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Interior Height


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Im a tall guy 6'5" and I barely fit in my 1996 LS 400. I am very interested in a newer 2002 LS 430 can anyone tell me if the interior dimensions are the same or different. I recall driving a newer one 2 years ago and it seemed shorter. Can anyone verify this?

Thank YOU!

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I too am very tall (6'4) and can hardly fit in my beloved LS. The 430 has slightly better head and legroom than the previous 400s. The main thing that makes the 430 more comfortable is the bottom seat cushion extender that gives you better lateral support, and that could make a nice difference because I find that a good seat brings you about 85% of the way there to being comfortable. Because of my height, my '95 LS is going to be my last Lexus until they start sizing them like the German competition and some of the American barges like the Town Car and DTS.

This is just my $.02. Everyone has a different definition of comfort. Some tall guys love their LSs, but I'm not one (I do love it from a mechanical standpoint though!). If you really want a comfortable car and know of a trustable German car shop, look at S or E class Benzs. Some solid time behind the wheel of the 430 will answer all of your questions. ;)

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Blake I hear you. I have owned 2 Mercedes before the LS the headroom is BETTER but I assure that the mechanicals are TERRIBLE ok not terrible just much much inferior. My good friend owns an S Class that I have driven many times. The size is much better but the ride and quality are much inferior. Just my 2 cents. Aaaaaaaaargh I wish these damm LS's would get BIGGER!

I too am very tall (6'4) and can hardly fit in my beloved LS. The 430 has slightly better head and legroom than the previous 400s. The main thing that makes the 430 more comfortable is the bottom seat cushion extender that gives you better lateral support, and that could make a nice difference because I find that a good seat brings you about 85% of the way there to being comfortable. Because of my height, my '95 LS is going to be my last Lexus until they start sizing them like the German competition and some of the American barges like the Town Car and DTS.

This is just my $.02. Everyone has a different definition of comfort. Some tall guys love their LSs, but I'm not one (I do love it from a mechanical standpoint though!). If you really want a comfortable car and know of a trustable German car shop, look at S or E class Benzs. Some solid time behind the wheel of the 430 will answer all of your questions. ;)

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