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Bluetooth Scofflaw

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Lexus should be ashamed of themselves for selling these expensive cars with such a POS owner's manual, and by that I mean the Nav Manual. It's obviously a translated asian manual - no offense meant to my asian friends - and therefore only slightly more comprehendable than a bad acid trip. So much for the rant.

My particular V3m Razr is barely compatible with the car. I did figure out how to pair it with the system but only after reading directions at the Verizon website. FYI - don't bother either buying the car AND Verizon service anywhere near EVER. Only two Verizon phones will work - and then only by the skin of your chinny chin chin.

Now my question. Since the phone will NOT transfer data to the car - thanks for nothing Verizon :censored: - Can you enter phone numbers into the phone book manually? The POS owner's manual seemingly has nothing in it for guidance.

Thanks for baring with my frustration. I look forward to your assistance.

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i believe entering it into the car manually is the only way to go, with any phone or service provider. You cannot transfer it to my knowledge via the bluetooth, something they should fix. Before buying either the car of the phone, you should have checked the lexus website for compatible phones. You should be able to find more info on the lexus website. SIgn up for the owners profile, and from there, you can get manuals and a search for bluetooth compatibility.

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Luckily I'm still in a contract grace period with Verizon and I'm getting ready to fire them.

Anyone else, please let me know if there is a way to manually enter data into the 400h phone book.

I think you will also notice there is no name assosciated with any number manually entered.

I purchase a cheap siemens phone on ebay for $30, entered all the number I wanted into that phone book and did a transfer. PIA but you only have to do it once.

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