u describe your purchasing power with me. the only time u did is when i asked u why u bought your car and now we all know the answer, thank you.

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is it a crime to express curiosity in your buying/choosing habits since you yourself have mentioned that they are quite far off from others your age?

Not at all, this is the second time you've expressed that curiosity though.

and i don't recall asking why u describe your purchasing power with me. the only time u did is when i asked u why u bought your car and now we all know the answer, thank you.

Actually you asked me several questions about the businesses I've owned, when I owned them, how they worked etc.

but I'm finding it difficult to see why u think I'm calling u spoiled

Really? Read on:

if you're 5'8" or in that ballpark and you think front seats are cramped, then boy are you spoiled. you might last 10 minutes in a 3rd world country average vehicle.

Regardless of whether I'm 5'8" or not I don't see how I wouldn't think you were calling me spoiled. What is "in the ballpark"? And even then you did indeed call me spoiled providing a set of criteria were met. Even if I were 5'8" i would still think the IS is small and cramped and I still wouldn't be interested in one, its simply not my kind of car. Some people like to drive around in Honda S2000s, talk about cramped. Am I spoiled because I find them too cramped to comfortably and happily drive every day? No, I just have a different set of criteria that are important to me in a car from you. I'm not "spoiled" I simply am accustomed to and prefer the ride and comfort of larger, less sporty sedans. Again, not spoiled because I've owned three successful businesses and purchase my own vehicles myself.

The term "spoiled" is offensive to someone like me who works his !Removed! off for everything he has.

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The term "spoiled" is offensive to someone like me who works his !Removed! off for everything he has.

So in other words.......you no longer have an !Removed!? hehehe

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is it a crime to express curiosity in your buying/choosing habits since you yourself have mentioned that they are quite far off from others your age?

Not at all, this is the second time you've expressed that curiosity though.

and i don't recall asking why u describe your purchasing power with me. the only time u did is when i asked u why u bought your car and now we all know the answer, thank you.

Actually you asked me several questions about the businesses I've owned, when I owned them, how they worked etc.

but I'm finding it difficult to see why u think I'm calling u spoiled

Really? Read on:

if you're 5'8" or in that ballpark and you think front seats are cramped, then boy are you spoiled. you might last 10 minutes in a 3rd world country average vehicle.

Regardless of whether I'm 5'8" or not I don't see how I wouldn't think you were calling me spoiled. What is "in the ballpark"? And even then you did indeed call me spoiled providing a set of criteria were met. Even if I were 5'8" i would still think the IS is small and cramped and I still wouldn't be interested in one, its simply not my kind of car. Some people like to drive around in Honda S2000s, talk about cramped. Am I spoiled because I find them too cramped to comfortably and happily drive every day? No, I just have a different set of criteria that are important to me in a car from you. I'm not "spoiled" I simply am accustomed to and prefer the ride and comfort of larger, less sporty sedans. Again, not spoiled because I've owned three successful businesses and purchase my own vehicles myself.

The term "spoiled" is offensive to someone like me who works his !Removed! off for everything he has.

man after bolding the if and then you still can't figure out what an if/then statement is? i guess it is my mistake to assume that those who make money know how to read and are aware of the most basic scientific statement formats. also if you believe that 5'8" and 6'0" are in the same ballpark, may i remind you that 12 inches is a foot therefore there is a 4 inch difference between those two heights. i assure you they are not in the same ballpark.

Please inform me as to which criteria were met. I really would love to see these criteria, since right now I cannot. To be honest, I do not care what you would think of any car if you were 5'8", because no matter how hard you try you are not.

I trust you have reread my post several times and i find it astonishing that you do not cease to misunderstand it.

If it makes you feel better, go on thinking that I called you spoiled. You will always believe this until you learn what an if/then statement is, and please inform me when this day comes.

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Look, I don't want to argue. I do understand what an "if/then" statement is. In fact I said in my post that it did not matter, that even if I were only 5'8" then I would still find the IS cramped. If/then. My height wouldn't change what my personal preferences are about a car. I fit fine in the IS, I simply don't like cars that small. Actually my ES is kinda small for my taste. Being 5'8" wouldn't make me like brussels sprouts either.

Why do you care what I think? You're expending a lot of effort, and now calling me stupid, because you insist that if I were 4 inches shorter I would like your car. I don't like your car! I would never buy one. Doesn't mean its a bad car, its a great car, I just don't like it. You like it, thats great! Get over it.

For the record, I completely understand your post, I completely understand your intention was not to insult me, I understand what an if/then statement is, your post just doesn't make any sense and its still wrong. If I were 5'8" the IS would still be too small a car for me because I just don't like small cars, it has nothing to do with my height.

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It sure is a relief knowing that you do in fact know what an if/then statement is. My post does in fact make sense, but let's just leave it in the eye of the beholder. Obviously your opinion is that height doesn't correspond with how big or small any given car is to you, that's fine. I am not calling you stupid by any means, I merely found it astonishing that you refused to accept that my post indeed contained an if/then statement, as most likely you originally overlooked that, which is completely understandable; people often do overlook things, myself included. This little back-to-back argument was not at all much of an effort by me, and I hope it wasn't an effort for you either.

Also, I do not recall telling you to buy an IS in this thread at all. I also never told you to like the IS, or that the IS is the ideal car for you.

So I am not sure why you repeatedly feel the need to tell me you don't like IS's because frankly I could care less.

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If you couldn't care less why all the effort trying to establish a scenario at which I'd be crazy to think its small? You write it off as me being tall, you tell me that I can't say what I would or wouldn't like if I were 5'8" because I'm not. Lets just drop it.

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Let's. As i said this was a extremely minimal effort for me. Most people do classify 6'0" as tall, not sure why you don't, no need to be modest with your own height, heck its not like you can directly control it. And do you really think you would feel the same way about leg & headroom in a car if you were 4 inches shorter. If you do, please continue to do so, I do not want to stop you. If you don't, just admit it, it won't kill you to give in and agree with me.

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I thought you were going to drop it?

Now, read the following paragraphs closely and don't ask me the same questions again because I'm not going to answer them. My answers aren't going to change by you asking me again. I have answered all of these questions several times before.

And no, I don't consider 6'0" tall, at least not in my area of the country. I'm not short, but not tall. The average American white male's height between 20-49 is 5'10.2". Thats less than 2 inches shorter than me. People who are 6'4" are tall, I'm not. No, I still don't think I would like the IS if I were 4 inches shorter because like I said the reason I don't like it doesn't have to do with personal space, it has to do with the fact I don't like small cars. Just like I don't like brussels sprouts (also unrelated to my height) or the color yellow, I don't think I'd like small, stiff riding, sporty cars cars just because I was shorter. If I won one, I'd sell it. Would my opinion about head and legroom change if I were shorter? Sure. My issues with smaller cars aren't about head and legroom though.

Again, I don't like your car. I do not like it with a duck, I do not like it with green eggs and ham, I would not like it if I were short, or a girl, or a dog, or if I were portugese. This has nothing to do with not wanting to agree with you, I don't agree with you on this subject and I do not like the car. Just get over it and drop it, for real this time. Pretend you were telling the truth when you said you don't care if I like the car.

I don't want to pull a moderator on a topic that I'm participating in, but you need to leave me alone about this topic. This is harassing me about my opinions and its over. If you try and carry it on from here I'm going to lock the thread and give you a warning.

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Again, I don't like your car. I do not like it with a duck, I do not like it with green eggs and ham, I would not like it if I were short, or a girl, or a dog, or if I were portugese. This has nothing to do with not wanting to agree with you, I don't agree with you on this subject and I do not like the car. Just get over it and drop it, for real this time. Pretend you were telling the truth when you said you don't care if I like the car.


I'm actually around 18 years old and i prefer the ES over the IS, so i agree. I either like cars that are really fast, or cars that are really nice. Nothing in between.

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Again, I don't like your car. I do not like it with a duck, I do not like it with green eggs and ham, I would not like it if I were short, or a girl, or a dog, or if I were portugese. This has nothing to do with not wanting to agree with you, I don't agree with you on this subject and I do not like the car. Just get over it and drop it, for real this time. Pretend you were telling the truth when you said you don't care if I like the car.

Dr. Steve Seuss....LOL


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I thought you were going to drop it?

Now, read the following paragraphs closely and don't ask me the same questions again because I'm not going to answer them. My answers aren't going to change by you asking me again. I have answered all of these questions several times before.

And no, I don't consider 6'0" tall, at least not in my area of the country. I'm not short, but not tall. The average American white male's height between 20-49 is 5'10.2". Thats less than 2 inches shorter than me. People who are 6'4" are tall, I'm not. No, I still don't think I would like the IS if I were 4 inches shorter because like I said the reason I don't like it doesn't have to do with personal space, it has to do with the fact I don't like small cars. Just like I don't like brussels sprouts (also unrelated to my height) or the color yellow, I don't think I'd like small, stiff riding, sporty cars cars just because I was shorter. If I won one, I'd sell it. Would my opinion about head and legroom change if I were shorter? Sure. My issues with smaller cars aren't about head and legroom though.

Again, I don't like your car. I do not like it with a duck, I do not like it with green eggs and ham, I would not like it if I were short, or a girl, or a dog, or if I were portugese. This has nothing to do with not wanting to agree with you, I don't agree with you on this subject and I do not like the car. Just get over it and drop it, for real this time. Pretend you were telling the truth when you said you don't care if I like the car.

I don't want to pull a moderator on a topic that I'm participating in, but you need to leave me alone about this topic. This is harassing me about my opinions and its over. If you try and carry it on from here I'm going to lock the thread and give you a warning.

Like I said, it doesnt make the slightest difference to me whether you like IS's or not. I don't care. I like my car, good enough for me. Never did I ask for your opinion and therefore I do not know why you think I want to read about your opinion on my car, I don't. You for some reason don't like the truth, and the truth is that I never asked you what you like and dislike, I asked you about legroom and space in the front seat.

What it is is you harassing me with your opinions, I don't like it either, please stop.

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Harassing you with my opinions in my thread? If you don't want to hear my opinions, don't read or post in my threads.

Closed and warned as promised. You need to learn when to let things go. The time to let this exchange go was a page ago when I told you I didn't want to fight the first time.

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