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Please Help.

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I had " insert correct disk" problem with my Nav system in 2004 LX. The problem appeared after driving it for 1.5 years.

I wasn't sure is it problem with disk or the computer itself, so I asked my friend who is electronician in car audio/video. He deattached all cables under passenger seat, opened the DVD-player, cleaned the head. Then puted everything in it's place.

The same problem persists. He also told that probably the problem is with the disk because he checked the lazer and told it is OK. I'll try to find another disk.

But now after putting everything in it's place some icons disappeared from the screen:after pushing on "INFO" knob I get now only "Telephone", "Trip info" and probably "Climate" ( don't remember 3-rd exactly). Now there is not "Calendar", "Service schedule" and other buttons.

Additionally to this bluetooth started have some problems, no call I can do any more, nothing heard from speakers.

Anybody knows what was happened with them? Is it some kind of default setting the system returned to ? What is with bluetooth muting calls ? Is it related with NAV somehow ?

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